Has anybody had any issues with their Covert II trail cameras?
Up until recently I had owned 5 Covert II trail cameras. Two of them I was never able to really use because after the first time I had set them out, some low life found them and decided to steal them, leaving me with two destroyed bear boxes. Expensive loss! So now I am down to 3 cameras.
Just my luck, two of the three cameras I have left are having issues now. One of them is having problems with the IR lens activating randomly during daylight hours and quite a few pictures are coming out over exposed and completely "whited out". The other camera has something wrong with the remote port. When I plug a remote into it, the remote screen stays completely blank. It doesn't even light up or show any indication that it is plugged in. I have tried several different remotes with same results so I know it is the camera and not the remote.
I sent both cameras in to Covert and was very surprised with the options (or lack there of) they gave me. They will not try to fix either camera. The only thing they will do is sell me two refurbished cameras for $50 a piece. The catch is these cameras they would be selling me are the older 2GB cameras. That would be okay for one of my cameras as it is an older 2GB but my other camera is one of the newer 4GB cameras. So basically I will be paying $50 to down grade my camera. This is the one that really upsets me because although I only had it out in the field for less than six months, the warranty is expired because it has been more than a year since I purchased it. The other great catch to this is if I do decide to purchase these refurbished cameras they will come with NO warranty. So if I have a problem with them from day one then I am on my own.
I absolutely love these little cameras when they are working correctly but after this experience with their customer service I am not sure I want to invest any more money into their company by purchasing any more of their cameras.
Right now I am 2 out of 3 on Covert cameras not working correctly and for a product that cost over $200 a piece that is unacceptable IMO.
Has anybody else had any issues with their Covert II cameras or were my two cameras just a fluke? Thanks for any input!