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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    Light Weight Deer Gun?

    When are the very few shooters who actually can make a good 800 yd shot going to speak up about these posts. 800 yds easily is a joke.
  2. Common sense says that as hunters get more successful that the numbers of animals will drop. If more guides in an area create more success then the numbers will drop faster. Anytime that you saturate the field with more completion then the success will drop. Say you have a hotdog stand on a real good corner. Then people see your success and bring their hotdog stand to the same corner. At some point the first guy will make less money. So, our hotdog guy has to either move to a different corner or add another hotdog stand on a different corner to keep the same income. I think that a guide will have to at some point develop other hunting spots to compete with increasing numbers of others hunting the same area. I think that the original poster is thinking that the goose that lays the golden egg may at some point dry up one way or the other.
  3. Somewhere I read rules about posting pics of dead animals but I couldn't find it. Maybe they were just suggestions. Any way it would be nice if the guts , blood, etc. were not emphasized like they do on TV, and Movies. I think that is what photofool is talking about and IMHO is a good idea.
  4. ThomC

    Base Layer

    You run around the woods in your itchy wool underwear? LOL
  5. Isnt that cheating? Where are the maps of Duck Hunting spots I asked for.
  6. ThomC

    Preferred Shotgun Setup...

    There is a thread on predatormasters.com that has hundreds of posts about shotguns and loads. You can read all day but to sum up get some 4 buck and don't believe the long shot people. Figure about 40 yds is good shot. Be ready to shoot again if the animal doesn't drt.
  7. ThomC

    WOW really?

    Page 6 and no facts only he said- she said. What is her cotton picken name or it didn't happen.
  8. Don't forget the people who want more roads that they can drive on with their 10 lb. cannons that shoot 700 yds. The only hunting they do is try to find the animal after they throw lead. Hunters who make sensible reasons to the FS will be listened to. Don't try to redefine hunting. More roads mean more people. That is not the hunting opportunity that I want. "The law of unintended consequences" is something to think about here.
  9. ThomC

    Why do we have this

    News flash: G&F has been tooo busy changing the names of the deck chairs on the titanic to report that the draw still don't work.
  10. ThomC

    AZ law

    If it aint yours then leave it alone. jeeesse
  11. ThomC


    How did you do a post that expires?
  12. Minguscoues do you forget your badge?
  13. ThomC

    Best way to cook a wildcat?

    ASU= almost state university or tempe normal. You get to crow once in a while. LOL
  14. ThomC

    Stray Cat Problems

    No don't kill it just take it out where a coyote can eat it. Just kill the dam thing before it multiplies.
  15. ThomC

    How to choose a backpack?

    My back pack fits my hand. I only need to carry it from my house to my truck.
  16. Call your nearest G&F office and ask the Landowner Relations dept. They will either know or investigate.
  17. ThomC

    Is he worth going after?

    You don't need any guidance, you just need endurance. LOL
  18. ThomC

    Any one use jebs choke?

    I am just skeptical of shotgun pattern test. I would like to see a comparison of ten shots. I don't see how a bunch of shot randomly packed in a shell that will fly out the same every time. It would be like a group of hunters on CW all agreeing.
  19. No English in Tucson, its liberal language. Sad but true! Back to the topic I suspect that Audsley knows the scoop or the poop.
  20. It is called "dummy locked", LOL
  21. ThomC

    Best Handheld GPS for Waterfowl Hunting

    Do you have the coordinates of a duck in AZ?
  22. ThomC

    Good luck my fellow hunters

    Watch out for the Federales, You know the mounted Police. Badges? We aint got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you no stinkin badges.
  23. ThomC

    FOUND: White cooler in Tucson

    It was a white cooler full of stuff that I cant mention on the internet.
  24. Sell the gun to a Syrian/ obama refugee.
  25. ThomC

    Over the counter - Units 28, 31, and 32

    Fort Grant prion is a very deadly disease.