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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    15 people up at this hour reading soap operas.
  2. The minute that it passes does that make all guides cameras on ponds illegal and free for the taking?
  3. ThomC

    Water Treatment Operators

    Lots of room for growth in this area as we will soon be drinking our pee.
  4. ThomC

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    You all missed a good game. It appears that the big story wasnt a story yet. The soap will continue, will the accused skate or will bro get more equipment or will somebody get pregnant? Stay tuned to find out the rest of or the real story. LOL
  5. Take one of those house cameras that connect to your phone and put it on the pond. You can even talk to the animals and whisper sweet nothings. Un fair chase.
  6. ThomC

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Caw Caw Haw haw stay tuned for the next dead crow/raven story. But, in the meantime you need some soap. Tide will soak up your mess. And tidy bowl will descent it.
  7. ThomC

    Why I buy points

    WOW are there any average joes on this site or just rich buggers? I just want
  8. ThomC

    No Respect!

    They should hand out condoms to any people? who drive on the 300 on any weekend.
  9. Unfortunately you all are not thinking about the whole picture. You all are just speaking only about your one personal experience and bias. The G&F and you have not explained fully THE PROBLEM THAT IT IS NEEDING TO BE SOLVED. From many posters there is no problem. There have been many posts about the proliferation of cameras. The majority at that time were against all of the cameras seen at waterholes. 20 or even 10 to me would be ridiculous. The G&F cannot make a rule that only singles out one group. You cant complain about the cameras and then complain about the rule that tries to solve it. What is the difference whether it 440 yds. or 400 yds or pic a number. Most smart people will be able to deal with any number. Do any of you care about the hunt or just killing? The antis are just salivating at the arguments and gadgets you use to justify making it easier to kill an animal. The average voter is not going to understand or agree with your argument. You are your own worst enemy.
  10. Good point they need to ban rotating cameras also.
  11. Sir you are wrong trail cameras assist in the take of animals. If they didnt then why does thou protest so much.
  12. A couple of speakers skirted around the issue of the proliferations of cameras by outfitters. That is the real problem. G&F will not do anything about outfitters because it will then be about someones living. When outfitters help someone kill an animal then it was not the skill of the shooter but the skill of the outfitter. Not fair chase. The question is, if it is no advantage to have cameras on water holes then why do you protest the removal. And the notion that you are finding and killing only the older class animal so it is good for the herd is BS. I have come to the conclusion that I dont want to see cameras on water holes and the land managers Federal, BLM, State should have the right to remove/ban them. The same goes for unattended trailers, tree stands, blinds, and all that junk. No trash left on public lands. The G&F is trying to solve a problem that the land managers should solve. The moving of the cameras away from the water holes is a start.
  13. Authoritarian state, now they wear bullet proof vests that say police on them, The Wildlife Managers get shot at in region 5. They are police officers required to uphold the laws in AZ same as AZ State Highway Patrol for far less money. Region 5 is a war zone where armed criminals are roaming around un checked. Those bullet proof vests are uncomfortable but necessary in this society of idiots and criminals.
  14. ThomC

    Not Closing the Rim?!?!

    $$$$$$$$$$ They dont close bars and not sell beer on holiday weekends. They just arrest alot of stupid people. If stupid people start a fire then firefighters get paid, the people "should" pay, and the forest gets rejuvented, win win. PS never go camping, fishing, etc. on a holiday weekend. That is what stupid people do and you want to stay away from them.
  15. ThomC

    Wild Horses???

    How many would pay for a tag to shoot a feral horse for the meat?
  16. ThomC

    Tonto National Forest Area Closures

    If you do not know how to spell then your comment has no bite. I know some morons that do not prepare their property to help protect it from fire. I am not one that would do that but I know them to be Morons. And they will cry and expect the firefighters to risk their lives fighting their fire.
  17. ThomC

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    Ask God, mother nature, the devil for a refund. Or try a liberal. Maybe a anti will give you money cause you didnt hurt their pets. Waaaaaa
  18. ThomC

    Wild Horses???

    These feral horse lovers should just pony up the money for a drinker or two. Instead they want the tax payers to pay. Ranchers should not have to feed and water feral horses.
  19. ThomC

    Coconino NF CLOSES certain areas

    Why not let them have camp fires and then dump retardant on them.
  20. ThomC

    2018, Desert sheep unit

    That is what guides are for (people who dont know) and want to be a big hero.
  21. ThomC

    Trailcam Discussion F&G

    Send your questions in if you cant be there. Because of the magnitude of the rule changes and the many questions that we have, I think that they should at least open it up to the whole state to be able to ask questions and give input in person.
  22. ThomC

    Fencing in Rock

    Redneck encaneering is all that is needed.
  23. ThomC

    Where to find draw odds

    LOL, cant help you then.
  24. ThomC

    Upcoming camera ban...

    June 8-9 … Region VI Aug. 3-4 … Region II Sept. 21-22 … Region I Nov. 2-3, workshop … TBD Dec. 7-8 … Phoenix 2019 Dates … Location Jan. 11-12 … Phoenix Region VI is mesa. Why they call Careless Phoenix is beyond me.
  25. ThomC

    Bad Neighbor

    The ultimate bad neighbor is mexico. They send their criminals, sewage, etc. to our property.