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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    Do we really need a border wall?

    It is a numbers game. More people = more stupid people = stupid people have more stupid kids = overpopulation of stupid. No jobs for stupid so WTF lets get high.
  2. ThomC

    What do you think?

    Come on you people dont you larn anyting from this site? That is obviously a Tayassu tajacu.
  3. ThomC

    Elk draw website down

    But, they charge your card every time you try. 😜
  4. ThomC

    Funny Wolf Story

    That is fine anything to get the stupid public to realize that WE DONT NEED NO STINKIN WOLVES! Little Red riding hood dont want NO STINKIN BIG BAD WOLVES. SSS 😜😛
  5. ThomC

    Free Sorel Maverick Hunting size 16 Snow Boots

    Have you skied Durango? Adult joke uk uk uk. Sorry you dont get to come on someone else's site and dicktate rules. Especially to sell stinky boots. They are probably not worth the price you want. ⛷️
  6. ThomC

    AZGFD Portal Issues

    G&F in Careless dont care. They hire computer rookies from ASU and pay them minimum wage. They dont care as they know that you all are dieing to get those lousy late ELK tags.
  7. ThomC

    Do we really need a border wall?

    We aint really trying very hard. Dems want voters, Repubs want cheap labor. Politicians want slaves and stupid people. We cant help the Mexican army, they belong to the cartels. We need a wall, a crocodile moat and spy satellite on the border.
  8. ThomC

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    Who cares about bulls?
  9. ThomC

    How bout them Devils!

    You got to watch this over and over. Go ahead and make my day. ROTFLOLFMA
  10. ThomC

    How bout them Devils!

    I hope you saw the best basket ball shot ever. Priceless. LOL😜
  11. ThomC

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    If you are interested in the past draws go to G&F site and download the hunt survey for back years.
  12. ThomC

    Do we really need a border wall?

    E-verfy, armored helicopters flying the border, motion sensors, severe penalties for all criminals, In other words whatever it takes to keep criminals out of our country. And if farmers want some workers then apply to immigration as to how many they want, how long they stay, post a bond, insure them, and be responsible or them when in our country. Any crimes including parking tickets, spitting on the side walk, etc.,committed by illegals in a sanctuary city and not reported to INS will be a felony on the officer , mayor and council, board of supervisors, priest, etc. Anyone harbouring illegals will have their building sold and proceeds go to building more prisons. In other words get serious. I am sure there could more added to the list.
  13. ThomC

    Sonoran Antelope Question

    We are being invaded by really stupid people who will vote for free stuff (the dirty lie that socialists lefties tell them) and they wont care about pronghorns. Not politics, facts.
  14. ThomC


    They will take your money whatever it is. The exchange rate is = exchange from your hand to theirs. You dont want the peso that they give back. Montezuma's revenge.
  15. ThomC

    Draw Odds Question

    I don't know why the G&F doesn't give preference to the NR's. They would make more money that way. And outfitters would too.
  16. ThomC

    Any Ice on Sunrise?

    OMG it must be global warming. Wouldnt it be nice when NY CA are under water. We should pass a law that those people are not allowed to leave their sanctuary cities.
  17. ThomC

    FS Remington 700 25-06

    Nice to see real wood for a change.
  18. ThomC

    Is it wrong

    Poster says he is "feening" and nobody wants to know what it is. Maybe yu all red neck already now. 😶
  19. ThomC


    The shopping show is getting boring. 😢
  20. ThomC

    Hunting Report ?

    Them wernt bad words just miss spelling. LOL😄
  21. ThomC

    Hunting Report ?

    Not going to give out secrets. If that one clue doesnt tell you then well 👰
  22. ThomC

    Elk management guidelines

    Wow this site has become nothing but classified ads. 😕
  23. ThomC

    Elk management guidelines

    Did anyone hear and understand what Amber Munig said in her report to the commission yesterday about alternative Elk management guidelines?
  24. ThomC

    Hunting Report ?

    I saw a Pintail mount a hen on the crane can. Does that count?
  25. If a rancher is overgrazing his lease then tell him to cut his herd. The solution is not to put more wolves out to cut his herd. We dont need no stinkin wolves. They have no value. We dont need wolves to eat Elk either. Hunters will happily reduce the Elk population to a proper level.