Okay, so I'm kind of new to hunting I only started a few years ago. Just from what I've heard here and there, and read, I am almost anal about scent proofing. I figure you can never be too safe, especially since its not hard to do.
Now a while back when I first started sitting tree stands I was under the impression you should sit there all day. I said "Hey no problem I can handle that. " Well since then I've sat a few tree stands and they are in areas where the deer are more used to people. I'm in this stand the other day filming for a friend, and one of the biggest bucks of the day comes in after a doe just five minutes after some kids on a VERY noisy cart - scooter thingie go by only forty yards from the setup.. Then, after the buck leaves, my friend wants to run back to the truck and warm up.. So we go out come back in and only a few minutes later a spike comes in then after that a 2x3 comes in.. After we get out of the stand that night he tells me when he had to go to the bathroom earlier that day, and his container wasn't quite big enough, so he went on the tree or the ground under the tree - dont know.. Anyway - I would never dream of doing that.. But we saw bucks all day, even after that.... So just how important is what scent?