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Everything posted by sremim

  1. sremim

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Early archery bull, res, 6 points. 8 7W 6A 5BS Antelope, rifle, res, 20 points. 5B 7 9 Thanks a ton!
  2. sremim

    Elk Draw Question

    I have the hunter safety point. I've drawn 2 bull tags in my 23 years I've been able to apply. And only one was a high demand tag. My wife does not have a hunter safety point and she has had 5 or 6 bull tags in the past 15 years with 4 of those years only applying for points.
  3. I have 250 rounds of Wolf .223 ammo. 55 gr. hollow points and it is the steel cases. They don't cycle in my gun so I have no use for them. I know they are not the best quality, but if someone has a gun that they'll work in I'd like to get rid of them. I haven't decided on a price yet for just selling them, but I'd like to trade them for 100-125 rounds of regular .223 ammo with brass cases. Located in the Verde Valley.
  4. sremim

    Immaculate ***1994 Four Winns*** MUST SEE

    If I had any money I'd take it off your hands in a heart beat!
  5. Anybody on here hunt this mid-october rifle bull hunt in 6A? How was it? Were the bulls pushed off into the canyons from the previous cow hunts? Trying to decide if I should apply for this or not and wondering what people have seen as far as elk behavior goes.
  6. sremim

    Immaculate ***1994 Four Winns*** MUST SEE

    Whats the cruising speed with 4 or 5 people on it?
  7. sremim

    road hunters

    Here's an interesting read. This is from the "where to hunt" section under mule deer for unit 10 posted on the AZGFD website....... "Glassing, spotting-and-stalking, still hunting, and road hunting (using a vehicle to move from one spot to another and glassing along the way) are all popular and effective ways to pursue mule deer." I thought road hunting was illegal, yet G&F is telling people to do it. Go figure.
  8. Chef, Thanks for posting the pics. Mark is absolutely incredible when glassing. I thought I was a good glasser, but sitting next to him is mind blowing. This is one of the funnest hunts I have ever been on. It was great to finally meet Allen, and Chef, and everybody else who was up there. They are some hard core hunters who get things done. I can't wait to draw the tag again.