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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    30-06 Sprg. model 710 Remington

    Not to sound like C-n-S but with my Contender in 223, with a scope and on a rest I can Mike Why does everybody have trouble believing C n S and Gamehauler?? I can shoot 3" groops at 110 yards with my slingshot! OMG!!! I need taller boots!!!!
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    30-06 Sprg. model 710 Remington

    I have a Remington model 710 chambered in 30-06 Sprg. It is Brand New in the Box and has a 3-9 Bushnell scope on it. I am asking $400.00 obo I would really like to sell it this week and could bring it to the the Valley with me when I come down for the Expo on Sunday. Thanks, Gino
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Hey C-n-S Speeking of Tattoo Boy I saw your truck in front of the tattoo shop yesterday at 4:00 Getting some work done on that rose on you cheek?? Or were you next door at Pay Day Loans so you could buy that pistol that blackend your eye Yup.... You caught me......hers my new tat.... Been planning this one for years.... just never could close all the details.... and then it finally all came together so now seemed like a good time! BTW.... "Twister" is a term I learned from the Canadian boys I hunted with in NWT.... it is what they call a long and mature ram..... No matter where you are sheep huntin', you are always lookin' for the "Twister"! Oh..... almost forgot..... Yes.....PSE....Still SUCKS!!!!!!
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    30-06 Sprg. model 710 Remington

    Huntn Coues and GameHauler..... .... You two are Richards!! With friends like you I should go play on a double yellow line!!! Anyhow, I think I sold this gun today to a guy I know here in town. Thank God... with all the highjackin' ya'll did here!!!
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Lion Scratches (pics)

    Never had any luck with that catnip stuff ..... believe it or not... .... Skunk Essence always worked great for us..... back before the Fargen Bunny Huggers took the trappin' rights away.
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    San Carlos

    Is 'A' the unit on the western border?
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep


    One piece or two.... It really won't matter......much..... on that bow.... .... It sounds like my truck door slammin' every time you shoot it, anyhow! :P
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    New Bow?

    That's a great bow. I heard people complaining about the handshock compared to the switchback, but I didn't notice it. Even if there was a slight buzz, it is far offset by the fact that it only weighs 3.8 lbs! Good shooting bows are nothing new for Matthews, but one in that weight class sure is. Good for you, Matt. Congrats..... and enjoy.
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    30-06 Sprg. model 710 Remington

    Okay.... how about $375.00 I really want to sell this rifle so I can buy a pistol that I have my eye on.....
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Draw results are getting closer.

    Nicely said. [b]But if I don't get drawn Im gonna be pi$$ed! [/b] Just kiddin- But this sure is fun and I love the anticipation. You of all people are NOT aloud to get pissed.... ....... as a family (4 applicants) , how many fall permits and how many spring permits has your family drawn in the past 2 1/2 years?????? Isn't aproaching, like, 30 or more antelope, elk, deer, pig, and turkey permits in three Springs and two Falls????? No Whining, crying, sniveling, moaning, or Bee-oching!!!!!!!!
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Draw results are getting closer.

    I think Huntn Coues is full of crap..... ..... There are still no charges on my card.... and I know we should have drawn.... something.
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    moving soon

    Ummmmm........ I'm with Lark on this one! I wonder if all them highly religious girls in that town are still heck-bent on keeping that #1 teen pregnecy ranking like they were when I was in High School??? Hope you don't have a teenage son Griz...... you'll be a Grand-Dad in no time! .... Grand-Dad = Grandfather in Snowflakish.....
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Draw results are getting closer.

    I like to see that other people share in my luxuries as well. Dude..... ..... If I had your money I would Frickin' Burn mine!!!!!! BTW.....You dang sure got everyone's blood a pumpin' with this thread!!! Kinda agree with the thought.... "Why are we in such a hurrry to get bad news?" I'll be checkin' my card as well..... every chance I get!
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Elk Sheds?

    WhooooHooooooo! That is a Dandy!!!!!! To heck with elk horns is right!!! That is the best find of the year that I have seen on this site and a hard one to beat!!!!
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep


    WOW!!! I was scared to say what I thought at first but now I ain't skeerd no more!! I originally thought like 135"-138".... but didn't want every one to laugh so I went with 128"..... can some one PM me with the real score I'd like to know if I am Whacked out or not!
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Zeiss Digital Camera Adapter

    Okay!! Had elk on the hill by my house this morning and tried to take a digi-scope pic but the elk moved through too fast so all I got was trees. The pic is at the lowest power @ about 550 yds..... only trees..no elk. Then I put my video camera on and it works great on the adapter!! So I took a still pic of the set-up w/ the video camera on it. Thanks again, Jim!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Happy B-Day Fellers!

    My son had a friend that was injured in a car accident, so that is why I asked.... Best of wishes to your family.
  18. Happy Birthday!!!! Try not to drink too much today YoungBuck.....(maybe you don't drink)...... Just drawing form my own 21st Birthday... ..... I later realized that I didn't have to drink All of the booze behind the bar the First night that I was Legall! Have a Good one Fellers!!!!!!!!
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Over the counter archery deer tag gone?

    All the AZGF guys that I know say that they are going to make some changes in the next couple of years to the archery deer "system"... but there are NO plans to stop the OTC tags as of yet.
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Zeiss Digital Camera Adapter

    Thanks Jim. I just got her all set up and it looks like it will be purrrfect! I stopped on the way home and bought Outdoorsman base for the top of the mount so that I can switch my scope from the head to the camera adapter in second!! I can't wait to give her a whirl! I'll send you a pic as soon as I find someone to take a picture of my camera hooked up to my scope! Thanks Again! CnS
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Over the counter archery deer tag gone?

    Can you add "one of each" to the first question?????? I would rather put in for my Favorite unit(s).... I LOVE to hunt Coues Deer..... if I have to choose between bow or rifle I will still want to hunt my old stompin' grounds. Example: 1st choice: Unit #X rifle (December) 2nd choice: Unit #X archery 3rd choice: Unit #Y archery 4th choice: Unit#Y rifle (October) Etc. Just my $.02.......
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep


    My gut really says he is bigger.... like 130 something... ... but I have been know to be plum out in Left field on my "ballpark" scores!!
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Decent coues shed

    Nice one, Josh. I'm hopin' it will be my turn to post some "bone pics" this week!!!
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Happy B-Day Fellers!

    Sorry to hear that.... .... If you don't mind me asking..... where is your cousin from... I mean what town? Hope he gets well soon.
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep


    It was great to meet everyone today. Really cool to put names and faces together. It is really cool to go into that big stadium full of people and know so many people, or feel like you know so many people.... I'd like to extend a special thanks to Jim (Coosefan) and to Amanda. I also passed through Showlow and met up with Jason (AZOneCam), over the weekend. Thanks, Jason. Doesn't seem to matter where you go someone from this site is near by..... Pretty cool. Also, got to see my buddy Troy (Huntn Coues) and his beautiful family, good to see ya'll old buddy! Hey, Keven. I would like to guess that score.... 128" Just guessin'...... pictures make it tough....