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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Congrats Shane R. on his Amazing 2015/2016 Coues Deer! 150"+ Green Gross. Nothing like Good Team work and dedication...
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    How much $$$ to find one?

    Str8Shot.... You and I but heads a lot... and we rarely agree.... but I really like what you just wrote above.... and really wish that those who don't agree with me would read it also with their name in my stead.... You see I love the individualism in hunters.... I love the fact that you don't do it like me.... and others do it their way.... and so on! But you won't catch me down talking a trophy of someone else's just because of how they got it done. It was their choice not mine, even if I don't agree. I don't care if your way of hunting is driving up and down the road all day till you see something and try to chase after it with a knife, tied to a stick.... do I think it is a bad idea yes... but what do I care. It just never fails that folks get all debated up every time a critter gets killed in a way that they can't do it, or don't like.... I say nice thing about other peoples trophies or I don't say it at all. Yet it is okay for guys on here to talk $h!t or insinuate... but the instant I say "Whoa!" then I am intolerant? I was defending not attacking and more often than not if you really read my words that is my point and theme. I have family that hunt completely different than I do and at a different levels of intensity, but I never Mock how they do it or disqualify their intentions, in fact I encourage some of them to get out there more at any cost.... just be out there because there is so much to enjoy. That is my point.... guys love to Hate and Trash talk on here... I just felt it was worth giving my $.02 about that... and I take it as a compliment that it upset the riff raff... cuz even if they didn't say it, it was obvious they were thinking it! Hahaha. Oh... and thanks for the limited but presented "respect", Str8Shot....
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    auction tags

    They can all go DYI that is the great part about a FREE country... to each their own! I love that we have that choice! When I can afford a tag like that, the hunt will include others regardless because I love sharing the outdoors with my Family and me Friends...
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    How much $$$ to find one?

    And for the record, Lark... anyone who has even heard of me knows what I type is so much nicer than who I am in person... Cheers
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    How much $$$ to find one?

    Thanks for only reading every other line, Lark... you can pull whatever you want out of that if you skip certain parts... I wasn't including myself... or highlighting "Me"... in fact quite the opposite. I wasn't tough either... but if that is all it takes of me to get your panties in a bunch than you'd probably not wanna share time and space with me cuz I am so much better in real life. Too the original poster I apologize if your question was sincere, it was the direction of the thread that caught my eye. And honestly in my opinion the sky is the limit... it is all about what it is worth to a guy... once upon a time coues were worth nothing... today they are...
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    How much $$$ to find one?

    Ya Know.... You guys are Peaches... I mean Cudos for at least starting this up again this time on a separate thread... BUT My God... You guys act like bunch of Beeotchy old women! Here we are again... talking about the commerce, the benefit to wild life and how unfair it is that only 2-3 special guys get to enjoy the benefits of having a state wide tag that generates nearly ALL the $$$$ for Habitat Restoration in this state. Yes People make money in the woods... People make money off of EVERYONE that goes to the woods... that it Commerce!! It is also part of the model of FREE ENTERPRISE! Yes if you are the Licensed A3 Guide that finds the well known bull in the open, spends hours videoing him, assists in the harvesting of that Bull, YOU GET A BONUS.... (and since I would know... I will interject here... no one out there has more pics or video of the 436" green gross velvet bull recently harvested than the 5, A3 Guides who have been chasing him these last 4-5 years). And if you happen to put 300+ days a year in the woods (and many days away from your own bed & family) like the Licensed A3 Guide who found, videoed, photographed, watched the growth of the Giant 150+ buck just harvested... then yes... you to could collect a Bonus as well. There is no black magic here.... there is nothing but Pure Dedication, Hard Work, and Sacrifice that produces the biggest animals on the mountain year after year after year.... Yes anyone can have a great year and score big.... anyone can play the game and win on public land, ANYONE.... but those who do it over and over again... well it is because they live it.... and those who are doing that are not reading this... they don't comment, cuz there is not WiFi out there... See, I have a business to run that keeps me closer to my computer than I like... Just as there is something in yall's lives that keep you close to the WiFi... that makes me a part timer who is blessed to run with some of the finest men in the woods. And I will put my money where my mouth is... those guys don't do it for the glory... they do it for the Passion, the Obsession... They miss their wives, they miss their kids... they ride alone... but the Passion keeps them in it... and the money that follows the "One Percenter" well that just fuels gas tanks, buys tires, fixes trashed equipment, puts food in their kids bellies, etc., etc... there is NO getting rich off those checks. So my question to you guys reading..... DO You Feel Lucky?? Well if you do, Punk (Hahaha) get out there... Find the next 440' bull or the next 260" Mulie or the next 150" Coues... and then YOU can decide if the Juice is worth the squeeze.... Until then you are just talking out your Arse, Hating on a life that you think is more glamorized than it truly is... Cheers and Good hunting.
  7. The right antler by itself scores over 73 inches.... if you notice in the picture, this deer has a huge head (well over 17 inches ear tip to ear tip) and Shane is sitting with the head, not behind it like most guys do. This animal is mind numbing big. While I am sure that it is easy for some to score a buck by 3 pics , for me, who got to look at lots of his pics and video clips before he hit the dirt... well I can assure you it is easy to miss inches of horn from the arm chair.... MASS, TINES, BEAMS, EYEGARDS, & SPREAD, this buck has to be held to really know what a true Beast he is. To boot... Shane doesn't do this for the numbers... anyone who knows him or has met him knows that he has a passion that is second to none.... he never even asked in the field, the questions, " How big?" or "are you sure he is at least that big?".... instead his only question was, "Are we sure he is tipped out?" (Finished)... taking the buck at his full potential was his priority not the inches. He took his dad, brothers, and kids, friend and family on the hunt, he cooked for them all and threw a huge camp, and he & everyone involved stayed and enjoyed each other's company and the moment in time. Being happy about a giant can never be easier than for this guy... and when you hunt like Shane does it results in inches, lots of inches... and that is hard to argue. I for one am still in shock.... there has been a shift in Coues hunting in AZ these last few years, and some amazing (ridiculous) bucks have been taken, proving that there be Monsters out there and they be in more units across this state than most give credit for. That we all have chances at these bucks for the cost of a license and an archery tag (or draw tag) each year on public land! That is Exciting!
  8. I'd encourage you to ask Shane about the score... He ran the tape and was quite frugal with the score... He is not a BS'er and that is fact. Sorry that the number brings doubt and distain to your mind VS. just sheer amazement over the fact that AZ has Giants like this roaming our hills... on Public ground. Cheers
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Strange Hooves and Rack!!!

