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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ROTFLOL The second suggestion is thou shall not use the Lords name in vain.
  2. ThomC

    CC Hits

    When the G&F went to 3 draws these silly posts increased times 3. And now with the computer draw there will be 6 times more silly posts. Because the credit card people will check their hits and the old envelope people will have to wait for the results to come out. 3x2= 6 Now that is some rocket science. Now what will we do when cyber space develops a hole in the ozone.
  3. ThomC

    tv interview

    let me clear here fellers. I strongly support the right of every american to have and voice an opinion on any issue. I do fully support auction tags, I have never bought one and will never have the funds to do so barring a lottery win. But I recognize the need to compile funds to pay for a whole score of things that will be beneficial to everyone that hunts and fishes. Auction tags are a awesome revenue generator and have proven there worth many times over for several years right here in AZ in units that you guys hunt every year. If you want to go and voice your concerns about a piece of legislation thats one thing, but to directly do as JaviHummer says and condemn auction tags as opposed to "Regular Meat Hunters" is rediculous and counter productive to the overall picture here.Do any single one of you have any idea what the benifits have been in units like 12A, 13A, 13B, 9, 10 and others if not for auction tags!!! Some of you are in over your heads.... you say "rediculous" Actually your statements are ridiculous. I think that your smart head is in the wrong place. You are the problem not the solution.
  4. ThomC

    CC Hits

    I got hit for 84.25. What the. Oh it was walmart.
  5. This thread has lost it way. Not worth reading on Monday Morning. Please if anybody has anything new about AZFSW or there activities start a new post. Thanks
  6. Boycotting is fun it saves me alot of money. My list: AZSFW, ADA, Camping world, City of Tucson, TBA, Anybody got anymore?
  7. ThomC

    Handgun Bullet Limit

    Operation game thief phone line: 1 800 325 0700 This number is printed on your tag.
  8. ThomC

    GFD web site down?

    Getting an oil change getting ready for the overload of activity.
  9. I wish that I could go. What do you all think about some local meetings. Could you people from Tucson come back with info and set up some meetings to get the Average Joe informed. I think that we need to spread the word to as many people as possible. Alot of people dont belong to a club, and they need to be informed.
  10. Thank you for posting that Amanda I missed it live. And I also was impressed at the number of Coueswhitetail. com members at the catchment construction project in 37b. It appeared that your outfit was the majority.
  11. ThomC

    any luck

    Wouldnt it be wonderful if people would read the regulations once in a while.
  12. ThomC

    HB 2072 and AZSFW

    How do you vote often?
  13. As far as I am concerned your finely tuned response is suspect. Me thinks that thou protests to much. You have made a business decision to not comment but your no comment has spoke volumns. The often used no comment statement is very political. And obviously your appeal did not wash. Alot of people are greatly under estimating the intelligence and the will of "average Joe".
  14. Radical right wingers are just as bad as radical left wingers. The middle is where the majority of us are. I want a moderate realist party.
  15. ThomC

    SCI youth hunt in Texas

    Guys little Monique is the cutest little hunter you will ever meet. She is a future hunter for sure.
  16. ThomC

    Truck at SRP

    I am somebody also, many have signaled to me #1.
  17. ThomC

    Online elk draw

    PM your credit number to me and you will see a deduction that you will like. Every month. LOL
  18. Do you remember that joke Bill? Funny but not political correct now. But, I am not political correct and proud of it. LOL
  19. Not yet for you. I have mine
  20. We all got tents and sleeping bags right lets occupy the State capitol.
  21. ThomC

    Newspapers & the outdoors

    I dont buy ink and paper anymore. The comments section on the internet stories of the ADS is better reading. More facts and less liberal pr. You are a lucky man Bill to have lived in the good old days. I always enjoyed your writing in the Citizen.
  22. It was a very cold windy day at Patagonia Lake. My wife and I were not catching anything and decided to go up to a picnic table to eat lunch and get out of the wind. She jumped off the boat and was tying up as I walked with the cooler up to the table. Next campsite over a totally naked lady come out of the tent. She saw me and it was a deer in the headlights moment. She wanted to get something off the table but froze when she saw me. I diverted my eyes slightly and she continued on, got what she wanted, and went back in the tent. Later as we ate lunch a man with clothes on came out of the tent.
  23. ThomC

    California Craziness Continues

    But, dont come to Arizona.
  24. ThomC

    ADA Banquet

    Lark won a lifetime membership to SFW Won? That is like winning a square foot of a garbage pile.