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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    I propose a new scoring system!

    Well put. +1
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    CHRISTmas Came Early

    HaHaHa!! Right on! She looks like a Daisy to me!
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Introduced another hunter

    I figured you were going hunting when I saw you at Circle K at 5:30 in the mornin' on Friday! Way to go!
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Someone lose their Bird Dog!!

    There was a post of a lost Brit on the TAH site....
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Canyon Bucks

    Way to go Dan!
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Prayer Request for tjhunt2

    +1 Glad all is going okay! Heal fast!
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    What's the best unit for road hunting??

    You 23 lovers are out of your mind..... That is one of the meanest units in the state! For Coues any southern unit. For Carp... the Strip. For Elk....7. For sheep.... I'm not gunna tell you!!!!
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    How big does he have to be!

    Bravo Bob! I'm glad I inspired you to desire! It is good to set goals.... Last year my hunting partner Jason and I both swore to each other... 100"er or Nothing! .... He took a 105" gross buck and I a 101" gross buck. We were stoked!!! It was the first time we both met our goals in the same month.... he and I are content to hunt 10-20 days in January and never draw a bow because we both know that we can't shoot a monster if we drop the hammer on a good buck. Keep in mind this is all realative to the individual hunter.... I have 6 coues with a bow and the largest is 108"+ gross and Jason has 4 and the largest is 109"+.... Years ago our goal was: "a good racked buck", then 90"er.... etc. Not that I haven't gone to the woods in the state of mind that I want to kill the first racked buck I see today regaurdless of my previously set goals and then come home with bloody arrow and a good buck! This was one of those days! This Year...... 2010: Coues..... 110" or Nuthin', Baby!!! (If I misjudge a buck and he is 10 inches smaller I will not regret it one bit... How can you regret a 100"er!! But, I've never misjudged a coues by 10" on a bow hunt) Carp.... If I had the opportunity to hunt any...... I'd draw my bow on any buck that might make 150"! And if it was only 140" I'd still be tickled cuz I don't have one yet!!
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    A Couple More!!!

    Way to D!! Great bucks!
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    No Doubt! Frickin' amazing! I get tired of that myself.... Pretty sure that was not the intent of the topic. Items like Heat Sensors to detect down game was one that I thought of... got that as a Christmas gift one year.
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    22N 2 Bulls Down

    It is sad but these days a Trophy bull in 22 is one you can drive to.... Not the quality it used to be....just a hunting opportunity. Best of luck... on Circus #2 as we call them.
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Happy Birthday ehunt

    Happy B-day Pal! Hope you have a good one! Hope you get alot of good stuff!
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Need some help

    Gunna be down in Mesa tomorrow for my Wife dental appointment near Val Vista & Southern..... I need to find a Costco near there and for the life of me I can't remember where the Sportsman's Wherehouse is from there.... thought is was further east? Thanks in advance for any help.....
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    High country bucks

  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    2009 Muley

    That's just awesome Stan!! Way to Go!! Hope he was the one you were after.... sure looks like all the hard work paid off!! Congrats!!
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heavily Spotted Bobcat

    I've seen a few cats in my life, Josh.... That thing is Frickin' Awesome!!! If you sell it I'd expect top $$$ for that one!! Congrats!!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Lori's Luck.....

    That is just awesome Vern! Huge Congrats to You, Ashton, and Lori!! I am wanting to get me one of those desert monkeys for my living room as well!
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Happy Birthday Rembrant!

    Wouldn't it be more interesting to go when the snakes are there (ie, when it's cold out)? Amanda Hope you had a good B-day!
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Need some help

    Country Club South of 60? Thanks!
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Which sight?

    +1 for Armortek sights. Armortek is Tru-Ball's sight company... I had themcustomize on for me but there standard versions are awesome as well! Way more durable than the Spot Hoggs IMO!
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Need some help

    Actually while you were posting those I thought to try and found the same maps.... and printed them! Thank You!
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    A Bittersweet Trip to the Strip

    Thanks for posting! Love all the strip pics! How much were the Binos?? ... if you don't mind me askin'?
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Need some help

    Call me about 10 am tomorrow and remind me.... and I still can't remember how to get there....
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Brocks First Deer

    Outstanding! Nothing better than Father and Son spending that time together and Getting Bloody! Congrats!
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    22N 2 Bulls Down

    Good shootin' and good call not bein' to picky on that hunt. Congrats!