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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    The best Camper

    I have always wanted to design my own camper/trailer. The manufactures put in so much glitzy stuff and poor design layout. Have you test drove it on the very bad roads that nobama has left us with?
  2. ThomC

    Fixins for another huge fire

    Down south near the border many fires are listed "cause unknown" because obama doesnt like to speak or hear the truth about his friends.
  3. You cant beat the 3006. Mine has never missed.
  4. ThomC

    Things That Piss Me Off

    And the number one post that pisses me off are the ones that take tooo long to understand because you have to wade through the bad spelling, incoherent sentences, and comments that have zero basis in fact.
  5. ThomC

    WCL Tiger Trout

    The little bluegills are actually green sunfish and they don't get any bigger. G&F shocked the lake last year but will never get them all. If you use small worms they can be caught along with the trout. Don't throw them back, kill them. They make good bait for crawfish traps.
  6. ThomC

    What happened to Long Lake?

    G&F fishing report says "no report". LOL
  7. ThomC


    What size shot is recommended for them?
  8. ThomC

    Point Guard

    And for another 5 bucks we will throw in free game processing to the lucky winner. And for another 5 bucks we will give you the coordinates of the biggest bull seen during the survey last year. And for another 5 bucks the lucky winner will get to kill 5 bucks, 2 does and a do-wac-a-do. And for another five bucks the lucky winner will get their face on the cover of next years regs. ROTFLOL
  9. ThomC

    Point Guard

    If a tag is turned in the dept can do whatever it wants to with it. They will probably sell it to the richest bidder.
  10. ThomC

    Interesting article regarding the new Boquillas agreement

    The state land dept needs to charge more for grazing. Then there would be more for schools. Vote no on 123. Don't let the state land dept sell state land to developers and big ranchers.
  11. ThomC

    Does AZGFD sell our info

    Catfish, I went back and looked. It was you that turned it into a rant. And then you used a bad word.
  12. ThomC

    Idiot's guide to javelina

    Javelina hunter.com sells a call and a book that is very good. Learn how to plot a Javelina herd in the flats.
  13. ThomC

    PROP 123???

    Sam you must be nearing retirement. YOU WANT some money now to maximize YOUR retirement. To heck with the long term. The court has told the state to pay up. That doesn't go away if this prop 123 doesn't pass. The state needs to pay up. Passing 123 will just take the pressure of the state. School districts can and will move money around which ever way they want. School districts such as TUSD will not improve education no matter how much money you give them. That is the sad part of this whole thing. It is a no win situation.
  14. ThomC

    PROP 123???

    It wont help one bit to give TUSD more money they will squander it on the corrupt administration. The corrupt gilhalva mex mafia will see to that.
  15. ThomC

    Does AZGFD sell our info

    You are on the internet. You are being tracked as to what web sites you frequent. You are not a private person anymore.
  16. ThomC


    Shoot shovel and shut up.
  17. ThomC

    Topo Maps

    Are their notes and secret spots marked on maps?
  18. ThomC

    Elk hunting tips for a new elk hunter

    First step is search for all elk websites and e scout them. Search those web sites for "ELK". If all else fails go to the unit and walk around.
  19. ThomC

    What's with all the clowning on cyber scouters?

    Most e scouters are probably road hunters. If you want to be helpful then just give them some roads to drive on.
  20. ThomC

    What's with all the clowning on cyber scouters?

    The only thing worse than e scouters are the "experts" that respond.
  21. ThomC

    Leftover tags-Camp Navajo

    Ask for the Extra Terrestrial Wildlife Manager @ G&F.
  22. ThomC

    PROP 123???

    Selling state land is like removing hunting areas to development. A better idea is to reorganize the state land dept. They could do much better managing the land.
  23. ThomC

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    I don't have "CONCERNS" I think that Lark is trying to tell you the facts, that all this screwing around with different bullets is like looking for a solution for a problem when there isn't any problem. Spinning your wheels, barking up the wrong tree, ping into the wind, the law of unintended consequences!!! So you will protect yourself and children from lead but are driving around in a car/truck? Oh no maybe I have lead poisoning.
  24. ThomC


    When hellery gets elected those assault stocks will be banned.
  25. ThomC

    Drawing statistics

    They are just numbers. Ask Vegas or get out your hat.