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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    ***SOLD*** For Sale: S&W 629-6 6.5 with extra grip, dies

    That would make a great sidearm for anyone plannig a trip to Alaska.... My boy borrowed one for our trip that was just like that, with a short barrel.... great gun. Wish I was in the market.
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Archery Turkey!

    Way to go, Kid!!!! You have the heart of a lion! Seems to me that you and your Dad have been hunting hard for most of a month now and you still stuck with the "stick & string"!!! Outstanding! Congrats!!!!
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep


    And you have a college education.... I'll give you 10% of the original purchase price and throw in $10 for shipping. That is my top dollar.
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep


    That would make sense.... it could NOT be a wolf.....
  5. Casey, I have had lion twice and once was cooked to death on a grill... Sucked, and the other was deep pitted... and it tased like chicken... I'd eat it again any time that someone wants to cook it for me... but not likely that I'll be asking anyone for some lion to cook up for myself. I have never soaked meat in milk... milk was hard to come by sometimes growing up, so I soak some meats in salt water over night or a few ours.
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Please, don't take this personal..... but I HATED people that could not leave my traps alone!!! That piggy would have lived if it was in my trap, because I always carried a "pig stick"..... a 5' pole with a cable noose for releasing animals that you don't want to dispatch. Just like the one the dog catchers use. All safe and humane! I am 110% in support of situations like Tony was in and of vehicle injured animals, but this thing gets out of hand when you start almost dispatching a wounded animal running accross a hill infront of you or shooting something in someone's trap.... Nothing worse than walking up on a $450.+ bobcat that has a 30-06 hole ripped through both sides of it. Seems that I had a friend come up to one of his sets one time and had a dead critter hangin' in the tree branches where nothing could molest it.... obviously a conscientious outdoorsman had cleanly dispatched the critter and secured it for the trapper. That was cool.... IMO. H4L, Well said and I do agree that there are many variables. That is why I always say when ideal conditions allow for a longer shot. Example: Any antelope further than 35yds. that is looking at you when you shoot an arrow at it will probable jump the string or walk right out of the kill zone.... I had a walking antelope buck jump to a run at 52 yds and I missed him by 3 feet!! Very few critters will stand still for the approaching arrow if they hear the shot & can see the arrow.... And in rifle shooting the wind is a factor, again there are guidelines or rules you the hunter must be aware of, and research that can counter the the wind issue to some degree. However, it all falls on us as the hunter to say those words to ourselves.... "Shoot.... or Don't Shoot".... we have to know, in part by experiance, education, ethics, and common sense whether or not we can truely make this happen or if we are hoping for a "Wing and a Prayer" to get us through it. Perfect practice makes practice prefect..... It is our responsibility.
  7. HAHAHAHA!!!! Congrats on your success, Bob!!! Keep up the good work! I too, was cooking today and impressed everyone over here with my talents in cooking Turkey breast and Halibut filets!! I can honestly say that I have NEVER met a Coues deer that did not eat well! Spikes... to 6 1/2+ yr old deer.... All, the best table fair you can find, anywhere..... IMO! I do also agree with you that how wild meat is handled/cared for makes it good or bad. I have a friend that has used lemon pepper for years & years.... I had to try my own stuff, cuz I am stubborn as a mule... ... But, I have now proven to myself that lemon pepper is THE best rub for all meats, but I use it most in my deep pit. I have yet to try it in the frying pan but will keep it in mind next winter when there is fresh coues to be had around here! Thanks for the tip! BTW..... Jack Daniels is one of the finest injection marrinades I have ever used.... and cheaper than the fancy stuff.... if you do any of that kind of cookin'.
  8. A Cougar??? A hot mother? I'd like to get carried off my a Cougar any day of the year! That is called a MILF... you dork!!! You need a date..... GH....PLEASE help this kid out...... ... NOT!!!!!
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep


    I am Officially Amazed that this thread was deleted.... .... That link was funny stuff!! I was gunna watch it again and it is GONE!!! Well I saw it both ways so best as I can figure.... Casey or OW got butt-hurt about being likened to Hitler!!
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Azryan's Gobbler

    Congrats, Ryan! Nice bird... and a tough year to get it done! Way to go!
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Dang, man. Thought you were keeping it????
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    arrow fobs

    I think Paul should become a sponsor/member on CW.com.
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep


    If it's legal, it's ethical. -TONY Tony, I think the point you are not addressing with that statement is that there is a difference between Morally Ethical and Legally Ethical. There is a difference to me, anyhow, and if we all chose the high road more often then we (hunters) would look less the bad guy in the eyes of those folks that are on the fence.... Knowing and Staying within your (and your equipment's) limitations can & will make you a better and more Morally Ethical hunter. IMO. And that I believe is what most of the guys are saying as well.
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep


    +1.... CC..... +1!!! Well said. BTW.... You hold your booze better than I do, cuz I was stone blind and passed out by like 10:30!! Buying that Ranger and installing a killer stereo system in it has turned me into a guy name, Al Coholic! Jimbo, I know what you meant and agree with what you said 100%!! I'd bet, we have all been too eager to "win" atleast once in our hunting careers... and it should be our goal to fight it within ourselves, whether we are carrying a Bow, a Rifle, or even when guiding someone else. CnS
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep


    +1...again,Casey!!! Well said.... 3) Trophy Quality; If you are interested in shooting the very first legal animal that crosses your path... (TJ)... then you might never have to shoot more than 150 yds your entire life. But, if you are only looking for that one, the trophy of a lifetime, every time you are hunting then you may have to rise to the occasion when it calls for it. CnS CnS....I'll have to check but I thought that was a law. You mean it isn't? TJ Bah HAHAHA!! TJ you crack me up!!! And yes it can be the law if you believe it is the law.....
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Camo Pattern for Hunting Sheds?

