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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    New Bow?

    Hey now!!!! Don't hate on my bow...... actually I shot that group, with a witness, using my Q2 XL.... I can't shoot'em as tight with my Switchback..... about the size of an orange or a grape fruit at those ranges. That ol' Q2 XL is about 276 fps, but very forgiving!! I love that bow...... use her as a back up to the ol' Switchback now. I really enjoyed shooting my Switchback until I shot the XT... ... I'd kinda like to have one, but the two I have are way to good to go off and buy another..... When the weather warms a bit and my shootin' buddies & I start getting tuned up and then I can hang with anybody that shoots hunting sites.... .... I have too...... the guys I shoot with are brutal!!! They would verbally abuse me to Death!!!! And Matty.... Thanks man....... It makes me all warm inside too know that I am the Hero of anyone at all!!!!
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    New Bow?

    Now That is one Bitter point of view...... Your glass must be half empty! Let me try to explain it to ya this a way..... a new state of the art bow................$730.00 bow accesories................................$375.00 the best new arrows.........................$110.00 Shooting a 3" group at 110 yards.......PRICELESS! Anyhow, I would like to shoot that new Hoyt...... I'd be really impressed if it is as sweet as Matty says..... ...... I'll be checkin' one out one of these days.......soon. My buddies are always on me to keep tryin' the hoyt bows out..... they just don't feel "perfect" to me.... I have shot that Drenalin from Mathews.... light weight, but jumpy.....and probably not as forgiving as my Switchback..... You know where I am going with this right....... Mathews Switchback XT........ Shoot it.... you'll buy it. It is really that good.... it is even better than my Switchback. Ya know..... as much as I promo for Mathews on this site....... do you think they would send me $.01 of endorcement money????? Heck No!!!!
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    coues cape

    Contact Clay @ Mogollon Taxidermy we trade him all the capes of bucks we Euro mount. Plus..... He is "Da Man" when it comes to coues mounts!
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    best custom built rifle

    Years ago I sent my "right out of the box" 300 Wby mag to a place in Michigan called Answer Products had them go through it top to bottom.....they did work to the action, trigger, barrel, pillars & bedded the stock, and the pad & break (The Answer System). Their break adds 1 3/4" to the barrel length and looks like it grew there...... It is one of the nicest breaks I have ever seen and it kicks less than a .243!!! Anyhow, I think I gave them about $900.00 bucks for all that they did and that gun shoots tighter groups than any other gun I own. I would love to have a Christensen Arms 300 Wby mag.... but to have it build the way I would want it is about $4,400.00..... ..... sooo when I do get another 300 Wby I think I will do it in similar fashion. Unless my wife Forces me to buy that Christensen Arms one that I want......... ...... Ok I'll stop dreaming now..... ........ hey... it could happen!
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Spotting Scope ?'s

    If you turn the STS upside down like I mentioned before you can use them both at the same height. Also, I have used the ATS and I have a helluva time finding the critters with it....... Probably me but it seems 10 times harder that a way..... C-S if you would turn the ATS upside down like you do with your STS you would be able to tip your head back like you do with that beer can and I bet you would do great Ahhh Soooo....... .... Everybody Funny...... Now you funny, too!!!!! Guess I'll have to try that next time you break yours out and we happen to be drinkin', too!!!
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Zeiss Digital Camera Adapter

    Jim is there any way for that to work on our Swaro scopes????? I would be interested if so......
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Spotting Scope ?'s

    If you turn the STS upside down like I mentioned before you can use them both at the same height. Also, I have used the ATS and I have a helluva time finding the critters with it....... Probably me but it seems 10 times harder that a way.....
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep


    I kinda' thought you always had a hard time hitting the broad side of anything.... Especially if it has a heart beat!!!!!!!!
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Man that is awesome! At 40 yds! My first was at 20..... and I was about 25 years old....... You got me beat by a long ways!! Keep up the good work!!
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Monster Bobcat!

    There was a rumor 10-15 yrs ago that there was a black jaguar living down on the Verde River. Where the East Verde meets the Verde..... probably just a rumor.... I talked to an old hippy that lived in the Wilderness down there for a couple of months and he swore that he saw it and heard it...... said it the scariest sound he ever heard..... but, he was an old hippy..... maybe he was smokin' too much of the ol' wacky tabacky out there in them thar hills.... I sure would love to harvest a jag..... no rug though...... full body..... That would be an Amazing mount!!! I don't think that you could bring one back into the country even if you legally harvest one in some other country though... ... come to think of it.... they don't hunt them anywhere in South America do they???
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Bobcat mount back!

