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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    Tax dollars at work

    Hay you clowns its a scrape. Jees give me a break.
  2. ThomC

    drew a unit 1 archery tag

    Spent the night in Rawlins, went east to Lusk, goats like rabbits, everywhere. I dont know if that helps.
  3. ThomC

    Predator Camo - Sold!!!

    HELLO IM JOHNNY CASH Folsom Prison Blues? Too skinny for me lol.
  4. ThomC

    Online draw system fails AGAIN!

    And i guess we should just forget about those "real hunters" who may be strapped financially to be able to put in like the "real hunters" darn people that have hard times fall on them..... boy lets give it to em eh. Real logical thinking there. Why dont you just forget about it and move on. Let folks apply when they want and let it be. If you were a real father with a family then go buy some milk for the babies instead of spending money on your hobby.
  5. ThomC

    Online draw system fails AGAIN!

    I dont understand why a "real hunter" that really wants to go and loves hunting in the great state of AZ would wait for the last day to put in their application. I hear lots of excuses but they amount to "the dog ate my homework." Preference points should be given to the people who put in in during the correction period. People who wait should have the system crash on them. It is only right.
  6. ThomC

    so who on here has facebook?

    Facebook should go to China to corrupt their workforce.
  7. ThomC

    Online draw

    The online is correct as you go. The program will tell you what you left out. Of course if you try hard enough their are ways to screw up.
  8. ThomC

    Laws Regarding Baiting

    aa o never mind. I will exercise "my right" to remain silent because anything I say on the internet could be used against me or cause confusion.
  9. ThomC

    Laws Regarding Baiting

    I dont have an opinion on your stories except the use of "my rights". I dont think that anyone has a "right" to kill any animal. It is a privilege and you must follow rules.
  10. ThomC

    Is this MT. LION SCAT ???

    See any scratch marks, tracks. Break it open to see what is inside. Most likely a dog.
  11. ThomC

    Thoughts about what makes a "trophy" animal

    I have passed a spike elk to get nothing. I have passed a fork Deer to get a 4 point. I am not a trophy hunter. Now days I just want to see a Bull in heat. I just want to get a spike with my bow. Only you can determine what a trophy is to you. You know what trophys do, collect dust. I love to see the old bad mounts you will see in old bars etc. I do not think that if you hire someone to hunt for you that you should brag but that is just me. Beauty is in the mind of the Beer Holder. LOL Remember every post on Fri. PM may be in the mind of the Beer Holder.
  12. ThomC

    thoughts on new coconino road rules

    Well all I can say this is the result of tooooooooooo dang many people. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?
  13. ThomC

    What rifle to set up

    You don't have to be lark to say .270. A 7-308 is a weak 308.
  14. My Grandpa said the same thing and now I say it too. The slippery slope is getting steeper and slicker.
  15. A new word was learned "kerfuffle" LOL
  16. ThomC

    Cabelas 10X42 Binoculars

    Its amazing how much money we all spend on stuff. I bought a pair of Herters 7x35 many many years ago. When I came to AZ I got a pair of Bushnell Customs 7x35 which was top of the line then for $100. I now have a pair of Euro Cabelas 10x42. My Herters are still in the boat. My Bushnells are always in my truck. They are still clear and have found more animals than I can remember. My Euros are in the safe and only come out when I am really serious. Cabelas sells many different binocs. The Euros are the best IMO. It is nice IMO to start with cheaper and work up.
  17. ThomC


    And Now we know the rest of the story. Maybe Ted was on to something with his comments. Oh no, here come the SS breaking down my door.
  18. ThomC

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    The USFS think that they own the forest.
  19. ThomC

    Laws and Faqs

    FAQS need updating.
  20. ThomC

    Deer Cane Used on Coues Deer

    Without citing book, chapter and verse from the regs or code, then it's just pure BS. http://thinkexist.com/quotation/what_you_do_not_want_done_to_yourself-do_not_do/202162.html
  21. ThomC

    Older Ruger M77 Quality

    The 6mm is not a finicky round. I wish it would make a comeback.
  22. ThomC

    Checked the camera after months

    It is very hard to get away from those 2 legged creatures. And they multiplying rapidly.
  23. ThomC

    ADA decision

    quote "I do believe that started with the right intentions. It was started with the intention to gather funds to fight the political battles." quote I dont. Do a search for Don Peay and you will find out how the SFW is out to get different states into his new method of managing wildlife. It is a bigger deal than the few in AZ. I dont think that the AZ people were that naive. It is a money/control grab. Remember the New Mexico outfitter deal a few years ago? IMHO
  24. ThomC

    Long range accuracy from fixed blade heads???

    If you want alot of opinions you need to define "long shot". Then the fun will begin.
  25. ThomC


    The mistake that the FS made was exposed when people observed that the fire did not burn the WMAF like it did the Sitgraves because the WMAF was properly managed. WMAF managers allow cutting and Sitgraves doesnt. That being said the Wallow fire did not ruin the Forest it just cleaned it up. Expect to see an increase of animals in the Wallow Fire Area. The loss of property is a result of mis-management of the forest over the years because of eco nuts butting in. The Apaches dont have to listen to eco nuts and dont.