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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    G&F Catchment Tank Book

    The G&F catchment book is way out of date. Go to azgfd.gov, down at the bottom is habiMap. Click on it and add wildlife water to the map.
  2. ThomC

    Duck id

    Did you kill it before the scaup season? If so then it is not a scaup.
  3. ThomC

    Where to buy ammo?

    Your neighbor has a huge stockpile.
  4. ThomC

    Broadhead tuning help please!

    You probably need another archer watch you shoot. Are you using a release or fingers? Still too many ? and variables.
  5. ThomC


    All of these radios are about a one mile range. And if you are line of sight. They wont go thru the trees or over a hill. The FCC regulates the power of civilian radios. Have you ever noticed that near the border the mexican radio stations are so much better, No FCC.
  6. ThomC

    why do you say coues buck is a 3x3?

    It is nuts. My brother kills an 8 pointer and I kill a 3 pointer and everybody thinks that his deer is much better. May be it is because we dont go on daylight savings time and the whole country does. Too much daylight has fried our thinking. So all you easterners and Californos go back where you came from, we are all crazy here.
  7. ThomC

    How to start drawing for Coues

    Get a copy of the regulations. Read it.
  8. ThomC

    Wow 2013

    All you Scumdevil fans can serve crow today and you are right. Very dissapointing game played by the coach. He didnt seem to have the players ready to play. AZ played down to the opposition again.
  9. ThomC

    Shot My Fox Pro!

    I dont know about foxpro but if you shoot your mojo critter and send it back to the factory they will make it good.
  10. ThomC

    Odds of getting a 36A left over tag in person...

    Haha funny you say that! That is the reason I didn't hunt this october, With all the wedding stuff goin on! I will not miss any more for now on (Hopefully!) I know from experience. Oct. 27 is ours It was planned for july but the church had to cancel us and was rescheduled without my knoweledge LOL And you got married without your knowelege. What else is going to happen without your knowelege.
  11. ThomC

    Washing clothes

    Hang clothes out in the wind on a rope with clothes pins, or in a pine tree. And rotate. Ask a soldier.
  12. ThomC


    The radical right is just as bad as the radical left.
  13. ThomC

    Mexican Wolf Public Hearings

    Isnt this the org that tried to steal our big game tags? Beware, they are back. Watch out. Danger. Dont trust. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.
  14. Think water. Find water. PS, ducks like water. Has anyone had success with a plond?
  15. ThomC

    WTB Duck Gun Semi Auto 12 GA

    Probably more important is how you shoot with A,B,C, or D. I have used an A5 forever but after buying a 11-87 magnum, I have never shot so well. Try them all.
  16. ThomC

    Best all-around-tripod

    the promaster only weighs about 2.5 lbs! That's why I love it. it's so dang light! When I clicked on the link it said 3.7 lbs, not quite 4 but close enough for campfire stories.
  17. No problem with a expandable except it makes a hole in the screen. The hunter with the most holes is king.
  18. ThomC

    Best all-around-tripod

    Sorry Amanda, but read the post that Coach wrote about old guys. Another line is : There aint no way that I am going to carry around a 4lb tripod.
  19. ThomC

    3 1/4 ammo in a 2 3/4 gun?

    I agree. Learn a little more before you use a gun.
  20. I was talking to an Indian from Alaska and he said he has shot alot moose. I asked him what caliber gun he used and he said ".22" shoot em in the head.
  21. ThomC

    Obamacare Simplified

    The phone number for obamanocare is 1-800-F1U-CKYO. Good luck
  22. Use a decoy with scent.
  23. I agree at some level. But, there is always a but. I agree that guides create more pressure on the game. I would add that unpaid guides such friends helping also is on the increase. More pressure on the herd is also a result of Game & Fish putting as many tags as possible. And the weather also effects the herd in many ways. The hunt for horns is a huge problem IMHO with people willing to do almost anything to have the largest. Someday maybe we will have two tags for each animal. One for the horns and one for the meat. How about one hunter gets the "main beam" one gets the "fourths" one gets the "fifths" etc. LOL This is NOT HUNTING. IMHO of course. As far as the posts, it sounds just like two bulls screaming at each other with a few smaller ones added because they want the rut to continue and they still have testerone to burn.
  24. It should be closed to refugees always. But, Obama wants to close out citizens not refugees.
  25. Dont worry you all will survive. The little extra money you will pay G&F is nothing compared to what you will pay because of obama nocare.