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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    It has been bugging me…

    It is not fair to the animals that you are good at it. Now if you are perfect and don't wound and nobody else does it. You know darn well that other people will try and will wound animals. At the very least you need to not brag about it. I think that the original post was to get opinions and that is mine.
  2. ThomC

    It has been bugging me…

    In my opinion. I think that long shots are taken by lazy shooters not hunters. Not much different than road hunters. It is not fair chase.
  3. ThomC

    Welcome to Golden Eagle Distributors!

    Great when do we get our discount coupons.
  4. ThomC

    1953 Chevy Sedan deluxe $500

    The powerglide would be no problem for who ever buys it. Send me a pm. I would rebuild it just for fun. Nice car, my Dad had a 54 that I drove all over.
  5. ThomC

    20% Bonus Pass CAUTION

    This is the way it works from the Game & Fish web site: http://www.azgfd.gov/eservices/BigGameDrawingProcess.shtml
  6. ThomC

    tag numbers?

    sorry I was responding to azlance's post. As far as the original poster coueschaser he could call a region office and they would tell him what he needs to know.
  7. ThomC

    tag numbers?

    You were drawn in the bonus points round and your first choice hunt was already filled. http://www.azgfd.gov/eservices/BigGameDrawingProcess.shtml
  8. ThomC

    It has been bugging me…

    IMHO "ethics" is are a moving target and is a very subjective subject. Is it going to be ethical to shoot a deer with the soon to be developed scope with a built in computer that does all the calculations including reading the wind along the bullets path? I think it is all personal opinion. As you can tell there are many different opinions concerning what is an ethical shot at a deer. Some people say that "it would be impossible to get any closer." Then how are you going to retreive that deer after it is dead? A question I always ask myself is: am I able to pack the deer out of there. Another thing that will raise its ugly head is: if hunters get more efficient will less tags have to be allocated to maintain the deer population. I can tell you that most of my non hunting friends think that just using a high power rifle is not sporting. I think that at some point we will have to call it shooting and not hunting and shooting will be only a few tags allocated to properly equiped and qualified shooters. So as we on this website (who are by my defination above average hunters) think about these questions, and what do we want to see in the future, must struggle with the word 'ethics" if our sport is to remain a sport.
  9. ThomC

    Legal question

    Your best bet would be find somebody that has rocks on their property and ask them. Public property is owned by the public (to look at but not take) so you would have to ask everyone. Or some politition who thinks that he/she speaks for everyone.
  10. Common sense says that daylight is when you can identify your game without using a light or the moon. I use 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset. Sometimes weather can make it dark after or before those times.
  11. ThomC


    The only thing that knows what the best load is, your rifle. And the only shot that matters for hunting is the first shot out of a cold barrel. Mister Monstercoues, You can't just shoot alot of holes in the target, pick the closest three, and put tape on the others. LOL
  12. Here is mine. Don't forget to take plenty of NEW mosquito spray. This year was very bad in 5b. The little aggresive buggers were everywhere. Also take your allergy medicine. The yellow flowers are really thick this year. Do Elk eat them, if not they are really crowding out the grass. All the meadows were pure yellow and your pants would get covered with the yellow pollen.
  13. I am not sure of the capacity of your GPS but generally you will need a model that will accept a external chip. Most GPS do not have enough internal capacity to download all of the overlays.
  14. ThomC

    chiggers in az?

    There are lots of chiggers in soaz. Spray deet on your boots, legs, and pants highter than the grass is. Or anything that touches the grass or ground. I spray the ground inside of my blind. Deep woods off is supposed to be sent free. Nasty little buggers.
  15. If you are shooting from an elevated stand or hill (in my case it was the top of the dam of a tank) and you range the distance at say 40 yards. How do you figure how much to hold low?
  16. ThomC


    I don't know if they know it but they are risking their life now, walking across our desert.
  17. Thanks guys for your replys. Good advice. My grandson showed me the formula for a triangle which required me to estimate how high the hill was. So, in my setup I estimated the hill as 15 yards, the shot at 40 yards. I would have to shoot as if it was 37.2 yards. The formula is: a is the estimated height of the hill, b is the distance of the level shot, c is the ranged distance. b= the square root of (c squared minus a squared). That is not what I was expecting. I thought that I would need to hold lower. Well now if a buck would just stand there I am ready. Good luck to everyone.
  18. ThomC

    unit 32

    That is a sad story, I would not call them hunters. Did you call the Land owner relations man in Region 5 Game & Fish? His number is 520-628-5376. He has been working hard to aleviate some of the problems in the Galluros. I hope that your family is okay.
  19. I wonder how many of you who will be impatiently waiting to find out if you will be getting a tag, waited till the last day to apply? If it is sooo important that you get a tag, why did you not put in earlier? Yesterday in R5 there was a parade all day long clear up to 7P to drop off apps in 103 deg. heat. Not complaining just curious.
  20. ThomC

    when is it going to be MY turn

    Simply put in for a ALS Bull tag. I get drawn every year.
  21. The los suns announced today that they will have a los fan appreciation day. All illegial aliens will get in free to the next suns game. Bring your fake ID, false social security card or false passport to the will call office for your free pass. At half time they will be honored by los al. After the game is over they will be allowed to sneak out the back door so as to not be caught by the law. The suns appreciate what the illegals have done for them. In the future there will be reconization for the rapests, murders,and other criminals for the support that they give to the suns. The suns will be proudly known as the anti-americas team.
  22. ThomC

    The Worst

    Having idiots (they are not sportsmen) look at you thru their scope.
  23. ThomC

    Theoretical Situation

    I did just that with a Winchester pre-64 lightweight 3006. I purchased at a swap meet in 1965. I changed the 4x scope to a 2x7. It is a little fussy with ammo but when I found what it likes then it hits the same spot every year. Of course I didn't have to pay $1500. The 06 is the best all around do everything cartridge. No muss no fuss just gets the job done.
  24. ThomC

    Roads still closed..

    At which shooting range did you find these problems?