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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    when did you shoot your first big game animal

    I grew up a trapper, and only a meat hunter when the "opportunity" was needed for the freezer to be filled... Caught my first Raccoon in a leg hold, at age 5 it was no more than a 1/4 mile from my childhood home, which is just up the road from where I live today. Boy was I proud... packed him home in my Pack-Basket all by myself... out of pride! I still have that coon (mounted) and sitting in my bedroom. I think I was about 11-12 when I shot my first big game.... a cow elk in 6a. It was a meat thing.... don't have pics.... . I don't have many hunting pics till I got serious about more of the trophy hunting after meeting and then marrying my wife at age 19, who at the time was a more accomplished hunter than I was. She motivated me to step it up!
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    ** sold **

    You can store it at my house, Mike! I will even check it's water it's ablity to diplace water for you while it is here.
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep


    The times you all spent afield were/are priceless! Congrats to you for having those opportunities and using them so wisely. What a guy, your Dad.... and I'd bet he's smiling at you know, for not forgetting the good times! I hope that I can be a fortunate as your Father, Thank You for sharing.
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Personal best?

    Absolutely Fantastic bucks in this Thread!!! Congrats to you all!!! Out of all the Big Bucks, I'd like to make a comment about Ward's boy's first buck... My hats off to you for getting your son involved at such a young age and for having him shoot such a perfect first deer! It is so easy as parents to let our pride push us to harvest bigger deer for our kids and it does not make them "hungry", IMO.... I am certain that, that young man is looking for a bigger one this year and will probably find it! Congrats to you and your son.... there is no more Proud moments than sharing it with your kids!! I, as a hunter, find myself the bridesmaid and not the bride... .... although Ihave helped take some really big rifle coues.... my, personal, largest is a 92"er and I have only had two rifle coues tags my entire life.... However, that gives me lots of time for bow hunting with my buddies and that is where my largest Coues came from. Clay scored him at 108 1/8 gross P&Y. Most of you have seen this pic before.... I can honestly tell you that although it is the biggest, all of my archery coues (7) are my favorite one.... there is just something special about getting a little lucky and being a little good.... on the right day, in the right place, at the right time.... on the Grey Ghost.... kind gets my blood pumpin'!!
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hello, I'm new to this site

    Welcome to the site and welcome home. Thank You for serving our Country!
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    How to finish/slaughter a lamb?

    If they will eat fruits and veggies.... we used to bring home the old produce from the market my Mom worked at... and of course sweet feed is good. The knife method can be messy if you don't plan it out right, but the best way to bleed them, forsure.... then get them hung upside down to finish bleeding out. Good luck.
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    WTB Cheap gunsafe....

    Thanks, Bill! I might have to try that! I bet I could line a cheepy like that with some 5/8 rock and make it a little bit fire proof as well! If nothing else comes up I'll jump on that one! Thanks again!
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    WTB Cheap gunsafe....

    I think they got them over here at the Depot.... I have not looked, but I will, Thanks. Just thought maybe might find a used one somewheres.....
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Custom Long Range 30-378 for sale!!

    Man... if I wasn't kinda lookin' for a new huntin' truck right now.... I'd have to own that thing!!!
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Archery draw tag holders!

    Naaaahhhhhh! Nice pics Lance!!
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Zion Bulls

    Dang Jason!! Sweet pics! Thanks for sharing.... What are they doin' with those bulls??? Selling them to the State of Utah if they get to WR size???? HAHAHAHA!!! I AM SOOOO JUST KIDDING!!!!
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    antelope problem, any advice? :)

    Well Said!!! I could not agree more!
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Does anyone else......

    Ya know... I feel terrible! But, I can't help it!!!! My whole Fam Damily got skunked in the draw.....Again! Our household of three can't hardly beg, borrow or steal a tag, these days!! It kinda gets to me.... I know I will be in the woods with some Lucky tag holder anyhow.... but it just don't always seem fair. So I buck up and am happy for all that were so fortunate to draw.... but it really don't make me feel any better about the fact that We Don't Get TAGS!!! Sooo..... it kind makes me feel mean and bitter!!!! How bout the rest of you??? Any other sore losers like me????
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Bighorn Sheep information?

    Thanks My Friend.... Yes, Terry, I was refering to Garth. Just didn't want to put him in the spot light.... I know he will be very helpfull with any info he has about it. i know what Garth means about some that country.... I have some different ideas myself. One of the guys I hunt sheep with over at Double H and I had a long talk about that unit(s) and how we think a guy needs togo about gittin-er-done in there.... I'd love to have a crack at hunting them in there for 3 months! What an advantage having your choice of the best time to hunt!! Congrats again Man! I think you are in for an adventure! sorry i clarified it! hahaha (for info) Eric.... We Love Ya Buddy!! Arthur and I are just funnin' you!!
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    feeders and salt

    Don't ask and don't tell....
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Does anyone else......

