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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    WTT: Cabelas $50 Gift Card

    Wait for free shipping and then use online. I never go to Cabelas because of where they put the stupid store.
  2. ThomC

    The new boarder wall

    Wow see what boarders will do to your house. ROTFLOL
  3. ThomC

    Draw question

    The more point creeps their are the more points creep.
  4. ThomC

    The new boarder wall

    Wow. The post is about a boarder wall. A wall to keep boarders out. There are lots of ways to accomplish that with out building a border wall. E verify used in a proper manner would get rid of alot of those illegal boarders. The wimp out and the get tough in will make a big difference.
  5. Drive out 1/4 of a mile from occupied houses. Look for coyote poop on the road. Look around and try calling where you would think a animal would be. Drive 1/2 to 1 mile and try again. Bring snacks and other stuff to keep your son from getting bored. This time of year is slow. Fall is better as more young stupid coyotes are available. Good Luck.
  6. ThomC


    Encouraged your Mother in Law to jump? Did you pack the chute? LOL
  7. ThomC

    License before 10 years old

    The answer is yes, but
  8. ThomC

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    Some of you are leaning farther and farther to the left. Some day you will tip over.
  9. ThomC

    Rare sight to start 2017

    But, Obama and his eco terriosts want to make the area a momument so G&F and others would not be able to help the animals.
  10. ThomC

    EXCESSIVE celebration

    Didnt obama draw a red line in the sand and say stop it?
  11. ThomC

    Easter egg/Americana rooster

    $30 = too much, $free = too much. LOL
  12. ThomC

    Here kitty kitty..

    Nice gun Win? I hope that meat is eaten.
  13. ThomC

    Is this to Judgemental?

    I dont care what the french pronunciation is as I am not french. So I will pronounce Coues the American way. By the way spell check wants it to be Roues, Moues, or Cokes.
  14. ThomC

    How close to buildings

    Are you hunting when carrying a bow with arrows attached but not on the string?
  15. ThomC


    Go buy the stuff that dog people use to clean their carpets. Then wash in baking soda. Whuupee.
  16. ThomC

    Success for a Rookie Coues Hunter

    Great story. I am impressed and glad that there is at least one real man in OR.
  17. ThomC

    GMU specific maps?

    Tuscon? Swear? Badger season is still open here in AZ.
  18. ThomC

    petition to unlock this thread

    Back to the original petition, I say NO. And for another thought how about closing this thread also. It too has gone down the path of mostly garbage.
  19. ThomC

    Costly mistake, hunter shoots "-" sheep

    A perfect example of catch 22 with laws. If a sheep is worth $32,000, then why dont we have a bounty on Lions that are eating $32, 000 sheep. If a poacher kills a sheep then he should pay a fine and $32,000 sounds good. The guy and his friend made a mistake but I do not think that the two hunters were poaching. Since the hunters did not profit from the second and third sheep then its is an honest mistake and the fine should be smaller. These mandatory sentences were put in place because activist judges were letting dishonest poachers go. Our G&F has lately changed their rulings because of this problem, but I think that the commissions only discretion is the length of the loss of the license. Remember the Rabbit and the Commissioner story.
  20. ThomC

    Parker lake stocked with other lakes fish.

    There maybe a huge pike there that loves trout also.
  21. Why dont you show your gut shot deer shot at long range with a pea shooter? Oh, you couldnt find it.
  22. I winged one that fell in the thick brush. I had to crawl in and choke it. It did not taste very good. Johnathon O'dell at the G&F is a master game cook, I will bet he has a recipe that will be awesome. Getting them to come to your decoys is the most fun but it is tricky. They will float in the air out of range and inspect your setup with their very excellent vision. Then flare when you blink.
  23. ThomC

    Asking a Christmas Favor ...

    People steal my stuff all the time and move it somewhere else.
  24. WOW what a pair. You are the man in the middle with the big stick?
  25. ThomC

    Direct tv vs Cox

    There is your answer all companies s..., and bl.., and gleefully take your money. As long as sheeple continue to buy the junk then that is all you will get. It does keep the economy going. Those ten quest or whatever people standing around a hole in the ground watching 1 person work need money for their babies too. Now go out and hunt something and be happy.