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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Gabriel Wards Harvest Nice Buck

    Heck yeah!! Way to go Guys!!!
  2. The cheapest I have found it new with the B&C reticle is $1,099.00 Plus Tax, shipping, and/or the Turrets... If I am wrong please post a link for me so I can correct my price...Thanks.
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Butcher Shop in Flag

  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Coues & Sheep

    Thanks All... Was a great day with Family.... now back to the woods!!
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    13th day bull

    Way to go Erie!!
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Lost Bull Found!!!! Can't beat a Bloodhounds nose!!

    Fantastic! Far less animals would be lost if recovery methods like this were more commonly use! Way to go Daisy!
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Wolves - it's time to step up and comment

    LOL... yeah... lets all stand up and fight the big enviro machine... They already have their minds made up just like they always do....
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Need some advice

    ...and someone... with a "Holy-er than Thou" attitude always has to draw a line for others saying what is too much... Like I have always said if it doesn't work for you that is fine... I won't condemn you for your opinion, but leave my hobbies alone... and the hobbies of others. Get sooo sick and tired of do gooders dictating to others how they should live. Just like the new NFL rules on show boating... Really!!?? Geez it is just a game and the celebrations that go on during the game are part of why I watch! The thought process that we can legislate mankind to the point where one Can control themselves is a Progressive view that absolutely sickens me. It is happening at every level of American life today and if it keeps going we will end up just like Russia and China.... and Jonnie, I don't know you and I am not calling you out... but Dang man.... I bet there are things you do that I don't like just like there are things I do that you don't like... So lets just live and let live man. I wanna ban all coalitions not create more... there is no freedom in more laws... Good Hunting....
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Giant Velvet Coues buck!

    The buck was done growing... and in fact was acting like he was trying to rub.
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Need some advice

    I couldn't disagree more with first part above.... My wife and I try to run trail cams year around... but Especially in summer. It our hobby, our year around time in the woods together, whether we have tags or not. We rarely ever even hunt many of the places we set cameras... we just love setting and checking them and the good times we have while doing it. And to even suggest that they should be banned its total BS... However, the rest of the statement above is quite true IMO... I would not hesitate to hang a camera near or even on the same tree as someone else... but that does not mean that I am willing to incite the drama of hunting it...
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Way to go Lance! That is Awesome!!
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Giant Velvet Coues buck!

    Pretty Sad that some can't be happy for a really great guy who made a very ethical one shot kill on a One in 10 Lifetimes buck, who then gutted and packed the deer all by himself out of the woods... A Wild coues deer (I might add) ... that was being hunted by other hunters on public land...and could have been killed by anyone with enough heart to find him. A Jaw dropping deer that was found by ONE MBAZ guy (One Mortal Man...a man that pulls his pants on one leg at a time) who lives in the woods, and feeds, clothes, and keeps his wife and 2 small children warm by finding the Biggest critters in the woods where ever he shows up... It blows me away that grown men let Jealousy Poison their minds! I have ranted about these auction hunts before... about how wildlife wins when the Best of the Best of each species is taken with the tags. It makes the tags worth more and the wildlife benefits from that... It wasn't your deer or mine... it became Broc's buck the instant the buck's nose hit the dirt. He donated his hard earned cash to AZ's wildlife for a Once in a Life time opportunity and he hunted with guys that made his every dream come true!! How can you find any fault in a perfectly legal, ethical, beneficial, and successful hunt!!??? DAM!!
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Unit 23

    It's pretty sad that you can't commiserate with people that have spent all spring and summer carrying salt and running cams that are a little frustrated that on opening morning there were hounds running all over the dang mountain. It's public land, and they have a right to be there, but it's pretty dang frustrating. I guess you're lucky enough and have been around long enough to know where they run hounds in this state.... Some of us aren't as fortunate and had opening weekend (and 3 of my 10 vacations days) ruined by people running hounds. I hope in the future you can understand why some people have heart burn with hounds running by thier treestands multiple times during a day... I understand your points completely... but it is a mute point (is what I mean). $H!T happens out there... it has happened to me and likely will so again. It isn't that I knew where "not" to be, but we didn't happen to see a single dog or other hunter. My point is that threads like these create more divisions between hunters... and give "them" more leverage against us... I heard the same gripe in the Taxidermist shop over the weekend too from a good friend and I told him the same basic thing. I am sorry that your hunt was a bust, but you chose one thing to be mad about instead of lots of things to be happy about... hunting is not just about the kill. I have the outdoors and God's country at my finger tips every day so I tend to take it for granted... but for those of you that only have 10 days or so a year you should let your Blood Pressure fall and just enjoy the minutes you can be out there, because you can sit in your car on the freeway during the morning commute and grumble. Good Hunting.
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Unit 23

    This thread sounds pretty" cry me a river"... IMO. The hounds are not any worse than any other recreational intrusion (to many to list) into your day of hunting... We have suffered from many intrusions over the years but as long it isn't an Anti, I really just try my best to get over it any more... I love hounds and Hound hunters... they are a deer hunter's Best friend... you can't love them only when it is convenient to you, IMO.
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    take a minute remember and say prayer for trever brown

    I think you might be mistaken... Wyatt Althoff was lost in the accident at Rosy... Thoughts and Prayers to the Family.
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    what would you do? i need some advice!

    No one owns the spot but there is a fine line between respecting your fellow hunter and beating him in there. There are some spots that I would beat a guy in "if" I really wanted to... but there are lots of great places to hunt in the woods... For the most part the drama ain't worth the reward. Just my opinion... but I have pulled out of many a spots cuz I am tired of the drama... and have had a bunch of fun learning new spots. I won't be hunting this weekend cuz I will be scouting... I have learned hunting season is a great time to scout, too. Good Hunting!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Ulmer Edge

    I use them now... have not killed with them...but like how they deploy and how they shoot!! I get mine at Chasin' a Dream Outfitters in Payson... Jeremy always has some on hand.
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Lion In a Hole....

  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    need help deciding

    I am a kenetrek user... got 3 pairs... best boots I have owned. Lowa boots are a touch to stiff for me personally.
  20. I think you should keep them... put them out in the woods in places you don't hunt to keep other hunters out and help the deer populations!
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Kowa Highlanders: FMC vs. Flourite

    Spend the money... the Fluorite is worth it.
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Why I Trophy Hunt....For TJ!!!

    Great to see a civil "food for thought" thread on here... Knowing TJ and Becker I can say that they are both class acts on and off this forum. Any hunter who is OCD on coues deer and has watched particular bucks grow up can relate to what Becker wrote. For myself I look for many of the same attributes in a deer when I have a bow in my hand and have let many P&Y deer walk because I love watching them grow! However we hunt public land and the "baby" deer I have taken are on my wall because I knew they would die at the arrow of another before season was out.... that is why today I try to hunt pockets of deer with little to no hunting pressure... but the lions often foil my conservation plan...LOL. Not to mention that I still believe in letting every person choose their own level of "trophy hunting"... My wife was gunna shoot any racked deer last August.... the only buck she had a chance at was a young 110+ that ducted her arrow.... in a way I was heart broke (as was she) but we have seen him on camera this spring again and I hope one of us gets a chance at him this year again... we are hoping he grew some... but she will shoot the first racked buck again and I will hold out... we have very different goals. She wants to get bloody... I want to watch deer grow... that is why We "Trophy Hunt"... and make no mistake any coues with a bow is a Trophy!! Good hunting Friends!