    I/We have lots of suggestions for that hunt,Butch. Feel free to pm me if you would like to know more. mybarra, Thanks for the pick-me-up! You are too kind, but you are right I'll be out there! Good luck to you on your 2nd choice deer tag, there Brent... ...and your elk tag, there Brent... Lucky Dog!! Congrats on your good fortune!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Does anyone else......

    Well glad you guys seem to get the humor in what I posted! 308Nut.... You had better make good use of the Holy Grail tag you have! If you don't I might just move up there and start killing all your big white sheep! No I DO NOT hate those who were drawn... except maybe Tines.... cuz he has drawn two Dec. tags in a row! Those that know me know that my Wife and I had to put in for BP's for deer cuz of our January success. But I really had my heart set on my boy gettting a good tag this year... I know he has killed lots of bucks and I am greedy... I really feel more frusrtation for those around me than myself.... I am building BP's and I will continue to knock down big January bucks if they present themselves, while I wait for that Dec. tag again.... But I really feel for guys like my Bro-in-Law... max BP's and can't get a sheep tag.... ... he got blanked too, but his boys drew Junior deer tags, so they have something. I probably get the most upset when I see folks draw time and again that never put forth more than a half hearted effort on a hunt or only hunt a day or two.... they always seem to draw, while many of the most fanatical hunters I know are bridesmaids, again.... I am just jealous! I really want to hunt deer with a bow and a rifle and late rifle elk EVERY year... is that too much to ask!!! Also... Best of luck to all the deer tag holders!! May you all shoot a Really Fat Forked horn!!!!
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Upcoming Namibian Leopard Hunt

    My Dream Hunt for sure!!! Best of luck! Can't wait for the pics.
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    11yr 36A Nov 20-26 09

    So you put him in for a unit you have never hunted? Buy some topos and start learning the country... glass, glass, glass..... that is the best advice I can give you. From what I hear that is not a hard unit to find deer in, if you work at it.... if you are a successfull bow hunter than this rifle stuff should be a piece of cake for you. Best of luck!
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    11yr 36A Nov 20-26 09

    Help as in money for gas, or how to avoid illegals, or where to hunt???
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Fundraiser/Benfit in the Rim Country

    Hey Guys (and Gals)... We are having a fundraiser/benifit for my Mother-in-Law in Pine this weekend to help her with the bills that come with cancer surgery & treatments... if any of you have ever frequented the Sportsman Chalet or the old Black Bear, or the Strawberry Stetson (12+ years back)... then she probably served you there at some point as she has tended bar and served food in those establishments for at least 15 years... unfortunatly when you retire from bartending there is no benfits plan and Medicare don't quite git-er-done, if you know what I mean. Anyhow, we have had an out pouring of support in the local communities in the way of donations to put on this fundraiser and it will be a great time with tons of raffles,events, music, beer and food. I am attaching a flier and if anyone is in the area on Saturday, this is your open invite to attend! Thanks for reading, hope to see you there! If anyone has any questions post them or just call me @ (928)978-2900 Thanks, Gino File0149.PDF
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Fundraiser/Benfit in the Rim Country

    Thanks to all our friends that made it to the party and showed their support!!! We were able to raise over $3500.00 toward Mom's med expences!! The Raffles went well and the Beer and the Band were the highlights IMO! Can't say enough about the John Scott Band from Payson!!! If you have a need for a great band let me know & I will put you in touch with them!! I have known these guys for years and they get better and better!! Houston, It was great to see you there and to meet your family! Thanks so much for attending. Congrats on that AWESOME deer tag that your Bride has coming in the mail!!! I am very greatfull to all who participated and helped this deal be a success!
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My House Rock Buffalo Hunt!

    Congrats Blake!!! How awesome is that!! Glad you had success!!
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Antler Growth

    Nice buck! Thanks for sharing.
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Bighorn Sheep information?

    Thanks My Friend.... Yes, Terry, I was refering to Garth. Just didn't want to put him in the spot light.... I know he will be very helpfull with any info he has about it. i know what Garth means about some that country.... I have some different ideas myself. One of the guys I hunt sheep with over at Double H and I had a long talk about that unit(s) and how we think a guy needs togo about gittin-er-done in there.... I'd love to have a crack at hunting them in there for 3 months! What an advantage having your choice of the best time to hunt!! Congrats again Man! I think you are in for an adventure!