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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Well, got my allergy shot yesterday!!!!!! I woke up this mornin' feeling like a brand new man!! Worked all day and got home about 2:30 or 3:00. Thought that since it wasn't raining I'd throw a bike on my truck go check an easy spot that I know...... Got off the highway and parked my truck, then roled the bike off. The ground was bone dry....... Got to my spot and someone decided to burn a road all the way into a nearly forgotten water hole where I have often scored on multiple sheds... . By this point it was hailing pretty good so I parked the bike and made a quick pass and a couple of circles just in case.....nothing. They were Lazy and Early..... and moved the bulls out. So, I moved out to another ridge about a mile away where in the past I had found some really good deer sheds... Mulie and Coues. About half way down the ridge I spied a brownie! Guess the bulls moved that direction! I circled for a while with no luck. The weather was geting worse fast and the fog was setting in...... When I got back to the bike I was Soaked to the bone! The once dusty roads were now snot and my old fat cat slid all over the place. By the time she got me back to the truck she was steaming and smokin'.... I had to stop once to scrape the mud off of the tires so that I could get up to speed.... Ahhhh, the things we do for fun.... It was raining so hard when I got back to the truck I had to sit in the cab to snap the pic of my mud laddin bike. In the couple of hours that I was out there the ground when from dry to water puddles and wicked mud!! Just in time!! The grass needs water so that the Bull I intend to shoot this year grows Great Long, Massive bone on his head!!!!!
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Great looking mount! Do you hava any pics from other angles? No, I took the photo at the Game and Fish office in Vernal, Utah when I was working up there last summer. I should be getting my mount back this week or next week and when I do I'll post a few more photos for you. Dogman what is a GSH dog? We have been hunting with a redtick, a bluetick and a couple of redbones and they have been hunting great, its always a thrill to watch the dogs hunt. German Short Haired Pointer (other wise known as GSP's) BTW.............. Anyone lookin' for GSP's just let me know. My Folks are "bird dog people". They run a pretty cool training/boarding outfit over in Chino Valley. The deal with all breds, but GSP's are their Fav. My Mom even trains those German Blood hounds that were at the Expo. Just an FYI...... Sorry, did not mean to hyjack.....
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My Best Find

    I would have said 85"+ on the buck and 335"-340" on the bull..... but he is a lil' weak on the G2's, broke G5, but he has pretty good mass and beams..... Great find!
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    C/W member says his card got hit

    Rifle, Archery, or Muzzle Loader does not really dictate the "premium" hunts...... unit and time of year are what make up a "premium" hunt. There are many Archery hunts that are way harder to draw than most rifle tags. Look at the draw odds page at the back of the regs. any hunt with less than 5-6% draw odds is a "premium"...... although I know of a couple of hunts that are 10-12% that I also consider "premium".
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    spring bear

    What do you mean you have not been looking You know I have a tag Get out there and find FRESH bear sign You may evan find a brownie or two Bino's been sitting at home doing nothing counting his money. I told you...... If I had your money I would burn mine!!!!
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    spring bear

    I have not seen any fresh sign yet. Can't say that I been really looking.... but I have seen a good bit of older sign in my travels.
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    C/W member says his card got hit

    Well I guess you better hire some REALLY good guide then...... Bein's that you hunt like I golf!!!!!
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    2002 Ford F-350 Super Duty

    She is a beauty, Jim.... if she had a 5 speed I might have had to beg my wife .... heck, just that sticker in the back window has gotta be worth 2, maybe 3 grand! Good luck, bet she sells fast.
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    C/W member says his card got hit

    Well said.
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    C/W member says his card got hit

    I agree........ I think we would all rather that only our friends drew tags..... but, I really feel for the guys that go year after year with out a tag.
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    2002 Ford F-350 Super Duty

    Hey, Does that Fix Or Repair Daily have a stick or a slopp-o-matic (oops that is a Dodge thing)..... I mean automatic????? Love the truck! Sorry you have to sell her.
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    C/W member says his card got hit

    A buddy of mine and his Dad drew early archry bull tags and they had late archery bull tags last year!! I am happy for them and I drew a tag as well so I am not whining...... but I agree with the waiting system of 3yrs after drawing a tag..... bonus point only.
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Which Cards Have Been Charged

    I always us my AMEX Blue for all online apps. and nothing else.....
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My 2006 Summer

