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About JesusSaves

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  • Birthday 09/21/1988

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  • Location
    Payson, AZ
  • Interests
    God, My Family, Hunting, getting out in the peace of the woods.

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  1. Tikka T3x lite in Stainless Steel- .270 caliber Swarovski Z3 3-10x42 Scope Bipod- (unsure on brand) Rings and Base- (unsure on brand) I won this as the grand prize at the msa banquet in Payson AZ. I am not exactly sure on the scope rings and base because the gun was already put together but they look high quality. The guy who put the gun together said it was a $2500 build. I priced everything out on cabelas (picture attached) and it was $2006 with tax. I would take $1300 for it right now. I am located in Payson. call or text-Mike- 928 517 1384
  2. Tikka T3x lite in Stainless Steel- .270 caliber Swarovski Z3 3-10x42 Scope Bipod- (unsure on brand) Rings and Base- (unsure on brand) I won this as the grand prize at the msa banquet in Payson AZ. I am not exactly sure on the scope rings and base because the gun was already put together but they look high quality. The guy who put the gun together said it was a $2500 build. I priced everything out on cabelas (picture attached) and it was $2006 with tax. I would take $1600 for it right now. I am located in Payson. call or text-Mike- 928 517 1384
  3. Tikka T3x lite in Stainless Steel- .270 caliber Swarovski Z3 3-10x42 Scope Bipod- (unsure on brand) Rings and Base- (unsure on brand) I won this at the MSA Banquet in Payson. It was the Nicest gun they had on raffle there. I am not exactly sure on the scope rings and base because the gun was already put together but they look high quality. The guy who put the gun together said it was a $2500 build. I priced everything out on cabelas (picture attached) and it was $2006 with tax. I would take $1750 for it right now. I am located in Payson. call or text-Mike- 928 517 1384
  4. JesusSaves

    Ruger 556 (ar-15) for sale with extras

    phine is 928 517 1384 if you want to call or text. Located in Payson and can deliver to phx for the right buyer.
  5. Ruger AR-556. So it can shoot 5.56 nato rounds or .223. Has a vortex strike eagle scope with a ballistic reticle for shooting out to 600 yards. has red and green illumination Scope has fully transferable lifetime warranty through vortex. Even if you broke it and it was your fault they will replace it with a brand new one. . It has 3- 30 round clips and 1- 40 round clip and 170 rounds of 5.56 x 45 ammo. And an ammo can. It has exactly 250 rounds through it. Cleaned every time it has been shot. Also it has a Quik breakaway system on the scope and flip up iron sights. So you can pull the scope off in about two seconds and use the iron sights. I would like $1000 for the whole set up
  6. We are wanting to re-home out Dog "Rocky." He is about 2 years old. Weighs about 40- 50 lbs. We found him about 6 months ago in the middle of nowhere at night on the reservation in New Mexico on our way to Colorado. We could tell he was not taken care of, but he was very friendly, He had a lot of ticks on him and an old sun-faded rope tied around his neck. We got him cleaned up and got his shots in the hope of finding him a good home. We grew attached to him and ended up keeping him. But we have 2 kids, 2 other, older female dogs and a cat. And I feel that we are too busy to let him get to his full potential. He is not too crazy, he doesn't chew stuff up, he is house trained, he walks fine on a leash and he is smart. But I feel he would be happier if he could run around more or have a "job." Rocky would be a great hunting dog or active dog with some training or great in a big property where he can really run around. He needs to be trained to be off of the leash because he tends to want to run off and explore, he has always come back, but he needs to be trained to stick around or he will end up lost or hurt. We want him to go to a good home that will keep him and not let him end up in the pound (we would rather you give him back to us.) And I wouldn't want him used to lion or bear hunt, because he is too sweet of a dog and I want him taken care of. Let me know if you would be interested. We are located in Payson.
  7. JesusSaves

    To Sure... Rookie Mistake

    I Shot a real nice buck while he was staring at me and watched me draw. It honestly seems like when they know something is there that they don't get surprised by the movement and are just trying to figure out what you are... But when they don't notice you and you make a sudden movement, it seems to scare them more, in my experience. But regardless, when a buck is in front of me, the only thing I am thinking about is getting a shot with my bow. I will take pictures when he is on the ground.
  8. JesusSaves

    Finished my sons huge buck!

    How long did it take? and how much was the kit?
  9. JesusSaves


    If you want cheap, I have a pair of the Bushnell Legend hd 8's (also come in 10s) to go with my viper 15s. They have been through years of abuse and are still very clear and great. They come with a bino harness which is actually great quality. They don't have the warranty the vortex do but they are cheap and honestly very good.
  10. JesusSaves

    Stalk in open country? How?

    There are already a lot of good suggestions, But here are the main things I pay attention to or try to do: 1. Practice shooting all the time so you can feel comfortable with some of the 'longer' shot. And use a good angle compensating Range finder and I always attach it to my bino strap with a home made Range Snap ( after all the work it was for me to make it I wish I would have just bought one. 2. I used to take my shoes off to close the last 120 yards but now I made some home made sneaky feet out of Vehicle Carpeting, or any real thin carpeting. 3. Always try your best to pay attention to the wind, but as you know in AZ it switches so often the most important thing I try is to stay out of sight. Deer pick up movement and anything that breaks the skyline with no problems. I always try to move around the back side if it will provide a shot. 4. When I spot a buck I always consider what I think he is going to do, for how long and how long it will take for me to make it to him. And always take as much time to pick everything apart with your binos so you know the exact tree it is near or under and the path you are going to take because it always looks so much different when you get over there and some times is disorienting. If i watch a buck be down I will take a half hour figuring out the whole hill and plan my approach. 5. Take your time! The majority of the time that buck will be in the same area for at least an hour. Just determine if he seems like he is on the move, feeding slowly or getting ready to bed. Or if possible just watch him until he beds and plan from there. That is what I try most often. Hope some of this will help you. Oh and it took me about 25 trys to get my first buck, but since then I have gotten a little better at planning my route and taking my time. But Deer are really tough either way.
  11. JesusSaves

    Spot and Stalk Archery Mule Deer on last day

    Haha. I was waiting for someone to say something about the shirt. It is from 7th grade which is why it is a hunting shirt now. I am not into spending hundreds on hunting clothes that really don't make much difference. That is why I just wear my old worn out clothes for layers and find some cheap camos at yardsales, walmart or on sale at bass pro. Thanks for all the congrats.
  12. JesusSaves

    First hunt(s)

    I grew up all over and never got a chance to start hunting until I was about 22 because I grew up without a dad and my mom was on meth... but God saved her and she is clean now . But I have always loved escaping to the woods so I eventually got into hunting and I love it. I mostly hunt alone or with my wife and I love the solitude and peace of the woods. I can't sit around too long so I love to spot and stalk. In the past 3 years I have killed 2 archery cows, 2 Coues (1 Bow, 1 Rifle), 1 archery mule deer, 1 javelina with a bow, and a turkey all unit 22 (I live in Payson). Very thankful for my time in the woods and now I get to teach my 2 little boys and my little sister what I never had a chance to learn as a child- Hunting and following God.
  13. JesusSaves

    My first buck with a bow

    Good Job. Glad he was still around after work. That is a blessing.
  14. JesusSaves


    Nice Buck, Keep practicing those long shots, it pays off.