After so many years of trying stick a Coues Buck with a bow it finally happened!! Did a turn and burn trip down south with my buddy Dave. Only had 2 days off work so drove all nite, slept 3 hours, got up & went after'em. 20 mins in I spot two giants, get close enough for a 50yd shot & he jumps the string! They are so fast! It was Dave's 1st time in Coues Country, so he got a real lesson on how difficult with terrain, and wind, and how spooky these deer are to get close to. We saw several does through out the day and I decide to take Dave down a little trail to move quieter. I jump a small buck and I signal Dave to go after him and I'll scoot around and either block or get a shot my self. Well I hear an arrow twang of a rock and a little buck jump behind some cover. This deer had Dave pegged and was actually almost crouching behind a big century plant hiding! I drew back & put my 30yd pin on him, but wasn't comfy with the angle. I slowly took 1 long step left and have him 1/4ing away at 32yds. He focused on Dave & as soon he looks back towards Dave, I drew back. As excited as I was I took a deep breath, settled in, & squeezed my release ( A lesson learned the hard way a couple times, take ur time). The arrow flecthing disappeared in the spot I was aiming & he took off. I creeped up to where he was to find good blood!!!! As I'm looking at the blood I here a little thrashing, 30yrds away there is my buck with one last kick, takes his last breathe! No track job needed! I can't thank my buddy Dave enough for sharing the experience, as I usually hunt alone. I think we got a new one bit by the Coues Bug! He had such a blast, I'll be taking him out 2nd archeryseason I also got to donate my rifle tag to too, which is awesome!