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Everything posted by ronaldo

  1. What a joke!! u probably own a business and pay the employees 8.00 an hour... Ron
  2. ronaldo

    A Bear from yesterday

    Was this in AZ and am I not seeing the hunts that are open now? Nice bear! Ron
  3. ronaldo

    bad fire in 23 north

    Aparantly the idiots on the news dont have any geographical knowledge!! My bad... I guess the fire is in 23 north. Idiots said for 3 days it was near whiteriver...Then the paper said yesterday that it was in canyon creek. Ron
  4. ronaldo

    bad fire in 23 north

    Bull Flat fire is in Whiteriver, no where near 23... Ron
  5. ronaldo

    bad fire in 23 north

    I have not seen anything on this fire. Think they got it cornfused with the sunflower fire. no report on a fire anywhere near young. Ron
  6. ronaldo

    Remington 700 BDL Question

    Ok tough guy, Steel butt plates? Really? I do agree with you about the synthetic stock for the BDL. i did the same thing with my 300 mag BDL. Keeps the wood nice. Ron
  7. BAM! Thats funny right there!! If he has as much luck with his first post as you did being a chump with your 6,XXX post, he'll make a sale.
  8. ronaldo

    Locked gate on state trust land

    Please educate us laymen on who Matt Walton is.... Thank you, Ron
  9. ronaldo

    Bobcat with a bow

    I killed a bobcat with my bow one time. My son was with me, he was about 12 at the time. It was in the manzanitas and we were right on top of it. You should have seen the look on his face with that cat under our feet hissing and growling. I tried not to let him know, but i was as scared as he was.LOL.. It was a wild time and good memories.. Ron
  10. ronaldo

    WTB a small utility trailer.

    Check out Lowe's. I used to work there and sold a bunch of em. They arent too expensive and never had any complaints about them. Under 1000 bucks mostly. Ron
  11. ronaldo

    Credit card Issue in draw equals no Elk tag!

    Sounds like somebody owes you a tag!! Ron
  12. ronaldo

    Change of the Rules

    I think its a good idea to have a waiting period. 1 to 3 years. It may not change the odds much, but it will stop the guys draw elk tags every year. So what if you put in for crap hunts, thats your choice. Im at 10 pts and my wife is 15, we are waiting for a rut hunt... I also agree with what 308 nut says, some tags should be once in a lifetime. Ron
  13. ronaldo

    Dec. rifle hunts

    Good points here .. Ron
  14. ronaldo

    Dec. rifle hunts

    Isn't it 25 freakin tags? I'm all over this and stand behind it 100%. We are always whining about the anti's not letting the professionals manage the herds then piss and moan when they do. A lot of people on this site acted like the G&F dept kicked their grandma when they started reducing the December WT tags down to the current low levels, now we are acting the same way when they actually add Dec tags. And archers and rifle hunters have been hunting the December whitetail tags together for decades and it has not been the cluster than some claim this mule deer hunt will be. You might have missed this part of the hunt recommendations - I kinda thought the same thing..Whats the difference between 250 WT tags, which is down to 25 now, or 25 MD tags in DEC? So its ok for WT, but not for MD. I like it. Dont care for permitting archery hunts either. Ron
  15. ronaldo

    drew a unit 1 archery tag

    Goood advice Bill!! Ron
  16. ronaldo

    how many points do you have?

    I drew a couple years ago with 17 points. Rifle hunt, killed an 84. My son drew the second time I put him, the year before me, in the same unit. He shot an 81 at 380 yards when he was 11. I swear God was watchin over us on that one. Cause the next year he missed a cow elk on the junior hunt at 50 yards...LOL My wife drew the same unit the 4th time I put her in. She killed a 78. We have been lucky.. I am back up to 9 points. I wouldnt waste more than 5 points on an archery hunt for antelope. Elk is another story... Ron
  17. ronaldo

    Results Up

    WTF??? Make us wait an extra 10 days then the site sucks and cant handle the traffic?? Typical BS Ron
  18. ronaldo

    Who didn't draw?

    No hits on the CC and I have 9 pts and my wife has 12. Only puttin in for early rifle... I will wait.. Ron
  19. ronaldo


    ?????? Lee, Dude, your signature is spot on... Insanity really does gallup! Hows work? Ron
  20. I was thinking of making a similar post on this subject. How about a list of Board members of AZSFW and the businesses they own so WE CAN BOYCOTT THEIR ASSES and hit them in the pocketbook where it really counts.. CHAIRMAN: Alan Hamberlin BOARD MEMBERS Chris Denham Brian Dolan Randy Gaskill Hays Gilstrap Floyd Green Todd Hulm Mark Nuessle Art Pearce LOBBYIST: Suzanne Gilstrap I will start it off... In Show low there is a Gaskill Grading company, Dont use them!! Chris Denham is involved with that magazine that promotes sales of high end optics, Dont use them either!! Anyone else???? Ron
  21. I heard Hamberlin owns Courtland Homes.. Boycott them too Until they change their stance on HB 2072.. Any one else? Ron
  22. ronaldo

    Giant 410+ Velvet Bull killed!

    LOL, Wheres the Hamberlin supporters now since hes pushin HB 2072??? Boycott Courtland Homes !@!! Ron
  23. i was thinking of making a similar post on this subject. How about a list of Board members of AZSFW and the businesses they own so WE CAN BOYCOTT THEIR ASSES and hit them in the pocketbook where it really counts.. CHAIRMAN: Alan Hamberlin BOARD MEMBERS Chris Denham Brian Dolan Randy Gaskill Hays Gilstrap Floyd Green Todd Hulm Mark Nuessle Art Pearce LOBBYIST: Suzanne Gilstrap I will start it off... In Show low there is a Gaskill Grading company, Dont use them!! Chris Denham is involved with that magazine that promotes sales of high end optics, Dont use them either!! Anyone else???? Ron
  24. ronaldo

    Who Supports HB2072?

    i was thinking of making a similar post on this subject. How about a list of Board members of AZSFW and the businesses they own so WE CAN BOYCOTT THEIR ASSES and hit them in the pocketbook where it really counts.. CHAIRMAN: Alan Hamberlin BOARD MEMBERS Chris Denham Brian Dolan Randy Gaskill Hays Gilstrap Floyd Green Todd Hulm Mark Nuessle Art Pearce LOBBYIST: Suzanne Gilstrap I will start it off... In Show low there is a Gaskill Grading company, Dont use them!! Chris Denham is involved with that magazine that promotes sales of high end optics, Dont use them either!! Anyone else???? Ron
  25. ronaldo

    Locked gate on state trust land

    I never said to cut the lock... CUT THE CHAIN.. Then when the yahoo who locked it in the first place comes back, he can relock it and still be in violation of the law by keeping the hunting public out of taxpayer funded land..All while you are just trying to excersize your rights to use public land!! WOW Ron