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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Karp Shed

    Good Luck Tim!!! Nice shed.... hope you find that big SOB, alive!!! Just got to fid the doe herd.... they are all over the ladies right now!! .... or atleast they were in 13B.
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    What would you do? (hunting etiquette)

    That is funny stuff right there!!! I hate people that block roads!!! And I hate people that walk all over other hunters that they know beat them into a spot just as bad!!
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep


    dang, Lark..... that made me all soft inside.... my deepest sympathy.... and RIP to your pal, Hurly.
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My Wife's Carp Deer

    Well I'm really proud of my wife, Tina.... she smoked up this Mulie buck at 200 yds opening morning of her deer hunt. I was Coues deer huntin' in another unit and she was hunting with my Deer Huntin' Brother, Jason Scarbrough, his son (Justin), my Son (Colton) and another hunter (14yr old, Luke). The boys had been watching this tall 4x4 buck for a while and decided that he was the best buck in Jason's Honey Hole,so they took Tina out there the night before the hunt to look him over and she liked him.... giving him the name "The Old Man". The next morning an hour before sun up... full moon..... found them sitting on the hill waiting.... and waiting.... Jason spotted bucks in the dark sparring in the yellow grass 2 draws away. As it approached shooting light they watched the group of bucks move behind the hill. Jason made the call to move across the drainage to the next ridge in the grey light. As they reached the next rise it was just at legal shooting light..... they eased over the edge and began to glass. There on the hill at 175 yards stands a big 3x3 with a sticker point.... and Tina was tempted.... she puts the rifle on him and says, "He's nice, Jason. I'm gonna take him." Just then, Luke says, "Wait! There is The Old Man! He's up and to the right of the big 3x3! Get him Tina!" Tina repositions her shooting sticks on the buck just as sun beams started to crest the horizon. Jason says, " Tina, wait till he gives you a full broadside..." Seconds drag..... the buck moves... turning slightly.... Jason leans in Tina's direction... "Tina, Shoot wh--- BOOM! ---enever...." Jason Jumps.... and so does the Buck..... Jason thought she missed and says, "Gitt'im again!" .... and then follows with, "Never mind.... he's down!!!" A double lung shot parked him about 30 yards from where she shot him. He went down in some brush with his head up, as they approached the buck they began to think he might just be bedded... so they stalked him again... But he was done. Thanks again to my buddy, Jason, and the Boys for a great hunt for Tina (Mom). God, I love my wife! Not only does she let me be gone for weeks at a time hunting, but she hunts too!!!! CnS
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    New B&C World Record Coues

    FINALLY!!!! Something that Lark and I can agree on 100%!!!!! I would take the money and the replica!!!
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Unit 23 monster?

    Why don't you add one of those smiley's with the tongue sticking out too? Can you get permission to post them? My buddy's nephew took the buck during the Juniors hunt in 23.... I will let them post it if they wish... Although.... he does look really big in that pic hangin' on my Refrigerator....
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My Wife's Carp Deer

    Thanks, Amanda!!! I got the pics loaded on the first post!!
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My first Deer ever.

    Right on Dude!!!! Way to gitter-done!
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    What would you do? (hunting etiquette)

    That happens on every hunt now days.... and the guys that do it always think they are funny. Now days guys consider every spot, their spot, weather they are hunting it for the first time or the 31st time...... Welcome to modern Opportunity hunting.... Stranding guys in the woods (flat tires) would be bad karma, though......
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Unit 23 monster?

    QUOTE (Vinnie B @ Nov 16 2007, 03:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know there was one taken in the junior's hunt that was in the 120's. I have pics of that buck.... 124 6/8" Green Gross...... but it has 5 scoreable points on one side and 4 scoreable points on the other..... and is a really awesome buck!
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Off To Kill A Carp Deer!

    Nice Bucks! Congrats!
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Caliber preference

    dang it, Lark!!!! You got me, there!! I never could put my finger on why I fancy that ol' .300 Wby Mag..... but, now that you mention it.... I am starting to get Real thin on top of my head. And as for my wife..... her excuse would have to be that 5" lift on her truck! You better sell all those .300's you have or you might come up with a case of puss-itus, yourself pretty soon! And for all the .243 owners out there it is a good (and ethical) caliber, IMO...... However, I just don't like it..... .... never have. CnS
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Caliber preference

    Bah HaHaHaHaHaHa........ I think that falls under..... Stupid is as Stupid Does! I shoot a 300 Mag.because of its stability (in the wind)and velosity..... not really because of the knock down....LOL! You are really dazzling me with your stance on this Lark!!!! BTW....I am holding out for a 90+ lb. deer..... if that makes any differences.
  14. Dang!!! That was great!!! It dang sure gets a guy all fired up!! But, Jimbo...... if you get to live out that dream...... shoot the buck first..... the cat will freeze and give you a quick shot opp.
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    To Bed Or Not

    Mike..... Squeek,squeek, squeek........ G
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Good Luck October Tag Holders

    Hey..... Didn't a Really Wise Man, once quote that phrase???? Good Luck Everyone!!!!!! CnS
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Anyone need some Help

    Bah HaHaHaHaHa!!!! Dad got his Arse kicked to the curb!!! Now your a bench warmer, Mike!!! Being a Dad can be such a thankless job, ya know! Go out there and find a Biggun'!!!! Then you can show them young Whipper Snappers up!! We killed a monster buck one time, and I found out later my buddies Dad new about the buck but never told his sons cuz they were jackarses to him about hunting and such....... Moral of the story: Never mess the Ol' Man.... it might just cost ya in a big way!!!
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    scouting pics

