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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. Well people, that is why you all should be going to or at least watching the commission meetings. Sitting on your duff and complaining after the fact will not work. The people who go to the commission and bend their ears get noticed, people who complain on the internet, not so much.
  2. ThomC

    Favorite Find

    You can find bags of artifacts in Baja AZ. Left behind during the invasion of the 20th century. No hablamos espanhole.
  3. ThomC

    Archery Coues in the Snow

    I was bow hunting in 33 near the old prison camp years ago. It was snowing and the ground was covered. As I climbed a hill the clouds rolled down and I was in the fog. I decided to follow my tracks back to the truck. I discovered that a mountain lion had followed me a short ways.
  4. ThomC

    Go Cards!

    The cardinals look like the devels. They should give refunds to the poor saps that paid to get in.
  5. ThomC

    Idiot with a Mini-14

    Fix it and sell it to another idiot.
  6. ThomC

    Pack weight

    My truck hardly notices the weight.
  7. ThomC

    Looking for hunting/glassing mentor

    I have been fortunate to have been to seminars by John Doyle and Duane Adams. This site has a book by Duane Adams buy it. Glassing is a skill that you have to practice to get better at. You can practice at home before the season. Patience and the ability to see a little piece of the deer will help.
  8. ThomC

    Regs 2016

  9. I just talked to my brother in Nebraska. Not many Ducks there yet, to warm.
  10. ThomC

    stand and blind lock up

    Lock up in your garage. No worries.
  11. Good story but you left out all the stuff mentioned in another post about helicopters.
  12. Armed hikers, criminals, cameras, helicopters, drones, bait, Atv's, antis, butterfly catchers, greed, and avarice abounds in the woods now days. The poor hunter doesn't have a chance anymore. LOL
  13. ThomC

    anyone else...

    Lots of people want it changed back but my guess is that Amanda will get it done. But not right away cause it is prime time hunting right now. For those who don't know that it is prime hunting right now then you must be lost.
  14. ThomC

    Draw question

    I am not a statistical expert but I think that you have 10% chance of getting drawn on the first choice and 50% on the second choice after not getting your first choice. To figure out what the chance of getting the second choice before you get rejected for the first choice is a formula that would take a lot figuring. It also depends on who gave you those percentages. But, it don't matter that much in whole scheme of life. IMHO
  15. ThomC

    Attention....New Long Rangers...

    Viagra for more SD.
  16. ThomC

    Tactic advice

    At some point he will get away from his body guards. If you are a weekend hunter it will be pure luck to get the right conditions. Stalking deer is a NBA skill. If you don't have it then ambush is the only way. But, it appears that you are having a lot of fun hunting. If you really want to kill him then off the back of a horse, mule will be the easiest.
  17. ThomC

    garish colors

    When I sign in I get normal screen colors. If I sign out I get a garish, some might call it a xmas screen, that hurts my eyes. It is very dark and dreary reddish awful. Not a big problem but just fyi. Maybe its punishment for lurkers. LOL MC
  18. The truth is that penetration on an animal is so variable depending on where and what you hit as to be almost a non issue. We are trying to kill them right? But here we have two or more people who have studied the science of bullets and may or may not agree. That is how new stuff get invented. If you all want to discuss this more, I will read it. But, I will need a little salt, maybe some cheese, and a Perfect Manhattan with that. Ps the word "jerk" was not scientific or helpful. But, if you jerk the gun then all BC SD BS will not make any difference because you missed.
  19. The late Jack O'Connor said "You need to take a little salt with the figures".
  20. ThomC

    "View New Content" button

    Post in the campfire, see classifieds for a new 800 yd pistol. LOL
  21. If we get enough of them then we need to get them delisted. Then another Terrestrial can be hunted.
  22. I'm in the general area (about 800 yds) of a water hole. I took a couple of ranging shot at my decoy, but the rain is fogging up my old tasco. The news on my smart phone says it will rain more. Do you think that I should stay here or move to the nearest bar?
  23. ThomC

    So . . .

    Read the other post and find out what rifle will lob bullets out to 800+ yds. and then drive the roads and blaze away. If it has a white tail then it is a blacktail, a purple tail is a hippie, watch out for illegals could be any color, they are a protected species, and you will need a shovel to bury the mistakes.
  24. ThomC

    Light Weight Deer Gun?

    My point is that you nimrods have told 777 viewers that all you need is a .??? rifle and you to can do long range shooting. Only a few have mentioned all of the practice and skill it takes to make the shot. You will reap what you sew.