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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Well said...... it is a dang shame that the Liberal movement stops us from swift justice and capital punishment..... Our hearts go out to those affected.
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Favorite Trophy Photos

    Whooo Hooo! Look at those legs!!!!! Hey, I think I seen that fellar in the first pic with the glasses before??? What does he drive again?
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Pre 64 Winchester Featherweight 270

    Well put, Lark. I agree. Just my $.02 worth.......
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Saw a nice buck while shed hunting

    Bah HaHaHaHaHa!! Yeah, I saw the video and said 103-105..... and a younger looking buck.... The still pics make him look a bit better than he did in the video... even on pause, but that was on the view finder, too.... Either way he's a stud! I am pretty sure he will be bigger next year!! Hope we find his sheds!! Anyone think that they will be shed by May 5th????
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Get a rope

    Same here Make that 3. Four. Same for me.
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Saw a nice buck while shed hunting

    Nicely done, Ol' Man!!
  7. I might be able to go for a couple hours if it is on the 8th... but I'll be out of state on the 15th. PS: I think Marshall Lake would be a great spot....
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Any one know 22 south

    Oh.....well, now that you mentioned it..... I suppose that is who I was speaking of.... ... I figure they are going to need all the help they can get in that hunt..... so here is a great time & place to start. Welcome, tjhunts2.
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    AZGFD Hunt Recommendations

    I totally agree.
  10. I kinda like the weekday afternoon idea..... but that turns it into a shorter deal. Or even a Sunday afternoon.... I would like to try and show up regaurdless.
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Scent elimination

    Not very far..... Probably should, but I only wash clothes in Sent-a-way detergent and spray down with the earth sent spray...... ..... never had any problem.
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Just for CRB

    That is sweet!! I wonder if the other side is a normal frame or Dbl as well.......
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    what does your trophy room contain?

    Hey, Hooked on Coues. That half body goat is really cool. I've never seen one done like that..... I like it.
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    what does your trophy room contain?

    You've got some really great trophies and memories hanging up, Mike. Great pics everyone!
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Nosler E-Tip

    Wow!! That is kinda scary! I read through the whole post and am quite frankly disturbed.... I am wondering if it is a caliber sensitve issue?? I mean.... I have yet to test the MXR out of my 300 Wby, but have seen the entrance and exit holes on Every deer and elk that the factory Wby/ Barnes X ammo has dispatched for us and they have all been very consitant from 100 to 640 yards; as has the wound channel...... We have recovered every animal we have ever shot with that gun/ammo combo and often with "dramatic" kill shots. All of our exit holes have been the size of a dime at all ranges; reguardless of solid bone or soft tissue impacts. Thus my concern..... or rather confusion. Doug, you are far beyond me in your understaning of reloading, bullet selection, and calibers..... could it be that some calibers, or even brands of guns perform differently with the same bullet??? And thanks for the link... it was very interesting.
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Jim White Tripler-Review

    Doug, that is a great review! It sounds like that tripler might be a great tool for the right applications, if you are only losing a few minutes of light. Maybe it would be super handy on backpack hunts but still not quite as handy as a good quality Spotter when you can afford the weight?? What applications do you feel at this product will fit into your style of hunting? Thanks, CnS
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Head gear still attatched

    Ofcourse.... but how expensive can NM, be..... I know it is nothing like the prices over here! Sounds like a good investment to me and get to see big Carp deer, too! How big are the lots.... and what are they selling for??
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    sportsmans warehouse

    HaHaHa... I think all wives say that in hunting stores! Congrats on the job! .... Not sure I know what the "gift bar" is either..... but if I find it I'll stop by and say hello!
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep


    So did you have to give it up??? Just don't think that is fair, either.....
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Head gear still attatched

    There is a BEAST running between my house and the hospital... He easily goes 200 non-typical... I have setup a salt rock in my back yard but so far they just ignore it and eat the flowers... Because we have so many deer in the backyard my girlfriend thinks that hunting is NO BIG DEAL... J- What are property prices, I think I'll buy just for hunting season. No doubt.... can you sent a real estate guide....
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Coues-n-sheeps Yaught

    You guys are funny! Way to chime in 111, that looks just like Troy's wedding pics..... on his half of the photo any how!! He Really did have a mullet when he got married! Oh, and Mike, if you plan to haul your yacht over there...we will have do some repairs on the dirt tank on the lower 40.... It is big enough for two yachts if it is plumb full up.....
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Get familiar with Game hauler

    Bah HaHaHaHaHa..... I can't stop laughing about how much that picture could actually be the Gamehauler if he had no teeth!!! BITTER BEER FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That must have been taken the week that you couldn't aford good beer and had to buy the Coors Light that was on sale!!
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Nosler E-Tip

    Having shot the Barnes X for about 7-8 years now.... I completely disagree with what they say about "the competion". I don't know for sure at what speed my 300 wby is pushing the 180 at, say 650 yds.... but I do know that it makes the exact same entrance and exit as it does at 350 yds... Also I have never seen the peddles come off, and the Barnes does not copper foul the barrel as much as one would think.... I was really suprised about that. I don't like how much the BC has dropped since they cut the grooves in them... and am now testing some other bullets with higher BC's.... RR: I would love here what you think about these bullets, or come hang out with you and Casey, when you test them..... Thanks in advance. CnS
  24. Troy's wife sent this to me..... She was a bit concerned that he was getting too attached to his work. I guess it is safe to say that he has become a Ford Diesel man....... ... ROFLMFAO!