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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. All this complaining is very predictable. It happened years ago when the prices were much lower. Soon everybody will be peeing there pants hoping to be drawn, checking their credit cards wishing to see a big charge on it. Then the ones that dont get drawn will complain that the draw is wrong, needs to be fixed. Then it starts all over again for the Deer draw. The common thing about alot of these posts is the misinformation and exaggerations that some spout. That is why Amanda calls this the Campfire. I can just picture a group of you all sitting around a campfire drinking and talking out of your hat and other places. LOL
  2. ThomC

    knocked out a monster with an arrow

    I carry a heavy blunt for those head shots.
  3. ThomC

    Ask the expert-

    It just does!! Nailed it! Wrong. There was no posi in a 49 ply. So, the answer is it just doesnt.
  4. ThomC

    Ask the expert-

    OK MR ex spert how does the posi work on a 49 Ply?
  5. ThomC

    Ask the expert-

    expert = ex is a has been and pert is a short squirt.
  6. Nice coyote. But your not helping the G&F, you are helping yourself. And, the title will and already did bring out the haters.
  7. ThomC

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    How many would take the long shot if they only had one arrow for the whole season? As far as the contest, how about $100. If you are so sure, it wouldnt matter how much money you put up.
  8. ThomC

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    I heard that the arrow didnt arrive before shooting time was over. Was that a violation or unethical?
  9. ThomC

    Ammo capacity

    How many shots will you need to kill a Javelina?
  10. ThomC

    site question.

    CORRECTION This post is worthless without pics
  11. ThomC

    How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

    Another problem with some comments is that the commenters do not have the right information. Then others feed off that bad info and the beat goes on. Occasionally the right info is presented by someone and they are bashed to the point that they say "I dont have time to debate with these people who cant handle the truth."
  12. All these posts on Friday afternoon, I think that your employers are getting screwed.
  13. Little willie, you can vote with your pocket book.
  14. Yes protest by not buying anything, better yet move back east and complain about the snow.
  15. ThomC


    Isnt that ridiculous. The horders are really getting out of hand. There are people hitting all of the ammo stores everyday just to buy ammo. They probably have enough to blow their own house up. Okay you have more ammo than anybody else, big deal. Stupid is as stupid does.
  16. ThomC

    Reloading press

    I started with the original hand and hammer Lee loader before most of you were born. Moved up to a RCBS for rifle, pistol, and a Mec for shotgun. The new factory rifle, pistol, and shotgun shells do the job just fine. Gave away my reloading stuff. It is not worth it unless you want to shoot nats.
  17. Heck now that it is in the campfire. If I was G&F I would have said lick it and shove up you know where. That would stop a few of you all from using it again.
  18. Well G&F said nobody aloud to sell till the first for whatever reason so chances are someone didnt get memo or possibly for some ignorant reason we got screwed in town while outside town things went as every other year but speaking for the non stop line of guys in G&f today nobody had them in town.. G&F had us by the nads and many procrastinators will miss tomorrow morn and possibly bit more. Well I am happy that "many procrastinators will miss tomorrow morn and possibly bit more." I think that John Wayne said Life is tough but if your stupid it is tougher.
  19. ThomC

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    Now that would be some undertaking. Hunters tend to uuu L--, or uu tell stories, and exaggerate, and make excuses so getting the truth would be tough. It would be very interesting.
  20. ThomC

    Baiting Javelina

    You want to eat a garbage Javelina. You are what you eat.
  21. The auditor thought that the G&F could save money if instead of going on trips to talk to other "experts" they could just ask the "experts" on the web. All the info needed is right here on the web for FREE.
  22. ThomC

    what to do once buck spots you?

    Why do you want to kill or wound the deer and not recover it? At that point the fun would be over. I think that you should kick yourself.
  23. I would much rather have seen them work on arivaca than throw money away. You want sheep in Arivaca? LOL Arivaca is getting renuvated, new boat ramp etc. Then you can pray for rain.
  24. ThomC

    calling in the rut

    Jeeze what a confusing website. Which call do you use? It is not the web site that is confused, it is you. LOL
  25. ThomC

    Will ASU win the Pac 12 championship game?

    I have been for ASU in games like this in the past but, you haters have turned me against ASU. Devil fan are loosers. Are you going to throw tortillas on the field?