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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. Martians were sucking stuff out our planet.
  2. ThomC

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    This fiasco was started by the Voles cabal. Poor Jay got the turd that he had to swallow dumped on him by the vole. Did new director TY take any leadership role? No he just left Jay out to twist in the wind. It appears that Ty is a Vole clone.
  3. ThomC

    What animal is this?

    6 years of research and still no definitive answer. Amanda where do you store all of these posts and how old is the oldest retrievable post ?
  4. ThomC

    RaffleTags and Trail Cams

    Since the G&F's silly ill conceived rule got shot down they need to address the real problem that was exposed by the guides. The proliferation of pond cameras, bottles, trash, quads, etc. littering up our public lands.
  5. ThomC

    Mid Life/wife crisis Question

    Are you an idiot? He's got 600+ posts, and has been a member since 2010. Probably am an idiot for responding to a name caller but I thought that his name was nbviewer. It is mbviewer. That head shake is getting worse, you had better get it checked out. Oh great white topyhntr and 7,963 poster poser.
  6. No ban yet it has to go thru more hoops.
  7. Wow there are alot of people that love their pond cams. And they even cry to keep them. It is sad that the Dept almost has a stranglehold on the commission. Because the commission did not accept their all of their silly recommendation then the rule has to jump thru more hoops. The commission should be able to strike B the non live trail cams sentence. The rule making is too much leaning to what the dept wants. Note to the commission take charge of the dept., it is a bureaucracy run amok. To all of the speakers you are great, you moved me. To Commissioner Sparks from Tucson you are great.
  8. ThomC

    Mid Life/wife crisis Question

    New be viewer made a post about ford chev dodge wife dog camper tent and all you guys shot up 6 pages of BS. And he is long gone not interested or listening. LOL
  9. Hay Bullwinke if your camera is not pointing at the tank outside of your property and you are not trying to capture a Bull at 200 yds then you will not be arrested whipped and exposed to all of us as a scoff law. Jeeze All of you that are watching did you notice how fast they went thru the budget without a question? They are in a hurry to get to the fun stuff why worry where the G&F spends our money.
  10. But Ossifer I wasnt pursuing, I am just walking around. Ossifer says but you have the equipment to pursue. I say then I will call the Sherrif and tell her that you tried to rape me. Ossifer says I did not. I say well you have the equipment. LOL I am in favor of this dumb rule. I want to see how G&F will enforce it. The proliferation of cameras for profit still needs more work.
  11. Is it permanently mounted on the duromax? What is the mileage?
  12. ThomC

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Darn I might be a rumor mongrel. And coach dont like me. And I am just as bad as a poacher. Father I am afraid that I have sinned.
  13. ThomC


    Another tip= use your rangfinder to range a rock. Walk to that rock and then range another rock In the direction of the Elk of course. When you get close to Elk shoot it. You wont have so far to walk to get to the Elk or the spot where the Elk was.
  14. ThomC


    Did you take or aid in the take of that pic at 440 yds or less?
  15. What is the definition of take? If you are a lousy hunter and dont take then no violation. I am all for this dumb rule. G&F should be very proud of what 5 years of meetings and BS has produced. The job of controlling the proliferation of cameras for profit belongs to the land manager not the G&F.
  16. ThomC

    Shop in Tucson customer service rep

    I know a blonde can I send her over?
  17. ThomC


    These ads are so funny. Most people dont put where they are but if they do someone will ask where.
  18. ThomC


    A 30 round clip.
  19. ThomC

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    But if they dont open it and read it how will they get your news brief? If I have to explain it to you , you wouldn't understand anyway. You didnt and most people dont.
  20. ThomC

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    AZGFD Commission meeting this Friday in Payson. You can speak to the commission from any of the regional offices.
  21. Hey all you Outfitters,horn photographers, and stealers too, it is time to wake up. Agenda item #28 AZGFD Commission meeting in Payson this Friday. I am sure that you will be upset by the rule that no cameras littering up water holes will pass. There may be small tweaks available so get your opinion ready or forever hold your water. IMHO for numerous reasons the cameras should not be littering our waterholes.
  22. ThomC

    broken hammer

    It is the guy that is in the news that was dancing? and his gun fell out of his pants and went off. Broke his hammer.
  23. ThomC

    San Diego Trip Tips

    We should put the wall on the Colorado and need passports to get back into US from Kali.
  24. ThomC

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    It is a soap opera, it doesnt matter that you missed a few episodes. Best to forget about it for a few months till facts and results come out. If they ever do.
  25. ThomC

    Following Scotts advice.

    Scott would you repost your tips? Thanks