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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Crazy Pets

    Thanks TJ.... I am sure she will be glad to hear that he migrated so far and is doing so well.....
  2. I found these pics the other day digging for old hunting pics..... and thought I would post them......and they would not make much sense with out a little story with them......... Some years ago, our son, Colton was riding one of the quads down an old 2 track near our house... He came across a new born grey squirrel, with no hair and his eyes still shut. He must have just fallen out of the nest. Being the conservationist that he is.... he brought the lil' rat home. My wife fed this baby squirrel every 2 hours, around the clock for weeks with a syringe and cat formula....... and it lived. It grew very quickly and although it was very tame to us it was also very wild. I have never seen anything with sooo much natural instinct of its wild identity.... We could not "train' it like you would a cat or a dog..... it was just too wild. It knew nothing of how to be a squirrel, yet is was a wild squirrel living in my house!! You would walk in the front door and he would run across the room at you and climb you like a tree, coming to pirch upon your shoulder..... We would walk the dogs around the neighborhood and he would tag along running up and down and around my body to get a good veiw of everything or just ride along on my shoulder. He would bark at strangers when they entered our house and once they were seated he would pirch himself on the closest piece of furniture to watch them. Scaring the "soft serve" out of more than one unwary visitor. Hands down the coolest pet that I have ever had!! However, the older he got the wilder he became..... and I told my wife that if he started to abuse the mounts in our house that we would have to release him back into the woods.... .... Well, one day I walked in the front door and he climbed about half way up the pedistal of my sheep mount! .......and that was when we made plans to reintroduce him to the wild where he belonged, far from humans. We released him and went back to the spot several times and I believe the lil' guy made it! And that is how squirrel hunting became forever banned in our household...... my Wife's rule. I am okay with though... never like squirrel meat that much anyhow. So here is my wife's pet squirrel, Nelson.
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    2007 Fall Draw Results....

    Nothing on line yet....... Hope today is the day!!!!!! Good luck all!
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Two weeks worth of trail cam pics

    Sorry Linnea..... that is not a 22 bull. Colton is in town this week, so wave at the big green Tonto Hotshot buggies when they drive-by..... he will be in one of them.
  5. Sunday morning Hunt'n Coues and I made a dash out into the field to reinstall my "bear cam" and check our two elk cams. We purposely set these up to get bull pictures for late season hunts.... I know that you guys want deer pics.... ... so I appologize in advance. Each pic is a different bull. There were many others but I just picked the better ones. We did get a few deer pics too... but nothing special.
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Forest Closures?

    I have not heard of any. I think Hunt'n Coues said that they post that kind of stuff on Wed. or Thurs.??? But, so far so good..... been a few showers in the high country and good humidity. Plan away!!
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Two weeks worth of trail cam pics

    A friend of mine sent me these pics of a bull that keeps coming past his trail cam. I asked him if I could post it and he thought that was cool. Anyhow.... a dang nice bull IMO.... and they don't have bull tags.....
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Waterline Trail - Kachina Peaks Wilderness

    Love the dogs.... that Setter is a dandy! Great pics and story, thanks for sharing. CnS
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Navajo draw

    That is cool! How hard is it to draw a tag up there? How is the quality of the bulls? I mean, are you expecting to get a monster or just a good quality bull? Congrats and good luck!! CnS
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Happy B-day Firstcoues

    A date with one of GH's daughters???? Maybe a date.... (Period)! Bah HaHaHaHa!!!! JK Casey.... Dirk D.
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    2007 Fall Draw Results....

    Wow.......so far it looks like a rumor might actually NOT be a rumor I hope it's true! Best of luck to you guys! JIM> I second that!!! I am wishin' that all our friends here on CW.com are Blessed by the AZGF Gods with many, many tags!!!!!!!
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Ya know that this kind of bashing only divides us further, making us easier targets for the Anti's..... ..... and I only have one response to m77.... Is a mt. lion "unethical" for laying in wait at a water source, a "salt lick", an oak tree or wild apple...... and so on?? Are coyotes or wolves "unethical" for hunting in numbers of two or more? ...... I think not. They have many tools that they use to ambush and kill prey..... tools that we do not..... but we have a tool that they don't.... a brain.... and just because someone is using their brain to harvest an animal does not make it "unethical". Having sat on trails, saddles, salt, and water to ambush and harvest game I can tell you that it is not really any easier than spot and stalk, IMO. However I choose to hunt on a particular day I must use my sharpest weapon, my brain, if I expect to out smart any of of the critters I love to eat. Fourpoint.... your salt buddy (Frazier) sounds very cool, as are many of the guys you will meet here on CW.com. You guys might make a good team. Frazier..... Dude...... WTF???? 6 1/2 hrs to get to where you hunt???? Come on.... exactly how many GREAT hunting spots with BIG bucks do you think you are driving past to get there???? Moral of the story.... hunt closer to home.... hunting is far more fun than driving....
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep


