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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    F New Mexico

    Only with a mask on. 😷
  2. When my stuff was stolen it was long gone by the time that they got caught. The woman ring leader went to jail for 2 1/2 years and was supposed to pay restitution. LOL The court doesnt do anything to help, you have to sue the perp yourself. One of the perps was in jail for a year and then released for lack of evidence. There is a warrant out for the arrest for another, still active after 20 years. You will be lucky if you get your backpack back. 😷
  3. ThomC

    Body armor or what ia best to get

    A rope and a old metal plate worked for Clint.
  4. Hopefully the Gov. will NOT choose her. But, the fact that she was chosen by the secret committee should raise the hackles of a right thinking hunter. 😷
  5. ThomC

    Are the snakes stil out?

    For those nasty grass seeds you need gaiters any way. I have a pair of gortex gaiters, they are hot, but keeps those sharp things out of my socks and ankles. 😷
  6. ThomC

    ISO Waterfowl Shells - 3.5" BB

    Cranes are not under the non toxic rule. Lead is okay if you can find it. Coyote hunters use BB or try dead coyote shells. Expensive but you are only going to shoot 3 times. LOL 😷
  7. ThomC

    Bulk ammo 9mm, 223, 308, 22

    Calvin, your message box is full. LOL😷
  8. ThomC


    That brings up another discriminatory practice. Why only dead beat dads. Are they saying that the only bad people going hunting are dead beat dads? Or hunters are the largest population of dead beat dads? Child molesters and rapest are welcomed to go hunting. 😷
  9. You ought to be worried about the secret committee that put her name up. 😷
  10. ThomC

    WTS 223 55 grain Tula Ammo

    The new best ammo and toilet paper salesman. 😷
  11. ThomC

    Carport to garage

    Better get it done this year. Biden is going to close down 2021. And you will have to get an environment impact survey to see if you would endanger a cockroach or a ant. And you are going to have to change your site name. 😷
  12. ThomC

    Panic Buying

    And now it is toilet paper again. I guess all of the people who are watching the election are shi1ting their pants. Even Biden is now going to have to come out of his bunker and wake up and work. O sh1t! 🤭😷
  13. ThomC

    Mexican Wolf Recipe

    Mexican Wolf Recipe = Pretty much any Deer rifle will be good enough. Calf distress is a good call. One of those little red folding shovels will work for the pit barbeque. Let them cook for many many days. 😷
  14. ThomC

    Truck shell FREE!

    You aint a real redneck till the back window is busted. 😷
  15. ThomC

    Private gun sale prices soar with Biden win

    The problem is that with the commies in charge, inflation will make the dollar worth less so you havent gained much. And now with MJ legal the real money will be clandestine machine shops. The communist pandemic is getting closer. 😷
  16. ThomC

    Hunters Not Voting

    And dont forget about the senate. That dickhead marson carpetbagger Kelly from Texas who is using his poor wife for a prop is just itchen to take away your guns. If the piss poor speaker of the house Hellosi gets a majority in the senate she will impeach Pres. Trump again. 😷
  17. ThomC

    Unit 36A help

    He hasnt bought them yet what do you suggest? 😷
  18. ThomC

    Hunters Not Voting

    Every year there are millions of stupid people who do vote.
  19. AZGFD was in charge of predator control but said we dont want contests bending over to the libitards. 😷
  20. ThomC

    Clean Your Drawers

    Is this site becoming a subsidiary of fakebook. ☹️
  21. ThomC

    WTB Pump or Semi auto Shotgun

    It is an antique. 😷
  22. I went out on Monday, saw lots of birds but they were so dang wild. The area must have been pounded over the weekend.😷
  23. ThomC

    PSA - AR Woman Survives 'Gunshot' Incident

    Good one! 😁We need more sly levity in the middle of this pandemic. 😷
  24. This has become a clicky site. If you dare to express a different opin than the "in crowd" then expect to be properly chastised by the elite members. Never get into a back and forth. They will take you down to their level and beat you with experience. 😷
  25. ThomC

    Roosevelt report

    You can add yakers/paddle boorders to the list now. They spend more time blocking the ramp unloading and loading and yaking than they do paddling. 😷