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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    Waterfowl regs?

    Okay, this is a test on how well you read the regs. And you too G&F if you are watching these postings. Who can find in the regs where it says you need a migratory "birth" stamp?
  2. ThomC

    Duck Dummy

    Check the new regs. You now need a "birth" stamp. I dont know but it sounds like they are cracking down on illegals hunting Ducks.
  3. ThomC

    12ga Side by Side

    Where are you located?
  4. ThomC

    " Coues " Pronunciation

    From wikipedia: coues is pronounced K as in kind, ou as in proud and z as in zebra. kouz So there, if you want to be a pronouncing police. Doctor Coues came from New Hampshire where they talk funny, paak ya caa. So, here in the wild west we can pronounce the way we want with our own accent. IMHO
  5. ThomC

    Hawk attacking my chickens

    What do you do with your chickens? If you sell eggs or chickens raise the price. It is the cost of doing business same as employee or government stealing. A little netting over the chickens may deter the hawks. Remember those hawks are also eating the vermin.
  6. ThomC

    Does anyone know what this is?

    It is blaze orange so some idiot wont shoot it thinking that it was a cowes.
  7. ThomC

    22 ammo for sale

    325 rounds are not bricks. Bricks are 500 rounds. Wal mart is still the best deal. All you have to do is hang around at 7am when they stock the shelves. Be prepared to see others (scummy scamming Walmart people) scarfing them up.
  8. ThomC

    Hoochie Mama elk calls

    The problem is people going before the season and calling. They are educating the elk that the people are coming. If you want a calling experience then you will have to go where the people are not.
  9. What do Band tail pigeons taste like? Better than barn pigeons?
  10. ThomC

    2 way Radios

    The FCC wont allow these radios more power. They are line of sight, maybe in most cases one mile, wont go thru a forest.
  11. For your once in a lifetime hunt you might think about talking to a outfitter that lives in Wilcox. I cant remember his name right now but he has been on this site in the past. Maybe someone knows him.
  12. ThomC

    French squirrel kicker

    Wow the animal rights people have taken over this site. I suppose that you justify killing deer with " my little children will starve if I don't." Or "I only kill out of dire necessity." What a bunch of holier than thou phonies.
  13. ThomC

    Leftover tags

    $4 is what they charge you for a duplicate license.
  14. Boone and Crockett, Pope and Young have been struggling with what is fair chase. Using radios, using cameras, using airplanes, using outfitters, using guides, using friends, using drones, using bait etc, How much will modern technology effect fair chase. At what point will you still be able to say I was the hunter. Will the next world record have an asterisk? I am sure everyone will look at it from their personal situation.
  15. ThomC


    Well if you have been on the internet very long then you would know that when someone posts, their post is commented on by others. Since most of us hate scammers then pointing out a scam is a righteous use for responses. In this case Stanley is the one that just wouldn't let go. I think that he comes off as a snob with a lot of money and his mommy didn't teach him the value of money. And besides that this is august, slinging mud is cooling fun.
  16. ThomC

    Tucson newspaper editor

    The Tucson daily worker editors do not have a sense of humor. They are dry leftists with an agenda. The only thing they edit is the truth.
  17. ThomC

    Draw results

    I have a new program I am working on that employers can install on their computers that will stop employees access to certain web sites. This would also stop the G&F computers from crashing as soon as the results come up because you id--ts all try to get in at once.
  18. ThomC

    Draw results delay

    I would post more if there was a "dislike this" button.
  19. How many lines of code would it take to add all of the little tweaks to the draw that everyone wants. All of these little changes are going to cost money and will not improve your odds one iota.
  20. I think that the manufactures spend more time picking a name than engineering the blade. A lot of expandables look like a axe or are so big that penetration obviously would be less especially if it hits bone. If they would make an expandable with a slicing blade rather than a chopping blade then they would penetrate the same as fixed. A simple little 1 to 1 1/8" expandable will work. All of these expensive sexy sounding broadheads are for suckers.
  21. O no do you mean that hunters are gamers as well as non child support payers? No wonder we get no respect.
  22. ThomC

    Things are shaking tonight

    Move to Kalifornia boys and girls. The bed will shake every night. LOL
  23. The returned tags should be auctioned off to the higst bidder and the money used to raise the pay of the Wildlife Managers.
  24. ThomC

    Need help fighting those tiny flies/nats

    Chiggers start at your ankles and crawl up. They are in the grass. Some of the repellants are for your skin and some are for your clothes. For the no seeums that buzz around your head you need a fine head net.
  25. ThomC

    Unit 33, 2450 Coues tags!

    Mandatory reporting is not the panacea that you think. Believe it or not some people do not tell/report the truth.