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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    ASU "Forward Thinking"

    Why would they not allow ASU students wear moron face paint?
  2. There no spots. There are no ducks in AZ. Best go find another hobby.
  3. ThomC

    I dont understand

    Just keep telling yourself "its only a movie". Kirk Douglas once said to Johnny Cash "We need more gun control". Johnny said back "you portray a gunslinger". Kirk says "ya but that is just make believe". Johnny says "no that is make money".
  4. ThomC

    " Coues " Pronunciation

    This is a dead horse. But, if you do a search you will be able to read till the season is over.
  5. If you want a "legal" opinion then dont ask the internet. Go to the "legal" authority. G&F is closed today and tomorrow is Deadline day and the phones will be ringing off the wall.
  6. ThomC

    Scouting 101

    I go out to the unit 1-2 weeks before the hunt and blow on my deer call, sight in my rifle into a few likely looking canyons, listening to loud hard rock music, bang pots and pans, then get on a high spot and watch which way the deer go.
  7. He said pronounce not spell. It is still a free country and people can pronounce things at will. Potato, patato, who cares.
  8. I dont know 30A and I wouldnt put in for a unknown unit. But, if you were desperate and got a leftover tag, then you should look at the azgfd.gov website and follow the sugguestions. Then go down there during the first hunt and check out where others camp and hunt. The late John Doyle expert deer hunter said "go up high and look down."
  9. Have any of you seen a SoBe bomb? Or a Post Hole Vegee Rocket? For campfire entertainment. Dont try this until you have instructions.
  10. It is 4:30AM. It wont even connect to the draw page. What a joke.
  11. I would be worried about your camera.
  12. ThomC

    Remington 660 .308

    I bought a 600 in 6mm Rem years ago for $100 used. I cut the stock shorter and my son used it till he graduated to a full sized rifle. Actually it never shot real well but was good enough for him. My grand son will use it when he is 10. I really like the 6mm and I don't know why the manufactures don't bring it back.
  13. In our capitalist society it is not against the law for someone to pay someone else for the use of property. We are spoiled in Az because we have so much public property. When I lived in Iowa we had to ask the farmer to hunt his land. Many said no and then let their friends hunt. Look at all of the pay to hunt places in S. Dakota. The problem in AZ is the roads that lead to the public lands were built by the ranchers and go thru their private property. Even if they only own 1 acre and the road goes thru which is usually the case the courts have said they have the right to close that road. So, the solution is to build a road around the private property. It takes millions of $ to build roads these days. The G&F doesn't have the money. The Land Owners Relations Dept of the G&F have opened roads if they can prove in court that the road was a public road. Also they work on agreements with the land owners to allow access, with certain rules such as sign in sign out, fixing fences, providing signs, etc. But, it takes a lot of work. The Fed. State government could spend your money but the public has no will to be taxed more so you can go hunting. And also increased access would let everyone in and you know what happens then. Almost any solution that you can come up with with costs money. When you add it all up then maybe $100 is not so much. Maybe hard to swallow but with so many more people wanting access this is the way its going to be.
  14. ThomC


    The FCC controls how much power any radios put out. They are all the same. Now if you know somebody that knows how to tweak them then more power to you. It is still line of sight and wont go thru trees.
  15. Well the person in your pic has no mind. He just does what his handlers tell him to. He has bigger worries about what the Secret Service is doing to protect him or not. Actually there are worse things that are more likely happen to you. If you get Ebola you die quick. I think that the higher odds are getting hit by a crack-crank- meth etc head, drunk, texting while driving.
  16. Sitting in a blind is the most successful but, I too cant sit still. At least get a double bull or similar then you can move around and fiddle with your toys, take pics, read a book. Find a spot where you have internet so you can watch movies. I wonder if those driveway alarms would work to wake me up when I fall asleep. Spot and stalk is more fun but, you have to be part Indian to sneak up on them. They do have driveway alarms built in.
  17. Just as good as reloads in my 06. They must be popular because Sportsmans are usually out this time of year.
  18. ThomC

    Snake ID

    The HOA will tell you what to do. LOL
  19. ThomC

    AZGFD Lic Scam?????????????

    Holy cow what a ball game. You so called hunters are less than smart. It was a experiment to see if the brainless could be stopped from going hunting. I will give you a clue, before you post on the internet ask the people who actually work with a particular subject, not people like you. You will be trying to apply on deadline day at 6:45p.
  20. I doubt that kaliphonia would do that for hunters. The Cattlemans association in AZ still has more power than it deserves. Most little ranchers cant make any money without overgrazing. Lessees should be for grazing cattle only, not for charging anybody to use public lands. On the other hand the state in order to take care of its citizens pouring in here should develop recreation areas where the idiots can do their thing without damaging the environment or trampling on personal property.
  21. Deer camps in 32 look like small cities. The whole fam damly with 9 1/2 people to every tag, add kids on quads burning up and down the roads, satellite dishes, generators, trash etc. That is what is happening now days. Overpopulation of the country with idiots. If your are not a roadhunter or one of the above then it could be to your benefit.
  22. ThomC


    Hearing aids will help with your tinnitus because you will hear sounds that you couldn't hear before. But hearing aids will not make your hearing back to what is was. When I first got mine it sounded like my wife was breaking the dishes in the kitchen. My diesel sounded like it was going to blow up. The nice thing about them is you can turn them off when needed. LOL I have mine set for louder than normal on the 4th setting. Just don't shoot your gun on that setting the audiologist told me. Even with insurance they are costly.
  23. ThomC

    Is it against the law to kill my dog

    Animals like bones. They chew on them and eat them. At the G&F auction they sell a pile of antlers. A dog bone company bought all. Go to petsmart you will find them cut up and ready for your pet to eat.
  24. ThomC

    Unit 8 and 9 not managed for trophy elk

    Come back to this site when the Elk results are out, lots of people complaining that they cant get drawn. There are not enough tags. Couple that with the numbers of people , scouts without tags, searching for large bulls. Ten helpers for one tag. Every year it gets worse. What do you think is the problem? Oh, its always somebody else.