    It's alright, dude.... ... Everyone is just bored and resentfull that we didn't draw an tags.... and this was a light hearted thread..... sorry if you were offended. We will refrain from profiling if at all possible in the future.... but no promises, though. Member of Pope & Young Club, Bowhunters in Arizona, Foundation for North American Wild Sheep (now under a new name I believe), AZ Desert Bighorn Sheep Society, Grand Slam, and CouesWhitetail.Com... if I probably left other memberships, but these are my favorites... so I'll appolgize in advance..... cuz I for-dot the rest of them.... Coues 'n' Sheep
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    ever have your heart skip a beat

    Heck Yeah, DB! Get the info into the right hands! They won't bust right away, I bet... timing is everything. And the $$$ might help fund you gas account to check you cameras! I'd dang sure be Loaded for Bear next time I went for that Camera! Those Bear hunters near Deer Creek in 22 had an all out gunfight with Pot Growers a few years back.... talk about spooky! No blood shed, thank goodness, but that one guy was lookin' into the business end of some Mexican's assult weapon, for a few seconds, before he got out of there.... not good!! That could have been you.... never feel like you are alone in the woods, cuz your not and Bad guys will always have guns....
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    bears, but no bucks.

    Dang! Nice pics, DB!!! Thanks for sharing 'um!
  19. My Boy's Crew did that Prescibed Burn for you guys down there.... You were in good hands! No worries! It need to burn... A little smoke now might save you all from a lot of smoke later.... BTW... Toady is National Sawyer Day! I only know that cuz my Boy is one. All the guys on his crew will be carrying as much weight on their backs today as Sawyers do everyday, to honor the Sawyers on his crew. HaHaHaHa! I thought that was funny! Their Superintendent is a Bad A$$ and obviously way frickin' cool to do that, IMO. But I bet those other guys won't think it is too funny......
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep


    You could be throwing Glass in a Stone house, there CC. There is a time and a place for shots like that.... and it has nothing to do with lazy. There are some of the best archery hunters in the country that can and will make an ethical kill at those ranges in the right conditions or situations..... .... I call it, Planning for the Worst, & Practicing to be the Best. It is only Lazy if it is done by some one who has not prepared for that kind of an opportunity. There are always those type of "hunters" in the woods..... but don't group the good with the bad. My $.02!
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep


    +1...again,Casey!!! Well said.... Sky, Yes, there are lazy hunters.... Just like there are bad cops, or shoddy construction workers, or worthless mechanics, or lousy computer programmers.... on and on and on. There are a couple of rotten apples in every box your open.... in life. I have harvested coues deer at 12-20 yds and as far as 420 yds, My boy has shot them at 11 yds and as far as 620 yds. The largest Coues deer hanging in my house was taken by my wife, at 170 yds. I think there are several factors: 1) Equipment; Archery vs. Rifle (or Muzzle Loader).... An archer might be able to hit an apple at 100 yds (in perfect conditions) and the next guy might not be able to shoot that good at 25 yds. Same goes for rifles... (100 yds or 700yds) The gun or bow has alot to do with that... I have two 300 wby mags, my LR setup would make you able to shoot a coues at up to 700 yds, maybe more.... my other rifle is a 400 yd maximum range gun... IMO. I own a 30-30 Win that I have killed elk with at 120 yds (open sites).... and would do it again.... but probablty would pass on a shot over 200. Know your limitations as well as the limitations of your gear. 2) Hunting Conditions; Arizona has some af the most diverse habitats in the country I think. Even from one end of a unit to another. Some areas it is very easy to close the distance to 100 yds or less with just a little bit of effort from the hunter.... and in other areas it may not be possible to close that distance to less than 400-600 yds. I have hunted in both... and unless you are very confident in yourself and your gear.... hunting some places in this state are not very productive... IMO. 3) Trophy Quality; If you are interested in shooting the very first legal animal that crosses your path... (TJ)... then you might never have to shoot more than 150 yds your entire life. But, if you are only looking for that one, the trophy of a lifetime, every time you are hunting then you may have to rise to the occasion when it calls for it. Of course I am outlining what I consider to be Far Right and Far Left, of this distance issue. I would bet that Most hunters fall somewhere in between. Hope this helps you find your answer. CnS
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    FS: Honda 450 Forman ES 4x4

    Well, the wife and I are buying a Ranger this week, and I will now have use for one less quad. The one I am selling is in very good condition it has not been abuse. Regularly serviced. Very good bike. I'd like to get $2750.00 for it. Thanks, CnS
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Friday Bird

    Yeah, but.... The Place, on 51st & Bell just aint near as good as the one right across from Ruffs (I think it is still there). But Grannies' is still my favorite place in Flag-town...... Does anyone know where that Mogollon Brewery is.... they have the best "Heffy" EVER!!! Also big congrats on the Bird!! Been hearing of lots of tags going unfilled.... maybe they should go sit in front of Mike & Rhonda's....too.
  24. Yeah, how many Out-of-Staters that come over here for the August hunt are just gunna show up and start hunting there Favorite spot in a closed unit????? The WM's are gunna have their hands full!
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Trouble finding components...

    +1 on the Norma Brass, Kevin. We have had a hard time finding 215's as well the last ones I bought TAM, Tim, bought for me in Prescott somewhere... and dropped them by on his way to New Mexico. If you put the word out here and on LR Hunting you might find a conection that will help you find some..... Good Luck. CnS