This is how I see the systematic disarmament of America, without ever enforcing a gun ban.
They won't do it via confiscation. They know that would be too much too fast, and the push-back would be huge, maybe even a rebellion of sorts.
I talked with a friend today in the gun industry and his prediction is far more likely - a phased approach.
Phase I: They ban the sale of new "assault weapons" which will encompass not only those scary rifles with pistol grips, but probably pistols capable of holding a clip with more than 10 rounds. Existing weapons that meet the ban criteria are "grandfathered". This makes everyone think it's just a "common sense" measure.
Phase II: They will allow you to keep your "grandfathered" assault weapon, but you will have to register it, and pay a small fee - say $25 per gun per year. Person-to-person sales require the same form (4473) as FFL transfers. Again, people will say, big deal, what's $25 bucks, costs more to go to the movies, and hey, I have to register my car, why not my gun. Penalty for possession of a non-registered gun is a felony.
Phase III: Now they have your name and know exactly what guns you have. Tax increases to $500 per gun per year. You either pony up thousands, or forfeit your guns. You can't pretend you sold them, because of the Form 4473 (or equivalent) requirement.
They can continue on with this until every gun has been turned in, all without ever banning a single one. The only hold-outs are those willing to shoot it out, likely alone, or face massive jail time.
It will be slow and methodical, each step under the guise of reasonable, common sense safety measures. In the end, we'll be unarmed without ever having the chance to resist as a unified body.
Legislation, taxation, a methodical approach to turn you from a lion to a sheep.