    Believe it or not, you can go on a "bum around the Kenai" trip, black bear hunting and fishing for pretty cheap..... if you go at the right time of year and go with one or two of your hunting buddies so as to split up some of the costs. It is the best place to be, up there at the end of the season! Fishing ain't great, but the black bears are on the blueberries, and hotels are cheap. And if you have an airline credit card you build enough miles after a while to fly for free just by using it to purchase the things that you buy everyday anyhow.... gas, food, work supplies, etc. That is what I do.... in about a year or two I will have enough miles saved so that me and the Wife can go on safari in Africa and fly for free!! Disclaimer: You must pay off said card on a monthly basis or the interest will offset the the plane ticket!!
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Spring Turkey Scouting

    Bah HaHa HaHa!!!! Road Hunter!!!!!! Sorry..... just couldn't help myself..... I'd say that is a normal size track..... not that I have ever really paid that much attention, but it is an adult bird. You are right.... the roosts are very important. What unit is your tag?? If I know it I'll be happy to tell you where I have seen birds.... ..... happy to help if I can. Good luck on your hunt.
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Food plot

    I believe anything like that on State or Federal land is considered littering....water trofs, feeders, planting, or even treestands (if they wanted to press the issue). You can do anything you want on private property though...... be nice to own 100 acres in the middle of nowhere!!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My 2007 Mexico Hunt

    Man! Sure sounds like they have a lot of great bucks running around on that ranch!!! Congrats, to you and your friend on a couple of awesome bucks!!
  18. Happy B-day, man! I'm still under the weather, gotta get that shot on Wed. then should be up for that horn huntin' trip we talked about. Hope your having a good one!!! G
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hey Grong

    You've never been to Anchorage, AK..... I guess...... ...... The orginal ABC in Anchorage is SWEET..... I just drive right past all them outfits down in PHX after goin' there a couple of times.. Anyhow, the blind guy could Hear the show but not See it!! You gotta get your heads out o' the gutter..... POST THOSE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hey Grong

    DUDE!!! That is just wrong!! Making a statement like that and Not post a pic with it..... is like taking a blind guy to The Alaskan Bush Co ....... HURRY UP!!!!!! P L E A S E!!!!
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Feral Hogs in Az!?

    Last time we saw any of those Russian Boars up in 5A & 5B was atleast 8-10 years ago. But, from time to time someone says they see um up that a way.... mostly rumors.
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Seeking binocular advice

    Welcome to CW.com... .... You have gotten some great advice so far, and I am gunna throw in my $.02.... Swaro all the way! But, you have to look at it like this..... 1) If you plan to own 1 pair of bino's for all hunting, buy the 10x50. Because you can free hand them or use them on a tri-pod. They are way brighter than the 15's, so I have found that a group of good glassers sitting together with 10x50's & 15x56's have "equal" glass, power vs clarity & field of view. I bought my son the 10x50's for X-mas a few years back with the thought that it might be a really long time before he could afford a second pair of good glass. He loves them, packs them with him everywhere, and is hard to beat at the glassing game. 2) I love my 15's... but I always have my 8x32's or 10x42's around my neck because some stuff is too close to glass with the 15's...... I would almost rather have the 10x50's for coues about 1/2 of the time. If you are ok with owning 2 pairs of quality glass then the 15's are the best choice. I say 2 pairs because once you have purchased your new pair.... you will most certainly give you old pair away.....because, you won't be able to stand looking through them.. Then you will be saving for a second pair. I use the same (but older) Velbon tri-pod as RR (Doug). It is great! Light, strong, and affordable! I, however, use an over priced Outdoorsman pistol grip head and accessories.... It is a great product because it it light and compact..... but I see red every time I think of all the $ I have tied up into the shoes, addapters, and the grip.... .... I do really like it though..... Best of luck to you! Let us know how you make out on optics! CnS
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Lessons Learned

    Does that fall under "Don't ask, don't tell"????
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Lessons Learned

    I can't help it.... That is one of the things that I am working on is my rifle shooting...... Bow hunting is my thing.... I am very calm with a bow and generally an idiot with a gun.... My New Years resolution is to become as proficient with a gun as I am with a bow.
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Nice trophy room!! I sure would like to see a pic of that lifesize sheep in the back ground!!!