    GH, Can you cite the rule or law that says it's illegal to put a salt block on public land? I sure can't find anything that says that, and ranchers put them on their federal and state leases all the time. -TONY Tony, GH was quoting ol' M77..... and trying to be a smart apple..... ..... I actualy, rather enjoyed it....
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep


    GH, what's up with ending all your replies with "(period)" That's just to much information for us here on CWT to handle. Keep your monthly problems to yourself please. M77- On your topic of SPORTSMANSHIP, it is ILLEGAL to place a salt lick on Public Land. The ethics of this topic went out the door with the first hunter placing the salt lick (period). Answer your question You are Sooo crafty GH!!!!!
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep


    But if he is hitting your spring/water hole you better put an arrow in his ribs!
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Happy B-day Firstcoues

    Glad you had a good one! Sorry, I missed it..... or not...... But, Happy B-day, dude!!!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    2007 Fall Draw Results....

    I think your right except for the part about 8/3. I am thinking the masses will find out when the onliners do. Then if some of the olliners do not pay they will just call the next person in line. I agree..... But either way, I think I will feel a bunch better when I am actually holding that Rocky tag in my hand! CnS
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Womens boots

    Ya know...... I think it wierd that you would let Casey or Chrissy buy anything for your daughters..... Danner Pronghorns!!!! My wife loves hers. Cabela's.....and just about everywhere else for about $160.
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Well.... I love it when some one opens there mouth and Lark sticks his foot in there for'em to taste!! Well put Lark! ... and GH.... and TJ..... and Tony! Now...... Back to the original topic. I am thinkin' that you might try moving another 1/4 mile up the trail (or more) and pick a new spot to do your hunting. I have had plenty of guys move in on me and spots that I have hunted for years.... It is really disheartening to feel presure from other guys that want to set up Right on top of you. It really doesn't matter if you hunt close to his lick or not..... but to hunt On his lick would be rude. Another member of this site had a very well established lick with a stand on it, but because he lived an hour and a half away he did not hunt it as much as we do.... so knowing that it was an area that we wanted to hunt we went a bit further down the ridge set a stand and killed two bucks in two days there...... that other member can chime up if he wishes, but we are friends today, in part because of hunter courtesy. We respected his space. We all own the forests, hence the "Public Land" term, but there is enough to go around people just need to respect personal space and the effort that someone else has put forth. CnS
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    birdie fire

    Not as of Saturday night about 11:30 PM...... I drove that road from one end to the other on Friday and late Saturday.
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Crazy Pets

    We had him for over a year.... and released him back to the wild... he just got wilder the older he got. When he started climbing my sheep mount we were forced to make some changes.... We checked on him a couple of times and we are quite sure that he made it out in the wild just fine....... .... guess there is no way of knowing for sure but I think I saw the little bugger a couple of times right there.... He was a way cool pet... just way too wild to live with you in the house unless you wanted everything destroyed/chewed-up. We saved his life by bringin' him into our house, but I think the best thing we did for him was return him to the wild.
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    broadheads you guys are shooting?

    Casey, I have been using NAP 100 gr. Spitfire Pro for years now and find that they make recovery of coues deer a Very short walk. They have no rubber band and make a Big hole going in and a Big hole coming out. I have had bucks "jump the string" and still recover the deer within 80 yds (never a farther recovery than that). It will group with your field points at any range with some bows, but for sure out to 40 yards.... I have had some bows that would need to be resighted after 50 yds.... but they are more accurate than a field point. I shoot much tighter groups at long range with these broadheads than with field tips. I am probably going to use them on elk for the first time this season.... we shall see... but I think they will do well for me... In the past I have used NAP Thunderheads when elk hunting. Best of luck. CnS
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Happy B-day, Chrissy.... I had a beer and a shot for you.... since I know you can't drink.... Hope you had a good one. CnS
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    IDIOT Sighting

    I have got to agree with GH about this one...... ... My Son has been friends with GH's daughters for years.... and he says they are, Way cool chicks! Chrissy you would be out gunned, out hunted, out classed, and up-staged....... She would send you home to Mommy with your tail between you legs. Dirk D.
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hauling water with the family

    Oh, Boy.... here we go again!