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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    horse or mule

    How about LLamas? Anybody use them? With the new roadless plan by the forest service I am thinking access to good hunting will be by packing some way.
  2. It has been reported in two other sites that a new G&F deer survey on the new proposals is coming out soon. The questions are very confusing. You need to think them thru very carefully as some may have unintended consequenses. Here is my take on what will happen if these new proposals are approved. The archery deer dec/jan hunt will be shortened by two weeks. The Dec rifle hunts will be shortened by one week and that week added to the Oct. hunt. What this will cause is LESS opportunity for the archers and reduced sucess. The Dec rifle will be around the hoildays, again less opportunity because of conflicts with family activities and shortened season. The Oct. hunt will be lengthened. I the south units it is too hot for a four day hunt. I suspect that most people will not utilize to added days. But, some will so that makes the second season not very attractive because the deer will have been chased around for additional days. And since the second hunt will not be moved back there is less time between hunts to let the deer settle down. I don't like the Oct hunt because it is too hot for a good experience. The second hunt won't be a good experience because the deer will be spooked badly. The Dec hunt won't be a good experience because it is very hard to get drawn plus the short sesson at the wrong time. This is my take on the proposed hunts and I will add that my comments concern the whitetail hunts because that is what I am familiar with. The dept has somehow equated LESS sucess with more opportunity. I don't buy a tag to have an opportunity to hunt, I can hunt 365 days a year. I buy a tag to harvest a deer. To me more opportunity means more sucess. The Elk hunters have spoken and it is time for the Deer hunters to do like wise.
  3. ThomC

    Any Draw Nees

    Check the commission meeting schedule. The April meeting in PHX the commission will set the hunt regs for 2006. Last chance to voice your wishes on the deer changes.
  4. The commision did listen to the Elk hunters and dumped the new Elk hunt changes back to the 2005 setup. The changes that concern whitetail seasons are still in doubt. They want to shorten the Dec. hunt to the last 10 days of Dec. and add 6 days to the Oct. hunt. Their idea is to make all hunts 10 days, uniformity is the reason. If you don't like these ideas then you better get busy and yell like the Elk hunters did. 1) Written comments may be mailed to: Game Branch, Arizona Game and Fish Department, 2221 W. Greenway Road, Phoenix, Arizona, 85023 2) Comments may be faxed to the Game Branch at 602-789-3929 3) Comments can be e-mailed to azgamebranch@azgfd.gov. Deadline is March 1, 2006
  5. Where did you get your information?
  6. I know how to slip funds around and G$F is expert at doing it. Your spin doesn't fool me. And what about the money spent on wolves and tiny minnows. I would like to see what happens if the G$F was audited. Lots of scrambling. LOL
  7. I would get rid of the non-game branch, endandered species, etc. If the public wants this stuff then general fund money should be used for it. Quit putting the whole load on the hunters and fisherman for these eco terriosts projects. Another thing get rid of the PR people they are growing.
  8. ThomC

    AZGFD Public input meetings

    This is very important. Go to your local Game & Fish meeting and tell them to NOT take away our good hunts for more bad hunts. It is hard enough to get drawn for Dec whitetail now. If their proposal flies it will be impossible. If your not familar with what they are going to do, it's like this. Reduce the number of permits for dec whitetail so they can add twice as many in the early hunts. More opportunity is what they call it. If you don't holler now then it will be too late when you read about in the hunt booklet.