    Very old deer?
  10. I am told completely done growing... velvet was hard and cracking in places....
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Coues or Muley

  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hopefully not your cam!

    Worse are Hunters breaking the law and cutting and screwing into live trees ... We should be stewards to our forests and follow the laws regardless of how often they are enforced or not ... Geeeezzzzz... always tapping that drum up there on the soap box... You know dang well that lil' lag bolt ain't hurting that tree, and as far as I can tell the removal of that branch is being "Fire Wise"... fuel reduction at ground level on trees is pivotal to their survival in a fire... I see way more fence staples in trees than I do cameras or treestands, so I don't throw stones in glass houses.... Just Sayin'!! See it is this ignorance that divides us ... Does not matter what you think ... it is against the law to cut or screw into live trees in OUR national forests ... IF you can justify the breaking of law no matter how small you are no different than then what you call thieves breaking the law ... funniest part is these so called thieves are not actually usually breaking the law when taking what the law defines as abandoned property ... I think it is wrong that any person takes what is not theirs but it is also as wrong for so many hunters to turn a cheek at actual laws and even funnier when they do not see their own hypocrisy !
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    Well enjoy that burr in your saddle blanket, Pard, cuz there is plenty more A3 envy in your future Pal... There was a question about Mass and Length... and yes beams are as stated above and he is all that... and Yes I watched that tape get run and that number is Legit... I gotta admit that I was Blown away when I walked up to this bull... You cant even begin to imagine how big this beast is till you hold him in your hands.... Mind Numbing is my best description.
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    13B outfitters

    Look at all the outfitters up there... and don't look at price.... just look at what they killed LAST YEAR and the year before.... This will be another great year up there and the proof is in your last hunts.... not the last 4 or 5 years... talk to guys but also keep in mind that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is... The BEST are humble and confident, not drum beaters.... Good luck and good hunting...
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    If you really think about it... How could this bull come to a better end?????? Go with me here a second.... 1) Hundreds of thousands of dollars raised for wildlife in the state of AZ 2) Out of state Dollars spent in our state over the course of the last Year by Philip... Good for commerce... all the money he spent on hotels, food, guides, etc STAYED in this state. 3) At least 4 of the ONLY guides in this state who were literally hot on the tails of this bull for EACH and EVERY elk hunt for the last 5 years were there when all the stars aligned for Philip. And were able to share the Rich history of the animal and the love/hate relationship they all had with him (for which he was Very interested in). 4) A bull of this magnitude having that tag wrapped around his antlers does nothing but Promote this state and its successes in Elk conservation as well as guarantee that Future conservation dollars keep coming into this state. 5) The real shame would be if All the hunting community DIDN'T get to see and Admire this Amazing specimen of an elk. Giant typicals like this are becoming SO Very Rare. 6) Haters are always gunna HATE... truth is this was a great day for ALL AZ hunters. 7) Having met Philip I can say that I think taking this bull was a truly humbling experience and it could not have happened to a Nicer Hunter. You are very correct....Philip is a great guy!
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Cards are getting hit!

    Couple of hunting buddies draw sheep tags at the same time=Massive complaining.... Come on People.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    It only took 47 years!

    I drew my Desert tag with like 3 or 4 points back in 2001 and there were people talking crap cuz I had an in-law that that worked for a hatchery...LOL... Truth was I had like .0400% chance of drawing that tag and was Stupid lucky that year and drew a Back to back archery goat tag too... Can't get a good tag to save my life since... so I figured I used it all up at once...LOL... Supper Stoked for the 4 guys that I know that have sheep tags coming cuz it was "Their Lucky Year"!! Cheers to all the Luck SOB's!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    It only took 47 years!

    And to the fella that started this Thread.... Congrats Sir!!! It is a great year to be you!! I am certain I will be your age before I see my Rocky Tag... Cheers To You!!
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    It only took 47 years!

    Wow... I just really feel inclined to say this for the 3 deserving guys at ADO that used like 70 BPs to draw 3 tags... Hahahaha.... Kinda pathetic actually how folks hate...
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    A/C on vacation?

    Ours is at 74-75 when we are home and 79-80 when we aren't... but it only get to be 95-100 here on the Hottest days... LOL
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Bump for a Great Deal!
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Dibs on the AR15 PM sent with my Phone number. Thanks.
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hunt Namibia, Africa!

    That is one BEAUTY of a Donkey!! My favorite animal from my trip... that and my Kudu... Congrats!!!
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Where to start on a budget

    Honestly... I don't think you can be repeatable on a 600 yrd gun for less than $2K and $3-$4+K on a 1000 yd rig... IMHO... (gun and scope and so one...)
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Where to start on a budget

    Throw out the budget... :lol: