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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    Javelina highway

    I have a trail like that in my front yard. I have had many chances to shoot one but it would be too easy and I am not sure if i would eat a stink pig that eats mostly others garbage.
  2. ThomC

    Bullet Performance on Game

    Seems like a good resource for rifle hunters. I spent a good amount of time reading, and will bookmark it for later. Thanks
  3. ThomC

    Elk transplant to west virginia

    Sheep alive and well. I wish to eat a mountain Lion. By the way Bob, dont mistake the fools in Tucson that wear kitty faces and protest what they dont understand for the Arizona Wildcats. LOL
  4. ThomC

    How bout them Devils!

    It is just a lull in the action. On 2/15 the ASU hurling team will renew with vigor. errrrrrrup
  5. ThomC

    Thinking of moving

    Well the poser posted and then left. He got 2 so far pages of opinions but no feed back from him. Why doesnt he like the big hot full of assholes city? What does he/wife like?
  6. ThomC

    Plumber for gas dryer installation needed

    Do it when she gone, only blow up yourself. You can be deaf or dead cant hear her, but if you fix it your self then you have another hundred to buy whatever you want, win/win.
  7. ThomC

    How bout them Devils!

    hurl insults (at someone) and throw insults (at someone) Fig. to direct insults at someone; to say something insulting directly to someone. Anne hurled an insult at Bob that made him very angry. If you two would stop throwing insults, we could have a serious discussion. See also: hurl, insult hurl 1. in. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. (see also earl.) I think I gotta go hurl. 2. n. vomit. There’s hurl all over the basketball floor!
  8. ThomC

    How bout them Devils!

    Watch Bob and hurly hurl.
  9. ThomC

    The cream is slowly rising...

    The unfortunate reality these days, are websites that allow toxic trolls to hang around, instead of kicking them to the curb were they belong. Maybe you should consider getting treatment for your glaring psychological problems. Oh my your going to take your "ball/s" and go home.... would that be the football basket ball or baseball.dude grow a sack life's to short to be one of those #metoo victims but too answer your questions. Football:, dropped them when I was 17 long time ago baseball: dropped them the 1st time they went on strike basketball : I'd rather goto the circus or state fare is I can see freaks there. verison phone: CHK. B&A account: dropped them like a sack of potatoes when they started giving loans/ credit cards to Illegal aliens amazon: nope spend my money local Delw Actually, I have more balls than you could imagine. Just get tired of morons and the stupid comments. Your post is no exception to that philosophy. 'm not going to post any football threads in the future. It's just not worth the annoyance of stupid comments. So, you said. I was a vikings fan and been burned more times than I can remember. Many people in MN are not fans anymore they have gone to Green Bay. You need to buy one of those dang "MY PILLOWS" . Then you can cry in your pillow every year at this time.
  10. ThomC

    'Stink Pigs'

    B Quimby was a word smith, reporter, spin doctor, author, and writer for the defunct citizen. I would imagine that he cringes at most of the spelling, misuses of the english language, and down right ignorance of a lot of posters and posts. I know I do and I am just a ornery semi literate old cuss. Maybe some young geek could create for Amanda an auto correct program for this site with all words not just words like shoot. I think that coyotes deserve more respect than to be called yote.
  11. ThomC

    How bout them Devils!

    Oh Bob, now its "nothin counts till tourney time" LOL. Good thing ASU fans? have a lot of excuses. Watch hurly hurl.
  12. ThomC

    Now What . . .

    Yes why would you want to eat that gut shot stink pig. You havent broken any laws, yet.
  13. You have the right to remain silent, but since you posted it on the world wide web site anything that you say will be used against you. Is it in your possession now?
  14. ThomC

    Windshield Repair

    There is a huge mark up on glass. Insurance doesnt pay the list price you do. You pay the insurance company way more than they spend replacing your glass. Check your policy.
  15. ThomC

    are the lakes locked?

    We are more safe when the gvmnt is shut down.
  16. ThomC

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    Sugar, you could solve the crowded jail problem if you let everyone go that didnt do it, was sentenced unfairly, made a mistake, or think that the law should be changed for them. Leftist Liberal view point.
  17. I have a decibel app on my phone and right now it reads 30. If my chair squeaks it jumps to 40. I have turned it on when the girls are here and it goes to 80, same as a phone ring. Since 30 is nothing to me because of hearing loss then I have a built in 30 decibel suppressor for free and dont have to pay the govmt nothing.
  18. ThomC

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    As usual there is much fake info on the internet. You brought your case to the internet court of public opinion and everybody has one. You need a "good" lawyer and that is the hard part. Self reporting is not a get out of jail free card. Do you self report every time that you speed? The bottom line is if you make a mistake then, unless you want to play games with the legal system, walk away and teach your charge the facts of life and "discretion is the better part of valor". IMHO
  19. All you people who cant figure it out then just take money to the farthest regional office and give it to them. Then go bottle, can, and old tv hunting.
  20. ThomC

    Credit card update

    He larned his times at ASU. Actually I like that the G&F screws around with the regs and makes them confusing to the ASU phds. Rejects for you mooe fo me.
  21. ThomC

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    I read a story once that if animal exhales just as the arrow goes into chest cavity the lungs are small and their is room for the arrow to go thru without cutting the lung. I hit a pig once right in the stripe. It had a red spot on it that I could see in binos the next day. It was fine, still running around http://www.deeranatomy.com/pages/deer-hunting/deer-anatomy/tracking-wounded-deer
  22. ThomC

    How bout them Devils!

    The show this year for asu fans? is watching hurly hurl his dinner at the refs. You know that he came from puke and learned from the best. LOL
  23. Actually it is the developers (money/land grabbers) that want to build houses in/ on the hills/ mountains so we will look like Kalifornia. Fires, mudslides and overpopulation. It is easier for the money/ land grabbers to buy a local politician.
  24. ThomC

    Easy to draw

    Antelope Jack are otc.