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Everything posted by DotShot

  1. DotShot

    CC Hits

    Nice. Hopefully bull this time, right? I sure am hoping so! But if not, i'll take a cow any day
  2. DotShot

    CC Hits

    Just got hit for $114 so 1 out of 3 for us!
  3. DotShot


    Still available?
  4. DotShot

    Lease availability

    I was asked by a family member to put this out there to see what kind of response was generated so here goes. I have a niece who has a nice sized ranch in south Texas that she is trying to lease out ALL hunting rights too. This ranch is approximately 1000 acres and is loaded with deer, turkey, feral hogs, quail, dove, coyotes and bobcats. The ranch is located approximately 40 miles southwest of San Antonio near the small town of Christine. In the previous 10+ years the ranch was leased by the same individual as he used it to cater to clientele for his business but things have gone bad with him and my Niece has decided to find someone else to lease the property for hunting. If you may be interested or want some more details please feel free to get in touch with me via PM and we'll go from there.
  5. DotShot

    Lease availability

    I am working on getting the information requested by all those who PM'd me. Keep in mind this is mainly geared to folks who can enter a long term year round hunting lease. That being said, if she cannot secure that type of lease i am trying to work with her to offer hog hunts on the ranch at a real decent price. So to all those who responded please be patient and i will answer each of you.
  6. DotShot

    Binocular Reviews

    I have 2 pair of Binoculars that I use for glassing, the first is a pair of Docter 15x60's the second are a pair of Swarovski SLC 15x56. They are both nice glass but to me the Docters are a bit better in MOST conditions. The Swaros are awesome in low light conditions where as the Docters not so much.
  7. DotShot

    which bow companys best

    PSE for me and basically it's only because that's what I started out with and have found no reason to switch. I don't buy into the hype or try to keep up with the latest and greatest. I shot my PSE Vengeance for 5 years and then just recently passed it on to my son when I bought a new Dreamseason EVO. Bottom line, it's the person behind the bow that ultimately determines the outcome of a shot, not the bow.
  8. DotShot

