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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Members Slayin' bucks on opening day!!!!!

    That is a great buck!! Congrats!!!! Were you selfguided??? Congrats on a Fantastic deer!!!
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    javalina recipes

    HaHaHaHa!!!! Yes Denmark does a Great job!!!! I knew you would tell him that so that allowed me to be a Smart Apple!!!!
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    javalina recipes

    Dig yourself a pit..... build a fire....... when it is all coals.... drop the piggy in for 6-7 hrs..... pull fthe piggy out.... throw it away and Eat the Pit!!!!!!!!!
  4. Just a couple of pics from the last 2 weeks on my camera..... These are just a couple that I thought were cool.... not the big stuff but cool pics anyhow. The camera was still on the tree and I got some lazy Rhino owners on there driving around the water and waving at me!!! Atleast they left the camera alone.... My buddy had a camera Ripped Off in 19A this week.
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    It's this one or nothing now

    Geezze..... I think that buck is famous or some thing.... I swear I have a pic of that same buck on my phone from someone elses camera!!! Might be a different buck, but the right side is Identical!! How you get him Jeff.
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Congrats, Devin & Jody!!!!!!! Chris has been telling me that you are Wicked Awesome on big Coues, Devin.... and you are sure proving it again with this Monster!!!!! Way to git-er-done in a huge way Jody... 45 yards.... spot & stalk!!!!! That is amazing!!! Congrats, congrats, CONGRATS!!!!!!! How about a step by step story... to gop with that buiser buck!!!!!
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Coueskiller harvests a brute........

    Whooooooo Hooooooo!!!! Way to go Boys!!!! What a Toad!!!!!
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    GSP trainer

    Replied to your PM, Dan.
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Robert Dunn's "Skeeter Bull"

    Great story Jimbo!!! Great bull!! The pics, really show what a cool bull he is! Congrats again to Mr. Dunn!!!
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Coosefan's New Thunderstick

    So what do we call your rifle for short???? How bout....... Envy!!!! Sweet rig!!! Love the stock, my friend!! Enjoy!!
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Couple new mounts....

    Well picked up my Wife's 2007 AZ Mulie (lower right) and my Boy's 2007 NM Mulie (upper left) from Clay @ Mogollon Taxidermy.... as always no complaints!! Clay did a great job on them! These two bucks are not very big.... but we needed some mulies on the wall and the capes on these bucks were great... they add a lot to the room. Here is one more pic of her buck on opening mornig with "the Boys".
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Couple new mounts....

    Thanks to all that have posted, my family and I appreciate all the compliments. We are really enjoying the effect of finally have a couple of mulies on the wall. Good luck this weekend to all!!! I hope to be posting pics of a first archery deer for my Bride sometime this weekend!!! She is driving tacks out to 40 with broad heads.
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep


    I have lived with in 3 miles of this little tank for dang near 30 years... I have no intention on hunting somewhere else because some dude wants to stake a claim..... I have no problem sharing or getting beat in there, but be pushed, I will not. I have hunted shoulder to shoulder with friends and strangers.... and made friends of strangers in doing so.... however, it puts hair up on the back of my neck when someone tries to ride herd on a piece of country.... especially a piece of country in my back yard. Good luck to all.... may your arrows be Bloody by noon on Friday!!! And for the record..... we are not going to sit the tank with the sign on Friday.... but ol' HC might on Saturday... so I hope that feller huntin' that gound blind eats his Wheaties and packs a lunch..... he'll need both if plans to throw ol' Huntn coues a whoopin'!!! Great thread guys!! Thanks for posting on it I have enjoyed reading it!!
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Dead deer?

    You should be alright until the Yotes get on it..... then you won't get another chance to kill. We had that happen on a spring last year on the elk hunt.... Those dang Yotes cost me a pretty good bull that was three steps from getting an arrow when those dirty dogs showed up!!!
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Utah Archery.....

    I got those pics last night too, Jeremy..... those guys cleaned house up there.... 4 for 4!! I talked to DW this afternoon and got part of the stories.... sounds like a great time!! Congrats to the four of them!!! Ryan's buck is a Dandy!!!
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Mullins boys do it again!

    Great clip, thanks for posting it! The field photo's are excelent as well! Congrats to Robert (and family)... hunts like that are memories that last a lifetime! Congrats to Jim and Matt for another job well done! I hate to point this out but the last 4 bulls that the Mullin's boys have helped drag out of that country have all been 400+ inchers!!!! That is Amazing!!! And, I believe these two Raffle bulls might be the largest 2 raffle bulls ever taken too boot!!!!!! Congrats to all..... What a Hunt!!!!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Long Sleeve Shirts are in!!