    Looks Great, Matt! I thank you for the second pic as well..... On cats the face makes or breaks it... Nice mount!
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Spotting Scope ?'s

    Hey, Jim.... there is a little set screw on the sid of your scope (black knob)...... well there is one on the 65, so the 80 should have it.... ... anyhow...... that knob loosens the barrel of the scope. I have spun mine all the way around (upside down) and now I can use it at the same height as my 15x56's....... looks little different but works well. I prefer the STS 65 HD because it is very bright and packable. The HD makes it "nearly" as bright as a regular 80 mm scope and a lot less weight. We tested an STS 65 HD against the 80 mm Swaro I used to have and at dark we lost light minutes apart. Great scope.... I highly recomend.
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Some more first timers for pigs

    Oh....... and by the way my fellow CW.com'ers......... Doesn't Huntn Coues have the most beautiful huntin' partners you have ever seen!!!! And he has one more daughter on the way up.... we will be seeing her pics on here in the next year or two with her trophies!!!!! You should see the collection of baseball bats and shotguns that he already has hangin' behind his front door!!!! Congrats, again old Buddy!!!!
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Some more first timers for pigs

    Ya know, Troy-Boy....... I am soooo glad you all tagged out this week end!!!! I think it is awesome that the girls were both able to conect on the same hunt!! And of course congrats to you and Trish! But, man! You could do us all a favor...... for the Love of God...... stay the heck out of those pics!! Yer startin' to look like Bullwigdeon.... and from what Lark says, Bret smells like.... I think you smell like him too!!!! "The Talking Pig II" Just kidding old Buddy!!!! Congrats!!!!! You are the Worlds Best Dad and I am glad you all got'er done!!!! That is Priceless!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Elk Call?

    I like the larger version of the call that AZP&Y is recomending...... It has a bell shaped resonator at the end of the tube that helps it to produce more natural sounds.... also the tube comes off and with a little practice you can use the short mouth piece section as a cow call or spike bugle..... good product and easy to use.
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Where up North????? I wanna be sure to beat you in there!!!!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    the talkin' javelina

    LMFAO!!!!!! That is great!!!! If Amanda ever puts out a book called "Campfire Stories of the CW.com"........ that one will make it for certain!!!!
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Nicely done rabidApache! It is good to see Brownies!!!! Good luck this weekend! But look out, you just opened the flood gates!!!! Now everybody is goin' out this weekend!!! I finaly convinced my boy to spend all his time behind the glasses for the next couple of weeks.... I think. I am going to try to stay out of the woods for atleast two more weeks.... hope I can make it......
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    40% less elk/antelope applicants!

    The AZGF has Not released anything to support or deny these rumors....... because they don't know yet for sure... .... I know this because there was a big AZGF meeting this weekend and everyone came away from that meeting with the same info.... "We don't know if it is true or not."...... That came to my ears from someone who was actually there..... .... and I'm betting, that with as screwed up as the sysem was and as screwed up as the web company that put the draw on is.... that we won't know any more than we do for a while......
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    First Time Pigs

    Was fortunate enough to get to tag along this weekend and help my Brother-in-Law (Larry) and his Brother (Dallas) on their kids pig hunts..... What a ball!! Larry and I took the boys with us on Saturday, while Dallas took his daughter out in a different unit. Two of the three boys scored first thing in the morning..... and as luck would have it, it was the two that had never harvested a pig before. My youngest nephew (Tyler) shot a Big boar at, like, 10 feet! And his cousin (Cory) harvested another boar from the same herd just a few minutes later! I was so fun to be out with the family and watch the boys succeed..... glad I was able to be there! PS: The poor picture quality is my fault..... have not taken many Javi pics and obviously have a bit to learn.... These pigs should look a lot bigger than they do in this pic! Tyler (left), Cory (center), Clayton (right)
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Coues Auction Tags

    I don't think so..... but not sure. I'll find out....
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Lessons Learned

    Well put Jim.... and Rich as well! I also think that the guys that talk about holding out for the big one and Never filling a tag are lying to themselves..... If you have never put a small buck down on the ground, then how do you know that you will be able close the deal when a real Monster steps out?? We all have too start somewhere..... I have taken some pretty small critters myself and was Very proud to have been that fortunate! And now that I have also been lucky enough to have taken some bigger critters, I appreciate them even more. And then once you do harvest a Monster..... what then.... quit??? ..... heck NO!! Got to keep your eye on the ball...... Memories.... they are just as good on the small critters as they are with the Big ones!!! I want a 120" coues so bad I can taste it!!!! Heck, I'd like to get a 115!!! But, I bet you I shoot some more 95-110 inchers along the way!!! I want to KNOW that the day I see that 120" that I am ready and able to close the deal! So that means that I need to ground check as many as I can from now till that day.... so...... that is what I plan to do!!!!
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Kade's first pig hunt!

    Good job, Tim! Who pulls the trigger does not matter.... It is the lifetime of memories that occur before and after the trigger is pulled that matters! You are sowing the seeds...... and I bet your crop will be healthy! Nicely Done!!
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Taxidermist Recommendations?

    Yeah, all from Az and all with a bow, except my wifes rifle buck ( the right one on the dbl pedistal) and my Dall was with a rifle in the Northwest Territories. Thanks. My hats off to my Taxidemists for the work they have done for me. Oops, the lion was a rifle kill as well.....
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Taxidermist Recommendations?

    The second taxidermist I use is Chris Harlow (Harlow's Wildlife Studio), in Tucson. Chris does the most amazing custom work that I have ever seen. He has done my sheep mounts, and I have seen some Awesome work in that shop! I will attach pics of my Sheep mounts as well. I would not be afraid to travel for your taxidermy needs...... you are going to look at that mount for a long time.