    Son's First Buck

    Long Read: Long about the first of the year I decided that this was the year to put my youngest son Dakota in for a chance at his first Big Game hunt. Being retired Military and having access to hunt down at Ft. Huachuca we decided that the November Jr. hunt would be his best bet. He and I filled out the application and sent it away, and settled in for the long wait. When the draw results came out and he found out he had been drawn he was so excited he could hardly contain himself. Now that we knew he had been drawn we set out to find a Hunters Safety Course for him to attend as he is under the age of 14 and not only a State requirement, but a requirement on Fort Huachuca. We found a Combo course being taught by Bob Bonko and his team down at the PSE factory in Tucson. Now as this was a Combo Course the students went through not on the Basics, but also went through Archery, Black powder, Pistols, and Rifles and took part in 2 separate Field Days . My thanks to Bob and his team for making the class enjoyable and taking the time to make sure the students got the information they needed to help them be the safest, most ethical hunters they could possibly be. Hunters Safety completed, we now set out on a search for the rifle he would be shooting. Dakota had never shot anything larger than a .22 so I decided to take him out and let him get comfortable with a NEF Handi Rifle in .223 that I had in the gun safe. At the range he was able to fire the rifle with great accuracy and I decided that the .223 was the one. Having made that choice I decided to research on what other Coues hunters though about using a .223, I did not like what I was reading and began to seriously reconsider the choice I had made. In talking with a friend of mine at work, he recounted how a friend of his taught his daughter to shoot a 30-06 using Managed Recoil ammunition and once she was comfortable with the rifle and confident in her ability to shoot and shoot accurately, her father replaced the Managed Recoil ammo with standard factory loads and while she was shooting at he first Buck she never knew the difference. That was my Plan! We loaded up the family and a close friend one Saturday and headed out to our favorite shooting place and were confident that Dakota could handle the 30-06 and made sure that through our discussion we were mentally shoring him up for the task at hand. At the range I zeroed the rifle at 50 yards, then moved out to 100 and let Dakota have a go. Much to my surprise, all of his shot were consistently in the black area of the target, grouped tight enough that we both felt confident that he could accurately take a deer out to 200 yards. I then secretly fired a few factory rounds and adjusted the zero for the factory rounds. While at the range I noticed that Dakota had some trouble steadying the rifle and looked into some different options and finally purchased a TriClawps gun clamp to let Dakota use in hopes that it would allow him to steady the rifle a bit more. In the weeks leading up to Dakotas hunt I spoke in length with a good friend about my best options down at Fort Huachuca in regards to areas to focus our attention to. He gave me his advice and also let me know that he would be down for the hunt as well as his youngest son also had the Junior hunt. In one of our many conversation I mentioned to him that if they came across a buck that his son did not want to shoot (his son had taken a few decent bucks in previous years) please keep us in mind and give us a call and we’d come and give it a try. We loaded up the trailer and waited for Grandpa to make the drive down to Tucson from Mesa. Once Grandpa had arrived we loaded ourselves in the truck and headed off. We arrived at Fort Huachuca early in the afternoon on the 10th and got ourselves situated. Once the trailer was all set up we headed out to the area we intended on hunting on opening day to do a little glassing . While we were out we spotted 7 does and 2 fawns but no bucks. We returned to the trailer at dark and had a nice bowl of Beef Stew for dinner, then enjoyed to stories of deer hunts passed in hopes of keeping Dakota excited about the task at hand. The Alarm went off at 0500 opening morning and we stumbled out of the beds and got ourselves dressed. I cooked up a Bacon, Egg, and cheese English Muffin and then started getting all the gear together and into the truck. At about 6 a.m. we jumped in the truck and set off on the short drive to the area we had chosen to hunt. Much to our disappointment there was already a vehicle parked in the spot we had chosen so we backed out and moved a good distance away so as not to encroach on the other hunters. As the sun rose I was able to glass up a few does at the top of a hill approximately 600 yards away and even as hard as I tried, I couldn’t put any horns on any of them. We glassed a little while longer and decided to make a change in location. We headed for the new spot only to find it closed to hunting. After a brief discussion, we formulated a plan and set off. We drove up a not to well traveled road that put us on a ridgeline that allowed us to glass some really good terrain. We had settled in to glass for a bit and while glassing my father hollers at me telling me my phone is ringing. I scurry up to the truck and see the missed call from the friend who was also hunting with his son. I called him back and he informed me that his wife had glassed up a nice little 2x2 that hadn’t moved in 30 minutes and that if Dakota wanted he could come over and we’d work out a plan to close the distance to a manageable shot. We managed to make our way over to his my friends glassing spot and as luck would have it the deer had bedded down. The deer was about 650 yards away bedded down amongst a bunch of Yucca plants. We decided that we could cut the distance to about 300 yards but no more. Dakota, myself, and my dad set off to the point we had picked as our shooting point hoping that the deer would not rise from his bed and depart before we had a chance to get set up. Once at the designated spot we got settled in for a the wait. Shortly after getting set I got a call from my friend letting me know that another 2 point and a doe were making their way down the ridgeline and might give us a better shot. I glassed where he said the deer were coming from and quickly picked up the Buck but he gave us only a glimpse before he disappeared behind a juniper tree from which he never emerged. As we continued the wait we decided we could move a little farther forward without spooking the bedded buck and this would give us about a 240 yard shot. Once in our new spot I quickly got Dakotas gun into the TriClawps and got him in a good sitting position behind the rifle. For the next 2 hours we went over the scenario so many times that my son was getting quite angry with me but I needed to make sure he knew exactly what needed to be done once the buck arose from his bed. Another 1.5 hours passed with us waiting patiently for the deer to stand, during which I never left my binos for more than a few seconds in fear of missing the opportunity for a shot. At about 11:33 a.m I took my eyes out of the binos to look to my right to make sure there were no deer milling around and when I returned to the binos the deer was standing looking over his left should at us! I quicly informed Dakota that the buck was up and he needed to get on him. Within a matter of seconds he was on the buck and then told me, “ Dad, I have him, crosshairs behind the shoulder right?” I replied “yes, and when you have them on him go ahead a squeeze the trigger”. I had n sooner finished my statement when his rifle went off. I could see through the binos that the deer hunched considerably at which time I told Dakota “You hit him!” Dakota excitedly said, “I got him?” I told him he had and when I went back to the binos the deer was nowhere to be found. My phone rang shortly after the shot with my friend telling me to have my son shoot again as the buck was standing not moving. I couldn’t see the buck at all so we had no chance at a second shot. While on the phone my friend stated that the buck had bedded back down but he was certain the buck had been hit hard. We waited A few minutes then packed up our gear and started to make our way over to the last place we had seen the deer. As we made our way over I made certain that Dakota was ready to make another shot should the buck try and bolt from the area he had bedded back down. We walked right to the spot where the buck had been standing, no deer and no blood! My phone rang once again with my friend asking if we had found the deer, to which I replied that we had not, He then had us walk to our right about 20 feet and there he was! The shot had went in just behind the rib cage on the left side, traveled at an angle across and stopped just under the skin center on his right shoulder. At this point it really hit Dakota that he had succeeded in taking his first deer and I could see he was literally shaking with excitement. We packed the deer out then headed over to the Sportsman’s center to check the deer in as it is a requirement on Fort Huachuca to do so. The deer field dressed at 86lbs and looked to be about 2 ½ years old. We skinned the deer and placed him in the game bag ready for the trip back to Tucson. I can say that I don’t believe there is anything in the world quite like watching you child take his or her first deer, and its this feeling that keeps me doing it. I have always stated that if there came a time that I did not get excited about taking an animal then it was time for me to hang it up. As for my son, there is no doubt that he is hooked for life.
  9. DotShot

