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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    AZG&F in the news-1

    Wow You think that any newspapers are not tabloid now days. Just because lots of people buy it doesnt mean that it prints only facts. Look at the last two elections, global warming, the hole in the ozone. Suckers are born every day. I have a gold mine to sell you.
  2. ThomC

    Looking for a lion

    Expect the left wing loonies to disrupt your hunt if you go there. They are already crying please dont kill this lion, let it eat people. It is just hungry. LOL
  3. ThomC

    The defination of a "Premium Hunt"

    Now, the next question is : How do you define a "serious hunter?" By age, money, bonus points, or whatever?
  4. ThomC

    Diamond plate

    It is a shame that we in Tucson have to go to Phoenix to get things. Anti business Tucson City clowncil and Pima County Board of stupes, thank you.
  5. ThomC

    AZGFD in the news #3

    How many fires occur on the lake.? I have heard of burning water back in the poluted east. So, you G&F bashers are having a field day. Okay, now that you have them down what are you going to do? Let the Governor take over and make it into the Department of Natural Resources. Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.
  6. That is the same old word for word tired line that you hear from all of the kool aid drinkers.
  7. ThomC

    The defination of a "Premium Hunt"

    And that sums up the Premium Hunt problem: pitting one hunter against another. That cow hunter has just as much right to be out in the woods as the Premium bull hunter. Do we really want to divide the hunting community like this? You are right in that we definitely don't want to pitt hunters against each other, but with the current structure of the bull and cow hunts going on at the same time, this is already happening. If the archery bull elk hunt were to be considered a "premium" hunt then there would need to be some sort of restructuring to make sure it does not overlap with a non-premium hunt, which in my opinion would truely make the bull hunt a premium hunt. There are definitely some hunts that have more "value" than other hunts as is evident with the number of applicants and draw percentages for the different hunts. In what other industry is a more valuable product not more expensive than a less valueable product? If you really wanted to make hunting an equal opportunity for all then the cost of deer should be the same as sheep. I find it interesting that there is this discussion about implementing different fees for "premium" hunts while there is another thread about "fee simplification". Kindof counterintuitive! Dont be confused by the wording. "Simplification, premium, and the best one conceptual." Nice bar Gotbowaz, When is Happy Happy Happy Hour. Cheers
  8. ThomC

    Nebraska or Iowa

    Actually you have the option to live in MO also. I would go to each states web site and see how they compare. MO would have the best fishing, waterfowl, quail. Good Luck
  9. ThomC

    Why No Enforcement???

    It is a hazard but the junk is LEAVING our country for a change.
  10. I bet you would be surprised at how wrong that information right there might be.......the net is quickly becoming a tracking device. FB, Instagram...........many things that make the internet a very serious avenue for legal action. A guy posted on FB helping a kid being attacked by a shark........his boss finds out and fires him because he was supposedly not at work due to illness.........don't think for one minute that the internet is a safe haven for stupid behavior. Looking at it that way you are so true, I will bet that Amanda could create a report on someone indicating what day and time they were on this web site and what computer was used.
  11. You would be wasting your money suing anyone based on information gleened from the internet.
  12. Obviously, Mr B you want this topic to live on so YOU can get whatever YOU are trying get (my guess is "your pound of flesh"). The 0nly reason that I comment, is that the topic was closed after YOUR last post which had more than one MISTAKE.
  13. I have got news for you youngsters. All people in authority (whatever that may be) will bend the rules at times. You guys old enough to have kids know that sometimes you have to be solomon and it is not that easy. For G---s sake we have a president and other pollutions that would allow someone to be killed to win an election. You expect the most under paid police officers to be perfect. If you have lived in the real (and some of you dont have a clue what really goes on past your nose) world, that sometimes things happen that dont and wont fit into your defination of right and wrong. First those that are without sin may cast the first stone and on the follow thru pat yourself on the back. Last life is not fair and then you die. Carry on with your fun. It is now happy hour and I will have a "Perfect Manhattan" and all will be good. LOL PS I bet that most of you perfect people dont know how to make a "Perfect Manhattan."
  14. ThomC

    European mount a fish head?

    Go to Minnesota, many a pike head nailed to the fish house. Nice teeth.
  15. ThomC

    Richards Sporting Goods

    Again, Well are you?
  16. ThomC

    Beef with the Border Patrol

    Lots of well meaning people MIS understand what is real and what is NOT. Example #1 = (Mr. & Mrs. comedian-in-chief). Example #2 (voters that like example #1)
  17. ThomC

    Tip of the day

    We know where your mind is.
  18. ThomC

    Elk Scent and cover scent

    Somebody makes synthetic scents. I wonder how the G&F will be able to detect the difference on your hat or where ever you used to sprinkle the pee on.
  19. ThomC

    Turkey Questions

    You have to be a Turkey to know the answer those questions.
  20. ThomC


    Simple solution. Do not post anything on facebook. It is for sissys. Do you tweet also. LOL
  21. ThomC

    Question of the Day

    I wonder if the parents will come back to see the trial and support their son? Or they would be afraid that they would have to answer questions.
  22. ThomC

    RESULTS!! I GOT MINE #3001!!!!!how about you?

    I got drawn 3000.
  23. ThomC

    Gay Marriage

    Now that is funny DBull. How about 1 man and 4 wifes and a dog. oh I forgot the sheep.
  24. ThomC

    draw results?

    Completely uncalled for. We all look forward to this year after year. If it bothers you so much, don't access these threads. Simple. Completely uncalled for. We all look forward to this year after year. If it bothers you so much, don't access these threads. Simple. Agreed, if you wanna be an idiot about it go away. These next couple days are some of the most exciting of the year (except the actual hunts we go on when were lucky enough to get drawn) so don't ruin it. PS I hope you don't get drawn just for posting that comment EVER ROTFLOFL