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Coues 'n' Sheep

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Everything posted by Coues 'n' Sheep

  1. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Opinions wanted on Heavy duty trucks

    Good input guys... keep it coming... Where are the GM Guys?? I wanna here some D-max input... the 2006 D-max I have is the strongest puller I have ever owned better than my old 24 valve cummins was, better than my 7.3 is or was... so I am Curious... gotta say my D-max has been nickel and dime'ing me to death lately.
  2. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Two Words.... BAD A S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Coues 'n' Sheep

    OK, who does this?

    Perspective Jason... Teach your boy Perspective... It isn't ours till it is in or hands. There are a Thousand things that could have prevented you from tagging that buck... That buck may have been literally shot out below you, but in reality not out from under you... and probably without a hint of malice or ill intent. I do feel your pain and I would be upset too, but it is a lot easier to have perspective from here than in your shoes. I hope that you and your boys can find joy within each bad day just as you do on good ones. Good Hunting to You and the Boys.
  4. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Who turns necks?

    I have to turn necks on my 300 Wby brass... not so much on once shot but on multi shot brass it has a big affect on the POI of my Mark 5.
  5. Coues 'n' Sheep

    OK, who does this?

    Public land is Public land... Can't expect because you are parked somewhere first that you are going to the same spot... also maybe they saw the buck you bumped... This has happened to me... sometimes you are the windshield... sometimes you are the bug. Here is a great example: On a late hunt: I am driving down a road (in the dark) when I catch up to two very large trucks, road is snotty and these guys are NOT moving over for me...LOL. So I just follow along, I have a plan A and a bull to kill... maybe they do and maybe hey don't. We get to the end of the road and all our trucks stop at the same spot... and bodies are literally boiling out of the two big trucks running through my headlights to get in front of us...LOL. The guys with me have eyes as big as saucers and I just giggle... I say, "It is a big piece of country... don't sweat it." We calmly unpack and head up the mountain... I can see their head lamps way below me so I know they are skirting the bottom and so I just maintain Plan A. The sun comes up and we smoke a nice bull, they follow suit by killing a bull as well. They repeated the process the next day and killed another bull... oh... and there was no hard feelings from either party after the dust settled. LOL. In structure of todays hunts, based on "Opportunity", you are gunna have to realize you are almost Never truly alone and others want to hunt where you are. Someone is Going to show up where you least expect them and change the out come of your hunt or theirs. Taking it personal is your choice, but it is a foolish one. Teaching your kids how to cope with it and be a faster better hunter than the completion, is the best answer IMHO.
  6. Coues 'n' Sheep


    Wish is was a Long Bed... Bump for a sweet truck.
  7. My personal experience with solid copper has been mixed and I have talked to lots of others about them as well.... Seems to me that if you are shooting them out of something the spits them out Really fast (like a .257 Wby Mag) they are AMAZING... if you always make Sub-MOA shots, they also are Flawless.... But I will Never use then again. Period. When we checked my Wife's Buck a Few years back and the following year when a client had to use my rifle after his took a bad fall... They asked and I flat told them "I will tell you the GPS cords to where the gut pile is on that one shot kill, if you wanna pack it out..." they pretty much just frowned and looked at me in disbelief. I am all about game recovery and Not all bullets perform out of all calibers. If they don't realize that then that is not my fault. Funny how Turkey Vultures don't seem to have a problem digesting lead in a gut pile but Condors do??? I think we should worry more about effective and viable members of the ecosystem. Just my $0.02... LOL.
  8. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Bucket-list Father-Son Bull Busting, TLO-style

    Congrats you guys! What a Great time you had!!
  9. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My Bride and her buck **UPDATED***LOL

    Just downloaded pics from my Wife's camera and came across this one of both of us so I thought I would share it too...
  10. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My Bride and her buck **UPDATED***LOL

    We had a heck of a time finding our #1 buck... he eluded us the first morning so we pulled out... went and chased some other options... almost closed it opening night on a bigger buck but it didn't happen. Second morning had us back on "Plan A" and it worked out! She is one happy Lady and I am Soooo proud of her!
  11. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Guides-and using them

    I've been on drop hunts and they also can be rewarding... however, I can tell you they are not as fun as a guided hunt because you might find it hard to get moved if the hunting in that location sucks that year... or if moving isn't an option. On a guide/outfitted hunt you get all that... and I have wasted money on drop hunts that I regret... but that is again just me.
  12. Coues 'n' Sheep