    Springfield XD 9mm

    Still for sale?
  10. DotShot

    Meat Processor - Williams/Flag area

    I'v taken my last 6 elk to Casey's and will continue to do so. The place is clean, the staff is polite and they do an outstanding job. I've used others in the area and they just cannot compete.
  11. DotShot

    7 Pin Sights

    Spot Hogg SDP is what I use and I love it, very accurate and VERY bright.
  12. DotShot

    What broadhead do you use?

    I decided to try something different this year and picked an expandable broadhead that i had read good things about, the G5 T3. Last Friday was opening day of my antlerless elk hunt and it found me on my favorite trail that i know elk use religiously. Shortly after daybreak i had 2 cows headed up the trail and they found it in their hearts to stop by a tree i had just ranged at 42 yards. I already had the T3 knocked in my 2011 Dreamseason EVO so i commenced with my ritual of drawing, counting out the right pin, calming myself and then finally the shot, i knew the shot was good so i settled in for a wait. After a good wait i started out to find my prize only to find that there was a lack of blood! did i miss? i knew i had not. As the area i was hunting had been drenched with rain over the last few days it made it easy to find freshly overturned ground and i followed the tracks for about 200 yards only finding tiny drops of blood. After loosing fresh tracks in a grassy bottom i stumbled upon my arrow only to find that 1 blade had deployed while the other 2 remained secured by the spider clip. I quickly noticed blood on all 3 vanes and new i had a complete pass through. I mulled around where i had lost the tracks and looked a bit harder and managed to find where she had done a slight direction change. I continued to follow the tracks and came to a point at which she crossed a well used road and found some blood and a chunk of intestine. I continued to follow the tracks and 1/2 mile later found my elk. She was quartering toward me, left to right when i took the shot, my arrow entered right behind he right shoulder where the crease ends and traveled completely through both lungs, and exited just in front of her left hip. Had i not made a well placed shot she would have lived to tell the tale. I can say with all certainty, i will never shoot another mechanical broadhead, instead i will opt for old reliable.... Muzzy 100gr.
  13. DotShot

    Draw Results post here

    December Fort Huachuca tags for me and my oldest son and a November Jr. hunt at Fort Huachuca for my youngest (11 years old & first ever tag for him). Draw Gods smiled graciously on us this year.
  14. DotShot

