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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    best Sea food

    The crappie that I catch covered with ground saltines and fried.
  2. What, read the regs, why do that when I can ask the experts on the internet.
  3. ThomC

    Morels/Ginsing in AZ???

    There are many fungus among us, but no morals.
  4. ThomC

    Hunting's Next Perversion

    My buddy is working on a computer program that will down load your camera picture of an animal of your choosing up to an gps satellite. Then that animal will be followed. You will be given gsp coordinates of where that animal travels. Then you can go shoot it. And proudly claim that you are a great HUNTER.
  5. Make an offer to help someone get a South Carolina deer in trade.
  6. ThomC

    Which December tag?

    I always put in for unit (bleep) as my second choice. There are huge deer in there some over 180. One in particular lives on a hill. The coordinates are(bleep) and (bleep). I got this info from a guy on a Iowa website.
  7. ThomC

    G&F wolf release news

    Everyone should carry a shovel in their truck.
  8. ThomC

    Commission meeting

    Is anybody watching the commission meeting? It worked yesterday in the morning but in the afternoon and today I only get video with a spinning thing in the middle. NO audio.
  9. ThomC

    Smith and Weston 38 Special

    It is worth it for the half box of shells. I cant find them anywhere.
  10. ThomC

    Mountain Lion Hunting in 34a

    A lot of lions in 33 need to be killed.
  11. ThomC

    which tire to get?

    Get a set of chains.
  12. ThomC

    22 lr

    All you idiots stockpiling .22 are keeping your neighbors from getting some. Dont you want a little help when the big war starts? ROTFLOL
  13. ThomC

    salt or corn?

    Another part of the question is who owns the property? Do you have the permission of the property owner?
  14. ThomC

    Is it bad when you find out you're injured and

    Shoot from the hip. I popped my knee out a week before Archery Elk season. I went on crutches and sat a water hole. I didnt get a shot but it was better than staying home.
  15. ThomC

    online elk tag result guessing

    This web site is all about Coues deer. You guys are confusing deer with Elk. Why dont you go to ELK.com and leave this web site to the real hunters. We like to HUNT. Elk hunters like to shoot. Pay a farmer some money and he will let you shoot the bull.
  16. Did you use an outfitter that you would recomend?
  17. ThomC

    Our Bighorn Sheep Slaughter Made Fox News

    Many of the naysayers of this project have a woodie for the G&F from the past. You are using the sheep intro problem to continue to hammer the G&F. This is an experiment in wildlife management. Sometimes experiments dont go well and changes are made and lessons are learned. I think that you haters are using a rush to judgment on the sheep project for your agenda. This project is a 3 year project. Rome was not built over night. Winners never quit and quiters never win. I am shocked that the people on this web site who should be more in tune with the workings of wildlife and have a little more understanding of real nature are taking the naysayers side. I know that you have a right to your opinion but, i think that have an hidden agenda.
  18. ThomC

    #16 & 17 Catalina Big Horns???

    It is also sad to read the posts from supposed hunters that are full of maybes, I think, probably, guesses and misinformation, Add in the grammatical and spelling errors and it makes all of us look stupid. I wish that Amanda would put automatic spell and grammer check on this site. PS I forgot the 20/20 hindsighters.
  19. As a general rule as the population increases the idiots/criminals quadruple.
  20. ThomC


    And with all the .22 ammo stockpiled in garages all over the country we the people could hold off for a long time. I believe that the reason that Japan did not continue on to invade the mainland is because "there is a gun behind every blade of grass". The socialist that want to take over know that they first have to disarm us.
  21. ThomC

    jag critical habitat established. any predictions?

    What good are Jaguars? We dont need no stinkin Jaguars.
  22. ThomC

    online elk tag result guessing

    The dictaters new rule-- If you are not signed up for the obamacare your applications are rejected.
  23. ThomC

    #11 and counting ...

    You will have to pack out the head for inspection by Game & Fish. And, the eatable meat because they are listed as game animals. You can use the gutless and boneless method. Does anyone have a recipe for lion?
  24. ThomC

    Breaking Hearts on Vday

    What was that clown act? Do they give diplomas at asu or just a certificate of attendance? It really hurts us more to lose to losers.