    30 and 50 gallon propane tanks

  13. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Guides-and using them

    One more thing... What we make ($$$) as guides is really not that great when you think what we put into it... Each scouting day (lots of these) and 7 days per hunter... Example: (This is for me and I know the guys work with invest like I do) Optics and tripods=$10K (daily use) Truck(s)/trailers/rangers/tents/etc.= $15k-$60K (daily Use) {For Str8Shot} Video Cameras/Still cameras/Trail Cameras= $3K-$10K Food/drinks/supplies = $50-$100 (perday) Fuel/Tires/Wear & Tear on all above = $50-$150 (perday and sometimes a LOT more LOL) WE do it cuz we love it... but it ain't that glamorous and you ain't getting rich doing it either... LOL. Cheers!
  14. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Guides-and using them

    Furthermore.... We each have a different definition of what our outdoor and hunting experiences should be... So what work for me is likely not gunna work for you. Our judgmental points of view makes us an easy mark for the Anti's... It allows new laws like the No Bait law, less tags for archery hunters, and some future "rule changes" to get passed because we love to throw stones in this glass house... and that is a Fact that MOST of us are guilty of.... Just sayin'....
  15. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Guides-and using them

    I have been on both sides of this coin... and after being forced to go on guided/outfitted hunts (due to state or country laws) I can tell you that it is a BLAST!! There is sooo much less stress... no logistics to worry about.... No, "What are we gunna do tomorrow now that our Plan A is shot to He!!"... no drama.... Just focus on what you are there for: The Hunt! It is something I would pay for every year if I had the time or the money! It is similar to me paying someone to work on my cars so that I can Drive Them! Many can't afford the time off work or away from their businesses to have a good enough grasp on the unit and the animals in it to have a really good quality hunt.... for many it is financially less damaging to hire than to take that time away from day to day life... and lets face it, the tags come way to far and few between to not Maximize each and every opportunity. Soooo many guys turn it into something it is not.... and unless you have tried it (and had a good experience) you really are in no position to judge it....I have been blessed to go on some AMAZING guided/outfitted hunts and I try to be the guide that I would want to guide me. I guide because I love hunting, finding, and putting my hands on BIG critters it is also why I would hire at the drop at a hat!! There will always be haters but the Truth is... KNOWING is half the battle... because "thinking" is really what spawns the haters.... IMHO.
  16. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Happy Birthday Coues&Sheep

    Thanks All!! Was a good day... for an old guy... LOL.
  17. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Forest service officer shooting

    Mike... USFS LEO's are the top law dog in the state...They always carry guns and they go through the same training as the FBI I believe.... (I don't know that as fact... but that is what I was told).....
  18. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My First Elk

    I know I said it before.... But, Congrats Shelvin!!!
  19. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Forest service officer shooting

    Interesting...typical CW.com thread... and Sad... The LEO is a good man...and a level headed one, a man with a family who loves him and Cares for HIS safety. I have known this LEO pretty much his whole life and he does not deserve the bashing just for wearing a uniform and doing a job. Maybe we should let the FBI do their job and then let them release the findings... This isn't Bengazi folks it is Coconino NF and this is a guy that many in my community Call, "Friend". Chill out... and as for the Archery vs. Rifle hunter bashing.... GROW UP!!! Dam Disappointing...
  20. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Looking For...

    Thanks Casey. Thanks Kevin... I appreciate the call and I will see you in a week and a half.
  21. Coues 'n' Sheep

    Looking For...

    I wanna try some Ramshot Magnum powder... anyone know were I can find some, buy some, trade for some??? Thx! Gunna be gone hunting again so please hit me up on my cell via Text if possible. Thx, Gino (928)Nine7Eight-290Zero
  22. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My unit 9 bull **New pictures and story added**

    Congrats Casey!
  23. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My Bride and her buck **UPDATED***LOL

    Seldom, You are spot on... he is likely to score between 81"-82"... he still shows evidence of the additional paddle(s) tho more like bumps now... I have talked to lots of guys that have tried to kill him and lost him... We hunted him like a Mulie... A buddy of mine saw him in his prime not far from where we took him, he was a giant then. and that makes for a better story and hopefully better genetics I there today... wish they would reduce the tags in there and let some of these bucks get some Age... I saw very few Truly Mature Bucks... Notime, PM sent. Thanks for the replies guys (gals)... still... almost unbelievable hunt and memories.
  24. Coues 'n' Sheep

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    Stud Buck!!! Congrats!!! All the hard work paid off!!
  25. Coues 'n' Sheep

    My Bride and her buck **UPDATED***LOL

    Casey... his left horn is actually pretty close in size (maybe an inch total?)... he has a twisted pedicle and that horn cranks way back really hard, making it difficult to appreciate him unless you hold him... Tons of character on an old buck... She is tickled with him.