    New Bow

    Well I finally got a chance to go out and sight the new bow in and all I can say is WOW! I zeroed the 20 yard pin and found minimal difference from 20 to 30 yards so the first pin is 0-30,keep in mind I have a Spott Hogg SDP and have not adjusted the pins at all. I moved to the 2nd pin and tried 40 yards, dead on, 3rd pin at 50 also dead on, 60 was the same, 70 ditto, and even 80 was dead on! I am so impressed with this set-up it is unreal. Way to go PSE!
  15. DotShot

    WTB an SKS

    Looking to buy an SKS if anyone has one for sale. PM me with info. Thanks!
  16. DotShot

    Just some info

    So i did the deed and purchased a 2011 PSE Dream-season EVO. I had intended for them to take the QAD Ultra Rest Pro HD from my old bow and put it on my new one. Word of caution, if you plan on doing this please contact QAD Inc. and have them send you a spacer and longer mounting screw (free of charge) or you wont be able to use it. This make of rest will hit the cable guide on newer PSE bows. The new set-up is this: 2011 PSE Dream-Season EVO 29" 70# Meta Peep 3/16" peep sight QAD Ultra Rest Pro HD PSE Eclipse 2 piece, 6 arrow quiver PSE Vibracheck Omega stabilizer Spott Hogg SDP w/hogg wraps
  17. DotShot

    Just some info

    Well I shoot PSE Radial X-Weave 300's 29" with 100gr heads insert is probably another 10-15 gr, and the fletching and nock are probably 10 gr, so looking at an arrow weight somewhere around 380-390 gr.
  18. DotShot

    Just some info

    Out of town on Business until Friday, I'll post some pics when i get home. As far as speed goes, i would venture to guess somewhere in the 315-320 range. They tout it at 345 so we'll see what happens. Chrono'd the new bow today at 313 fps, not to shabby!
  19. DotShot

    New Bow

    Well I finally got the QAD Ultra-Rest put on and all is set up and have even shot the bow quite a bit but now i have a dilemma. As i have been told, if you sight this bow in an inch high at 10 yards you will be 2 inches low at 40, what do i do with the other 6 pins? I am contemplating going to a single pin sight, any shooters out there using them?
  20. Has/Does anyone used/use these broadheads, and if so what is your take on them? They look pretty wicked and have sparked my curiosity but I just have a hard time convincing myself to try something new let alone an expandable. Any input would be appreciated.
  21. DotShot

    New Bow

    I bought this same bow about a month ago and haven't had a chance to shoot it since i brought it home from PSE. Here is a pic of my setup. I tried to go with my old QAD drop-away but just couldn't get the clearance i needed so i just went to the ever reliable whisker biscuit!
  22. DotShot

    Boradhead Question

    Well after much research and reading through countless reviews i have decided to go with a mixed bag in the quiver this year. I am going to go against my better judgement and try an expandable, the G5 T3 100gr. I will also have a couple of G5 Montec 100gr as well as the ever reliable Muzzy 3 blade 100gr. I will be sure and post my personal reviews of the 2 G5 heads as well as photos if i should connect during my Sept elk hunt. As with most gear, no matter what someone else tells you it all comes down to personal preference and you will never know what you like unless you try it out for yourself.
  23. DotShot

    Boradhead Question

    I have always used fixed blades, specifically the Muzzy 3 blade 100gr and have absolutely no complaints aside from not being able to use field tips to sight in. That being said, i am interested in trying a good expandable just to see how they fare.
  24. DotShot

    Just some info

    Out of town on Business until Friday, I'll post some pics when i get home. As far as speed goes, i would venture to guess somewhere in the 315-320 range. They tout it at 345 so we'll see what happens.
  25. DotShot

    lets pretend

    Well, I went to the PSE warehouse on Friday and shot the new Dreamseason EVO 70# limbs and i will be going back next week to purchase one and have it set up with the following: QAD Ultra-Rest Pro HD (Carry over) Spott Hogg SDP with Hogg Wraps (New) PSE Radial X-Weave 300 (Carry overs) Quiver (Not sure if i will keep my current PSE 2-piece 8 arrow) G5 Meta Peep 3/16" peep sight Stabilizer (Not sure)