Hey all, doing this from my phone so gonna try and keep it short for now just wanted to share this with you all. I'll share more details and pics soon.
My friend Ian had purchased one of the Coues auction tags this year and our team has been working very hard to come up with a "special" buck for him. I've been insanely busy this season with a new business, a very pregnant wife, and multiple hunts to juggle so I've had to rely alot more on our small team of family and friends this year and everyone has done a great job, especially with Ian's Coues hunt!
We've hunted a lot and have spent countless hours scouting for that special buck and even passed up a beautiful 130" class buck in the process! Everyone thought i was crazy having Ian pass up that buck but yesterday evening we proved it was a very smart decision!
I'm tired of typing with my thumbs here so basically in a nutshell, i glassed up the buck and Ian made him dead. Ha! Seriously, there's more to it and more folks that deserve credit for all their hard work and without everyone's involvement this ghost would not have been killed! I'll get more pics and details of this amazing experience up soon, check out this giant!