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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    If the G&F made the draw idiot proof then the odds of getting drawn go up. 😉
  2. It is march madness. Could we have a little violying music please. A guy told me that he got an early rifle elk in unit 1 on his fifth choice. The whinn with the music is the same every year, WE NEED TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM SO IT IS MORE FAIR TO ME MEME MEEEEEE. 😭
  3. Did he tell what it costs to shoot the camera? LOL
  4. ThomC

    USDA Heber horse territory draft plan 2/14/2020

    What brand do they run. If no brand then fair game for anybody. Fluffy needs to eat also.
  5. ThomC

    MeatEater podcast - Jim Heffelfinger

    Jim Heffelfinger is the Man. Those other guys should just shut up and listen.
  6. If you cant see the wisdom in my posts then feel free to not read them. Your opinion is not better than mine. Dude.😮
  7. ThomC

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    8 points unit 3000. Get drawn every year.
  8. ThomC

    Where am I, and what was this???

    Before it was locked a guy told me that they were going to raise llamas there. Then it got locked up and all kinds of warning signs went up I thought something is suspicious. 👽
  9. ThomC


    Back in the day Roosevelt was a nationally known crappie lake and when they raised the dam they said it would be world class. Not only didnt get better it got worse. Add in USFS Tonto putting in boat ramps that dont reach the water. Too many campsites way away from the water some of them have never been used and have been vandalized. 🚽
  10. ThomC

    Broke ankle in 16A need help

    A word to the wise. Walking sticks are not just for hippies. Delete your phone number now.😉
  11. ThomC

    Float tube

    I tried one of those. One flipper came off and I couldnt get it back on out in the lake. Kinda like only having one oar in the water. LOL
  12. ThomC

    Hunt Draw issue

    Even if you dont want the F&G you have to have it.
  13. ThomC

    Using salt and cameras to locate a specific buck

    Double duty on the shovel. Wolf hunting. SSS
  14. ThomC

    Any ideas?

    Red Planet ufo.
  15. ThomC

    javalina and wolves

    The wild dog/wolves in AZ will kill anything just for the fun of it.
  16. ThomC

    Looking for an Auto Detailer...ISO

    Real Coues deer hunters dont wash their trucks. 😆
  17. Noting your video skills in your bio me thinks that you want to use new electronic gadgets to make you a hunter.
  18. ThomC


    The AZ G&F manages the ELK and DEER herds with hunting. We dont need wolves to manage animal populations. The people who want wolves want to eliminate hunting and therefore eliminate guns.
  19. ThomC

    Using salt and cameras to locate a specific buck

    Shhhhh, dont say that in public, AZ G&F think that hunting with cameras is unfair advantage. Live video is already banned.
  20. ThomC


    Well Buster you are just one of many elite college educated people that come on these pages from time to time to make us country bumpkin hunters see the error of our ways. As you might find if you didnt have such a closed mind that some here might be not so dumb to blindly believe what is said or reported by a scientist. And that is the essential part of science that you cant see.
  21. ThomC

    He is coming to Arizona

    He isnt done, he is a candidate because he can spend billions on the election without any restrictions and get a tax write off also.
  22. ThomC


    Ecology is not a hard science. Nobody has proved the benefits of wolves in today's society. AZ G&F has an Elk hunting season that is perfectly capable of controlling Elk populations. Do we need wolves to control cows? Who are the people that want wolves? The anti hunters. You can spout all of your subjective opinions and figures to convince the clueless politicians and judges who have never set foot in nature and that is all you got. And it is NOT science.
  23. ThomC


    People that argue with Science are only fooling theirselves. False as is your spelling Ecology is a universal science and has been fact checked on various continents and nothing like politics in this country. False again Next sentence is false In fact every sentence is false You have confused opinion with facts.
  24. ThomC


    Lol the libtards science counting system is very evident today in Iowa.
  25. ThomC

    1966 Ford Ranchero-SOLD

    Very NICE. 😄