    Is that what Real Coues Deer country looks like???? I guess I make things WAY too hard on myself! Nice pics! Thanks for Sharing! Good Hunting!
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    so called internet job offers

    That scam was on TV the other day..... It is a SCAM..... for sure! Sick.... Ba@#%*ds!!
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Happy B-day Cramerhunts

    Have a Great B-day!!
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Caliber preference

    I guess the Real difference between us is how we respect the critters we hunt. You are willing to throw a Hail Mary in the first quarter (700 yd hold over) and I only wish to be ready to throw a TD pass in the last 10 seconds of the game! You like your "Kentucky windage"..... God forbid you misjudge and wound something. I prefir to ensure a quick human kill and recovery..... I don't wish to hit an animal on a lark.... or by chance! You and I come from different worlds........ on one side desert, on the other mountains...... on one side age, on the other a touch of modernism. But make no mistake, I grew up hunting just like you still hunting...... but I have learned many things by having an open mind and choosing the best of both worlds so that I might be a better and more proficient hunter. I grew up in the mountains I live in and poor enough, that without game meat I would have gone hungry many nights. I too, know the importance of doing what it takes to get meat on the table. But, I prefir to do it with confidence..... not a Wing and a Prayer. As far as calibers go..... as before a .243 is enough to get the job done most of the time. But for us.... next weekend..... My wife will be Carp Deer hunting with a 300 Wby Mag, shooting 180 gr. Barnes X bullets..... and I promise that bullet, wastes less meat than Any bullet on the market!! And I will be hunting Coues Deer with my 300 Wby. Mag. shooting 168 gr. Berger VLD's..... never hunted with them before but I like how they fly. Some of the places I intend to hunt will put me as close to deer as 100 yds or less...... other place I will get no closer than 400 (without wings)..... but either way I will be Practiced and prepared for all situations. Good luck to all on opening day! CnS
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Caliber preference

    What is wrong with this problem and every problem in our Counrty today, is that EVERYONE on both sides of the line (Left or Right), are on tunnel vision/cruise control..... I agree with your point of view in many ways..... I not gunna pile rocks on you cause your Old Fashioned, Out-dated, Over Opinionated, or anything else..... You have a point of view that has many valid points.... That does not make a it.... "The Point of View"..... There are many things that you have piped up about on several different threads this last week that are just flat rude and completely BS, IMO..... but it is your opinion..... just don't expect me or all the who read it, to buy it. I, too, have been so close that I was afraid that the critter was going to hear my heart beating out of my chest..... I have taken game from 12 yds to 410 yds...... there are guys have done it from closer and further away...... and I congradulate them!! The hunt itself and the country that you are hunting will determine how close you get to that next critter..... If you are always in control of that then you might have not thought to hunt some of the places that I have hunted. Not all canyons are a textbook 200yd shots across.... Not all brush is as short as Catclaw...... Take off your rose colored glasses, Lark...... There is a whole world out here for you to look at. Oh..... and if you ever want to try and stop a charging Moose or Grizzly with that .243 call me cuz I would like to have some video of it. CnS
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    EZ Ranch Cordes Junction, Az

    Looks like Two Guns might want to contemplate all meanings of the word "Silent As A Grave".... since it would appear that "Loose Lips Sink Ships".... CnS
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Caliber preference

    Ya know, Lark.... there is some wisdom in what your saying. A .243 is enough gun for most hunting situations..... but only a fool would say it is enough all the time. And knowing ones limitaions is very important. If a guy was to hunt only in the Southern half of the Lower 48 his whole life then a .243 or a .270 would get it done most of the time. I even shot my Dall sheep with a .243 I borrowed from my Canadian guide, after my bow sites got mashed. Shot him at less than a 100 yds...... Shot my desert sheep with my bow at 45 yds opening morning, with my bow. I, too, can get close in open country..... I have hunted elk with open sites on a lever action 30-30 Win. and had great success. heck, we have even hunted elk with a 22-250... ... crazy, maybe, but true. There is a time and place for all kinds of hunting weapons. I happen to prefir my 300 Wby. Mag to any gun I own..... it has a calibrated scope (now) and I shoot it well to 500-600 yds..... and since I rarely hunt in the wide-open desert.... there are times that I cannot get closer than 400-600 yds to an elk or deer. When I hunt that kind of country..... I am prepared and practiced. When I hunt that easy county down South where there are deer under every dang tree then I may not need some of my up-graded equipment. You see I own a GPS, a Rangefinder, and many other neat toys that I don't need if I can close the distance to less than 300 yds..... but if I need them I am prepared. They are not training wheels...... they are tools that allow me to hunt well in country that other hunters may not be able too. And my Cannon..... my ol' 300 Wby Mag..... well she can kill a Grizzly about as well as a coyote...... a good shot from that gun will kill a deer as fast as any gun will.... and not any faster than a .243 on a clalm day at less than 300 yds..... which might happen 90% of the time, for all I know..... but that other 10% of the time..... I'll still be ready to make a clean, ethical kill. Moral....... Don't Throw Stones In A Glass House...... CnS
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    post did not work

    I can't get any pics to upload either......