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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My Boy's NM Buck (UPDATED on pg4)

    Well finally had Clay do the official score for this buck and I am very proud to say that Colton's buck made B&C!!!! This is the first B&C Coues in our house and I am very proud of him for getting done on public land!!! Way to Go Kid! Here is the score sheet.... for those that like to keep score! Little slow on the download... CB_NM_buck.pdf
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    What about a New Topic?

    Mr, J..... Also, save yourself some heartache.... get a GSP!!! Pointers are for those that don't know any better!
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    HAM Javis

    Daryl, Congrats on the successful hunt!!! Looks like a great familly outing!!! Tell your Dad congrats and hello.... he might be interested to know that that J107 has been used and abused! I might get one more season out of it, it has been a great pack!
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Fun CW.com Treasure Hunt!

    Did everyone play??
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    What about a New Topic?

    See!! That is what I Meant!!!! Thanks for summing it up in one phrase, Mr. Q!!!
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep

    130" Coues rack

    You are quite the salesman there, Chrissy..... I'll pass. If they don't want that Thumper seen... then... I don't want to see it!
  7. Coues 'n' Sheep

    What about a New Topic?

    I'll probably get slapped for this, since my Dad is a Trainer, Trial'er, and bird hunting NUT..... ... but I come here for the Coues.... and Bone.... and conversation about Coues and Bone..... (by Bone I mean anything that grows on a critter's head.... bone or hair based) And I know that I am not being open minded... and that ain't nice..... but I'm into big game! I like stuff that has enough blood in it to leave a blood trail! Let's talk about stuff like that!! Now if you are talking about shooting the heads off birds at long range.... I'm IN!!!
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    WHAT UP?

    You gunna let her trash talk you like that, Dad??? I think you are gunna have to show her that you can win at fishin' any time you want!
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    130" Coues rack

    Manny asked to not have any pictures released or I would have posted some up! You really have to hold this buck in person to get an idea of what it is! Gotta love that.....
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Finding the passion again.

    Gary, I'd have to agree with the thought that it is depression.... and that is one mean critter. It is hard to fight something you can't see or feel. It is like carbon monoxide... a silent killer. You just gotta Jump at life.... get out there! Your hunting buddies are lookin' down and wondering why you have not found new hunting partners to share the mountains and trails with. You have got to let go of the past and step into the future.... You can never go back and right the wrongs that created these demons that haunt you... you have to force yourself to let the past go. What does not kill us makes us stronger! You are worth far more to your daughter healthy and alive.... You have both been through alot, and hopefully that has brought you closer together... You need each other now more than ever and now the two of you must embrace the future together be each other's strength and motivation.... Maybe some father daughter camping and fishing trips?? Just a thought.... And as for your hunting.... Man... hunting is suppose to set you free... You need to get out there and remember why were there in the first place. The horns are gunna start to drop soon... it is the perfect time to be outdoors camping, scouting, re-aquainting yourself with old honey holes.... it will help heal those wounds and the pains of loss to embrase those memories and honor your "hunting brother's" memories by trudging upward and onward... into your new hunting adventures! Ther are a bunch of guys on here that would share a campfire with you... and that my friend is the best therapy of all! Best of luck and Godspeed, Man!! I know that I speak for more than just myself when I say that we are pulling for you! ....And are always ready to help a hunting brother in need.... just ask!
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    ISE Show

    I will be there on Sunday! Can't wait.... it is always fun to go to the show! Hope to see you all there!
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Jason Lewis Bronze for Coues Contest

    Fantastic!! I want one!! That would go great in any hunters home! Nice Job Jason!
  13. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Happy Birthday, Mike! Hope you are having a good one!
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    JEEP GLADIATOR TRUCK 1968 ""pictures posted""

    Post up some pics!! I'm thinkin' that thing has LAR DOG's name written all over it!
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Family Strengths

    Hey man!!! You gottat give us a bit more info!!! How bout a wine and price list????
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    14x16 and 16x20 wall tents

    AZMEATHUNTER, Do you have a link to the manufacturer, or a picture? Thanks!
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Fun CW.com Treasure Hunt!

