We decided to go hit some tanks this afternoon to see if we could find any ducks. The first tank had nothing on it, but when we got to the second one and peeked over, we could see one duck sleeping in the middle of the pond. After maneuvering around to the best location to get a shot, I had Kolin get as close as he could using a Mesquite tree for cover. When he was 30 yards away, he stepped out and took his first shot as the duck raised it head up to leave. The water sprayed up indicating that he centered the pattern on the duck, but the duck dove out of sight. When it surfaced again, he shot another round at it, again centering the duck as it dove out of sight. He fired his third round, and again it ducked under the water as the shot sprayed all around it and he reloaded his shotgun. By now it was obvious that it was not going to fly away, but it continued to duck while I shot and reloaded the 4 rounds I shot at it. At this point we were out of shells and had to go back to the truck to reload. Now I moved the truck closer in case we needed to get more shells if the five we each carried this time did not get the job done. We decided that this duck deserved a name and that it should be Houdini because of the way it could disappear right before your eyes and before the shot hit it. This time we spread out and coordinated our attack and I hit it with a side shot and rocked it, and as it popped to the surface again my son finally caught it with a load and put an end to our frustrations. It took 9 rounds to bring this one duck to bag and ended my sons three year quest to get his first duck which was a Canvasback.