    Hey Amanda, Do you have an XL like the one Clay posted up??? I'd like one if so.
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Updated pics

    Nice bucks.... Getcha Some!!!! Shoot that buck with the trash.... you won't get much ground shrinkage on him!
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Couple new mounts....

    Thanks! That is just one of 3 (or 4) walls in my house (livingroom)..... My wife is the best! The more dead stuff on the wall the better she thinks it looks!!!
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    I'm out

    Excellent post, TAM... I agree 100%. I'd like to add something to it, but you pretty much said everything I wanted to!! Boys, I happen to be a "Card Carring Member" of the P&Y Club..... and so as you know, I have no problem with the fact that you are not. But, you gotta know that I am a member and I do support them, not just because I have legitimate trophies listed in thier ranks, but because they help in the fight to preserve this sport that I love. It is more than just legality.... I'm not a religious man, but I do my best not to take God's name in vain...... even though it is perfectly legal to do so.... I just choose to be better than that.... whenever I can, not that I am perfect... That I am NOT!!! Gino, kinda sounded like I was bashin the B&C and P&Y. Didn't mean to come across that way or sound disrespectful to a good orginization! They both do a lot of good out there for hunters, I choose to put my support in other orginizations like the NRA, and the Arizona Deer Association. I can't afford to support them all, but they all do good for our sport in there own way. My point was that I will not allow ANY person, group, or orginization to dictate where I should set my own personal standards. Including those groups that I do support financially or otherwise. It's awfully arrogant for anyone to hold me to there own set of standards. I will define what I consider "fair chase" and I will live by it, but I won't expect anyone else to. I have a couple legitimate animals that I could enter into P&Y, but I just don't care to. Not that I'm against entering them, it's just not my thing. Your point about choosing to be better than that is well taken. We should all be striving to become better people and better hunters. I still stand by my point that the law is the minimum bar for any code of ethics, but over time as we strive to become better perhaps our personal code of ethics will be increased a notch or two? JMO and It's probably not even worth .02 I think this one has run its course. I'm bowing out. Thanks Redbeard and everyone else for a enjoyable discussion! Thanks, Tim..... I totaly do agree with your last post thanks for clearing that up. And Jason, AZOnecam..... I also totally agree with what you posted! Regardless of which side of the fence you are on this has been a great thread..... Thanks to all who have posted thier POV and thanks for letting me post mine. BTW... Bobbyo..... if yu ever come across one of those "competing pics" like you mentioned with Randy holding a Mathews next to one of these monster mulies from Nevada..... please get it for me cuz I Want that photo!
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    I'm out

    It's spelled Illiterate Oops!
  22. How bout you guys?? I am in a delema as to what to do with pics over time......
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Trail cam pictures

    Sounds like that external hard drive might be the ticket!!! Might have to check in to that.... What do you do when it is full??? And how long would it take to get one all fulled up???
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep


    HAHaHa..... I know it is not you Mike..... for two reasons: 1) You would have put your name and Ph #..... 2) You would never build a ground blind on the almost up-wind side of water... Thanks for the responses. I sure hope some on here owns that sign..... it is not like I have my heart set on this spot for opening morning.... I would like to have it for a back up plan. My wife is not going to be picky she just wants a deer with a bow.. with a little luck she will be tagged out by noon on Friday at a water hole that I can't get a good and secure camera on. I'm thinkin' I will hang a Camera on a fence post while we hunt it.... ain't no one gunna steal it while we are in the blind with our bows! I am really stroked cuz this "plan A" water hole has a bear hitting it and the unit opens on Friday too!!! Please stay dry all week!!!!!
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    I'm out

    Excellent post, TAM... I agree 100%. I'd like to add something to it, but you pretty much said everything I wanted to!! Boys, I happen to be a "Card Carring Member" of the P&Y Club..... and so as you know, I have no problem with the fact that you are not. But, you gotta know that I am a member and I do support them, not just because I have legitimate trophies listed in thier ranks, but because they help in the fight to preserve this sport that I love. It is more than just legality.... I'm not a religious man, but I do my best not to take God's name in vain...... even though it is perfectly legal to do so.... I just choose to be better than that.... whenever I can, not that I am perfect... That I am NOT!!!