    Like what??? You were probably at the doctor getting a refill for your Geritol or Fugitol perscriptions....
  18. WOW Tim!!! I want one!!! Do you have more pics of the Break? You are gunna love that rig!!!
  19. Okay.... you guys asked and now you have a long read and lots of pics!!!! HaHaHa!!! Well, Jan 3rd we had our first archery coues on the ground, for our group. It belonged to Tiana Madrid (Mrs. mjmhunter)… it was her first coues with a bow! Tiana is one of the toughest girl hunters that I have ever hunted around! She had been trying to hold out for a branch antlered buck for some time, hunting a couple of days each January hoping for a shooter and finally got it done!! Tiana, you once again, proved that you're a better hunter than your hubby!! HaHaHa! (Just kidding, Buddy) Way to Go, T!!!! Our next successful archery hunter was also a First! My hunting partner, Jason, passed a buck and his cameraman, Clancy Gosswick, jumped at the chance to harvest this big fork with eye guards as his first coues with a bow! Clancy anchored this buck to the ground and we got it on video!!!! Clancy's uncle is an official scorer and I am told that he taped the buck at 86" gross. Way to go, Clancy! Our next, First Archery Coues, would fall by the hands of my wonderful wife, Tina! She took up a bow for the first time this year because, her rifle tags don't come as often as she would like anymore and the boys can't have all the fun!! HaHa! She has had to overcome all of the usual obstacles that most archery hunters do, how to draw a bow on a deer without getting busted, all the mechanics of executing the perfect shot, braving the heat (August) and the cold (January), and how to cope with Buck Fever when the first 4.... yes FOUR... branch antlered bucks that present shot opportunities to you are over 90 inches!!! HaHaHa!! I just love the Never Say Die attitude that my wife has exhibited and the fact that her motto became... I just want a small buck to come passed me!! She spent days and days hunting, passing spikes and a spork or two, and the first small buck that came passed her got and arrow in his ribs! One buck hit, one buck recovered!! A very cool first buck and our son, Colton, was there to video and share this special culmination of events with his Mother!!! Colton had passed this buck up several times and had videoed him previously hoping that his Mom would get a crack at him. An archery Coues NUT was born in these last two archery seasons (last August & this January)... Now she will be ready for the big bucks next January! Congrats, Baby Doll!!! I am Soooo Proud of you!!! I too, was blessed with some great archery hunting opportunities in the few days that I actually hunted for myself. Passing couple bucks that would have easily broken that 90” mark and bunch of the lil'er guys..... Hoping to keep my promise to my buddy, Jason, Our motto: It has got to be a No Brainer! A Hundred Incher or Nuthin'!!! When I saw him I never saw his horns after the first glance. When the guys asked me how big, I said, "Not sure, I saw him and went into shooter mode. That should make him over a 100".... I hope...gulp! But, he ain't no 110"! I do know that! HaHa!! The result.... My second largest coues with a bow, my largest typical and everyone is giving me crap cuz he is going to be the largest Euro Mount in my house. HaHa! I am very happy with this buck, but I already have one mounted that is just 2+ inches smaller, and I like Euro Mounts!! I am telling myself that next year I will be able to pass bucks like this, but honestly, I am not sure that I will ever be able to pass a 100 incher with a bow! I taped this buck at 100 7/8” gross (with about 2 1/8'' in deducts) and I will enter him in P&Y. As the month has wore on there have been countless hours spent in the woods hoping that we would get another big one on the ground. The guys had to pass on a lot of bucks that most people would shoot… hoping for a No Brainer. There are many times in bow hunting when you know you just glimpsed the buck of your dreams and then he gone, never to be seen again. And the close calls, seeing a buck at less than 30 yards, being at full draw or just as ready as you can be, and having something cause the buck to not offer the shot. My hunting partner, Jason Scarbrough, had had an exciting month, filled with these ups and downs and it finally paid off! The No Brainer was in the open at 24 yards and there was an arrow painted red stuck in the dirt just beyond where the buck had been walking!! And he kept his promise as well.... A Hundred Incher or Nuthin'! And he just had to show me up!!! HaHaHa!! His No Brainer taped at 106 1/8!! Congrats buddy!!! You earned every inch!!! Jason and I have hunted every January together for many years now and this is the first year that we both broke 100" in the same month!!! What a thrill!!! To many more triple digit coues my Friend!! Well the last three days of the season were upon us and the boys wanted to score. The older two (Justin & Colton) were still looking for a personal No Brainer... and there was not much deer movement going on. But, then there was Lucas... Luke was introduced to hunting by my buddy, Jason. In the Fall of 2007 Luke and my Wife hunted muley's together with Jason and were both successful. Then he picked up the archery equipment and began a tireless practice regiment to prove that he was good enough to hunt in January 2009 with Jason and me. Luke hunted many days and passed up a bunch of spikes and forks… he saw a few bigger bucks and one monster that kept him motivated, but they never gave him the shot he wanted. These last three days were do or die in Luke's eyes! "The first spike that walks in!" was his reply when I asked what he would shoot. And wouldn't you know it on that third to last day; Luke smoked his first coues with a bow!! I am certain that I have never seen a happier or more proud hunter in all my days!! All your hard work, effort, and patients paid off, Luke!! We are so very proud of you!!!! Congrats, Young Fellar!!! To all my friends and family that put in the hours and did not fill the tag.... Manny, Justin, Colton, Lee, Jake, and Jimmy, the rest of us feel your pain! Just as you wallowed in our joy of harvesting these deer; we also share your defeat! As a team we batted .500 and there is always Next Season! Almost forgot! Colton shot one of the two or three Bob Kitties that he saw in January!! Here is a pic.
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Fun CW.com Treasure Hunt!

    Amanda, Resent.... and PM'ed.
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Fun CW.com Treasure Hunt!

    Hope I got them all right!!! I wanted a pair of those tickets!!! That was fun Amanda!! Thanks!
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hunting with Muzzle Brakes

    Mine too Jeff... we can thank our Dad's for bring us up in the Trade!! Skill Saws are what have done me in... not guns! Can't hear for crap outta my left ear!
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hunting with Muzzle Brakes

    Tim, Do you have any concerns about changing your POI down range by not having the brake on? I would think that the difference in the length of the barrel and the different preasures might have an affect??? I only ask, cuz I have never tested that.....
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Hunting with Muzzle Brakes

    No Pain No Gain... No Guts No Glory! There ain't nothin' dyin' if'n the lead ain't flyin'!!!!!! Heck no!!!We have all done it!! ...I mean run off and forgot the plugs.... but what are ya gunna do??? Trade a good critter because your gunna have some bells in your ears.... No WAY!! Althougth it is really bad to do... I'd say half the critters that have taken dirt naps because of "the Tradition" have been done without ear protection.... that is why we love the One Shot Kill!! You gotta let is all hang out, there are many critters over the years that would have lived on if we "chickened out" cuz it was a "bad" idea or a bit too dangerous.... ear plugs are the same thing... just gotta make the call. However, we Always make sure the kids have ear protection!!!! Even if it is a couple of wads of TP! So what if your a bit deaf when you get older.... ... gives you a good reason for not heaing what the Missus is gripin' at you about!!!