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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    you're still uttering your nonsense. More opportunities to harvest money selling trophy animals.
  2. ThomC

    Bass Tracker

    Poor pics with no info = ignore.
  3. ThomC

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Beware, the ultimate goal is to make the G&F, DNR. Then politicians not biologists will be in control more so than it is already.
  4. ThomC

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Using your numbers 150 5 point or larger bulls would be on the wall of some NY rich guy. The auction tag guys will hire a guide that will almost guarantee success. Every year the same thing over and over. The average joe will see diminishing chances. It is not sustainable. A few will benefit. $$$
  5. ThomC

    34a coyote hunt

    de nada
  6. ThomC

    closed for business

    All forests are closed to idiots.
  7. ThomC

    Portal account bonus points

    G&F hires the lowest grade point ASU grads and non grads. Then they leave when McDonalds calls.
  8. ThomC

    34a coyote hunt

    No es posseebly, wacho faeo
  9. ThomC

    Interesting Article

    Our Stupid congress pays groups like these to sue them/us weather they win or lose, ridiculous or not. So many bad laws on the books, so little time.
  10. ThomC

    Any good tackle shops in tucson?

    Beware of the speed trap after the red cross in sonoyta. The speed limit is very very slow then you have to get past the 40km sign (25 mph) before you can go 25 mph. They take your license and you pay $80 to get it back. Have a nice trip. 1 finger salute mex
  11. Try a nursing home lots ov ol bats there.
  12. ThomC

    Long hot summer

    Wonder if that is why they call it the desert. If you are not a desert rat then go back where you came from. It is not global warming it is overpopulation.
  13. We hang horse thieves. But, only shoot cameras. What to do with people who hang cameras NOT on their property. I dont think that G&F should be policeing cameras. That is the property owners job. If you leave your camera on NOT your property without a permit, then expect it to be tampered, shot, or removed. IMHOP
  14. The solution is to police yourselves.
  15. ThomC

    G&F live comission meeting on NOW!!!

    The dept clowns told the commission that they had to pass the whole thing or nothing. Wrong, all they had to do was cut the paragraph out about 1/4 mile cams and pass the rest. The dept wants the commission to just pass what they want, called rubber stamp. They worked two years to come up with this idea and dont want it to die. It happens this way almost everytime. Davis thinks that he is the king of the G&F. It was nice to see a lot of comments by the public. Even though I dont like the proliferation of pond cameras I think that we should police ourselves. See post about 9mm and cameras.
  16. Mine does say trail camera. But it does not say simply stupid reasoning. LOL
  17. The new commissioner has a good idea. Trail Cameras are not pond cameras. So, no trail cameras on ponds, it is simple. The dept does not like it when their recommendations are not liked. LOL
  18. ThomC

    Cameras and AZGFD meeting tomorrow 5/4

    I think that they skipped over #15.
  19. Was anybody watching the commission today? I missed item # 15 methods of take.
  20. ThomC

    Conservation funding

    The problem is whom gets to spend and decide where the money is spent. The G&F spent money on buzzards. The state of AZ has taken the heritage funds away in the past. With the recent teacher political fight using the KID Card dont expect the public to care about hunters. And the teachers are not done they want more and they want Dems in office.
  21. ThomC

    Cameras and AZGFD meeting tomorrow 5/4

    You can email the commissioners or go to your nearest G&F office and talk to them at call to the public This AM @ 8. Ask the bureaucrats when that subject will be discussed.
  22. ThomC

    Lousy customer servicwe from Leica USA

    You just proved that those Leicas are not the best . I can see a problem. I had a Pentax cheapy with the barrels screwed on like those you have. I dropped them on the carpet and the barrel bent. Pentax said that it was abuse. I went up the chain to VP and got them fixed but learned that when barrels are screwed to the body then that is a weak point. The best binos if you are going to drop them is one piece body and barrels.
  23. How about a law against idiots. With a big fine and jail time. And sterilization.
  24. The Capt. asked for opinions and he got some. Apparently some think that stealing should be okay if you dont get caught and you dont hurt someone. Most opinions are very self centered.
  25. You forgot the biggest one, paid guides.