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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Thanks all! Yes we have celebrated the the pups, (and Momma) being healthy and arriving well! We are excited for the weeks ahead! It is fun to put out a litter of pups that is in demand and has homes before it is even born! We breed this pair because we feel that the disposition and physical apearance is what we have always looked for in a dog... so for us this is a very fun time getting to share all this with family and new friends! Here is our 3rd born pup and he will be going home with CW.com member, AzHuntAtty, and he is already the pistol of our 2 male pups! His name is now Bullet!
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Same as the raw "eatable" bones the chicken pictured is "bone in", eggshells are a great source of calcium and she is putting out a ton of milk so you can imagine how that depletes her own levels... We don't feed dog food or supliments... we feed our dogs just like a wolf eats in nature.
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    This is a typical breakfast or dinner (twice a day) for Athena when she has puppies... a pound of elk, chicken, fish, gizzards, farm fresh egg and shells.... and this will double in size in a month or less... she will likely have to go on a diet after the puppies are weened! LOL!
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    I managed to snap this pic while Athena ate her supper last night... Day one is over and they are already growing like weeds!!
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Gay Marriage

    Pretty sure we have way bigger problems in this country than who is marrying who... As a hard core conservative it makes me sick when we even talk about abortion or marriage in politics right now! Petty differences in how we live our lives will not matter if they (WE) don't start focusing on our country and our economy!!!!
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    3 1/2 weeks in Zimbabwe.... I made it back!

    You are welcome. I love looking back through this old thread as well... and I still watch the videos myself. I am hoping to go back one of these days... We shall see!
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Yeah... HaHaha... you can tell a bit about how they will be colored now, but the colors start coming on at about 4 weeks and they change a bit out to about 3 months old.
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    She started birthing Pups about 2 AM and finished about 7AM this morning...7 Pups (5 females & 2 males). She is wore out but Momma and babies are all well and resting!!
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Puppies are arriving today! We have a lil boy and a lil girl at this moment!!
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Here is a couple pics of my "pick of the litter" from last year... Tyson. He is simply the Best looking heeler I have seen in a long time... Geneticly perfect and an amazing disposition! This dog is one Bad Cat!
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Lifesize Az lion finished up.

    I have seen this mount in person and it is Scary good! The only way to make this mount seem more alive and real would be to at a pack of hounds baying treed below it! Great Job Dale!!
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    I got your deposit MT and you are in 3rd. Thanks! Call or text me anytime!
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Thanks Guys! As of this moment AzHuntAtty and MattMan have my last 2 male spots sowed up... However we taking names and numbers for alternates on a "Will Call" list incase we have more than 8 puppies.... Thanks to all the great response here!! Cheers!
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    His ears are not as big now either... because his head is bigger...
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    I was asked to post some previous puppy pics... and don not have many other than some crappy cellphone pics... but this is Grizzly, at 10 months old. As a 13 month old pup he is the best cow dog on his owner's family ranch. She started him on goats at a young age and when the goats started losing ears they moved him on to cattle! He has been cow kicked numerous times and gets up outta the dust an even better Cattle Dog each time, he handles left to right on low voice command and is a a full time companion to the wife and child of the house, at home, on the road, and on the ranch. He has grown and gotten wider since this pic... he is about 55-60 lbs of solid muscle and is the largest pup from our last litter and believe it or not he is not the best looking one! ...his brother Tyson has a wider head and is a bit stockier.
  16. This is really Awesome!! It just goes to show how dedicated Amanda and this web site are to the wildlife in our state... I hope that lots of folks get involved this year and qualify for some of these great prizes!!!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    We are done taking deposits on female puppies at this time... if we have more females than I am anticipating then I have a "Will Call" list going and will give a call as soon as we have them all here. I might have a male or two left available at this time... and I really do recomend the male pups, and prefer them for myself. Thanks for all the inquirries!! Feel free to contact me anytime!
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Sorry I was away from the computter for a few days... I responded to your PM. Thanks!
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Our heelers are not agressive like some... You can stir up any dog and these are no different... but in everyday life they are as mellow as can be... but they are still a high energy dog, for sure. I have video of a 2 year old riding one of our big male pups like a buckin' bull spurring the whole way, and when the boy gets bucked off the pup turns, licks him, helps him up and they start all over again! My God Son has a 1 yr old and a 2 year old and that pup is like a nurse maid to those boys...It is Awesome! Infact I had a family that was dead set on a female, until they saw this pup interact with the baby and called me to changed to thier reservation a Male for this litter. I also replied to your PM, Broken Wheels.
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Locked Up Bucks........ pictures added

    Congrats on an Amazing find!!
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Here is a set that Zip and I found last year or the year before...
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Heeler Puppies Are Here!) New pics for the next 8 weeks...

    Here is a couple of my Favorite hunting pics with Zip... he is with me everyday I am in the woods (unless I am in a treestand of course)... My eyes, ears, nose, and my Pard! At 9 weeks old Zip was in on 3 juniors deer in 3 days! This picture was shot by Bowhunter4life, Mike Ornoski, as we started off the mountain to retrieve the buck that his son, had smoked at 450 yds! Great memories!! Zip is always looking for the close ones while I look far! HahaHa... Coues deer hunt Dec. 2009. This Picture was taken on Cowman's early bull hunt in 2009, just seconds after I had pulled a bull over top of us from over 250 yds... the camera guy shot video of the bull walking right past Zip and I in this same pose. I am lost in the woods without this Dog...
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep


    I'd trade you a 30-06 and a Queensland pup.