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Everything posted by DotShot

  1. DotShot

    Barnes 300 Win Mag 165gr TTSX ***SOLD***

    I'd rather not have to travel all over selling a box here and a box there, i'd really like to just sell the whole lot at one time.
  2. DotShot

    swarovski 15x56 leica 1600 rangfinder

    Is the rangefinder the CRF-1600 or 1600B?
  3. Looking for an FFL Dealer or individual who i could have a rifle i want to purchase shipped to. I'm in Tucson and would like to purchase the rifle ASAP. Any helpful info would be greatly appreciated!
  4. DotShot

    Brown Canyon (36c) Off limits?

    Only portions had been closed, once you went through the 2nd gate/cattle guard it has always been closed to hunting. i'm referring from the point at which you turn onto Brown Canyon road up to that 2nd gate/cattle guard
  5. I was headed down to the Brown Canyon area on Sunday to do some calling and stopped at the chevron there at the 86/286 Junction. Got to talking to a guy who told me that the Area from Las Delicias down to just south of Brown Canyon was now off limits to hunting and had been taken over as a bird sanctuary. Anyone have any legitimate confirmation regarding this or is it just BS?
  6. DotShot

    Chevy 8 Lug Factory rims

    I have 4 factory take-off rims from my 09 Silverado 2500HD. These are 8 lug 17" stock rims and are taking up space in my garage. $250 OBO for the 4.
  7. DotShot

    Docter Nobilem 15x60

    I've had the same guy service my Docter 15x60's and he does good work at a great price!
  8. DotShot

    Verizon iPhone 5 ***SOLD***

    Phone has been sold
  9. DotShot


    What are you asking as far as price/trade?
  10. If you can get a Verizon iPhone 4 at retail price for $50-$60 have at it.
  11. DotShot


    So today is the first day of the Arizona Badger season and, while out on a desert drive, we came across this big boar. I must say, they are some nasty smelling critters. This is the 5th Badger we've taken in this general area. Seems to be a decent population you just have to look hard!
  12. DotShot

    Muzzle Brake & Gunsmith

    I had a brake installed on my 300 Win mag, done by Harry Lawson. One thing i was impressed by is the fact that he noticed i wear hearing aids (20 years in the military killed my hearing) he ported the brake to push the noise forward and away. It is absolutely awesome and I'm always impressed by anyone who takes enough notice of their customers in order to make sure they are as happy as they can be.
  13. DotShot

    Feedback for TSX &. TTSX

    Our family shoots TTSX or TSX exclusively out of a .308, 30-06, 300WSM, and a 300WM. Nothing we've shot has gone any further than 30 yards. The bullets are just plain deadly and I'll shoot them as long as they exist.
  14. DotShot

    WTS - WTT Springfield XD9 Sub-Compact w/ammo

    Pistol is sold pending funds.
  15. I have Springfield Armory XD9 Sub-Compact with about 900 rounds of ammo i'm considering selling. The pistol probably has less than 200 rounds down the tube and comes with all the original accessories (Holster, Case, Speed Loaded, 2 13rd Mags, & one Mag with the magazine extension, plus another 2 13 round magazines with the dual magazine belt holder. I also have a Blackhawk paddle holster along with the original holster it came with. Would prefer to sell it all as a package deal and not sell the ammo separately. I'm thinking $650 for the complete package. I will provide pictures only to serious inquiries. The ammo is mixed between PMC and Winchester. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks in advance! Will sell ammo separately provided i sell the pistol first, pistol alone i'd like $400 (previous $450) for. Reasonable offers will be considered. PM me if interested. Would consider a trade for a quality rifle scope of equal value.
  16. Looking for a non-polymer complete AR lower for the spare Bushmaster upper I have. If you've got one you're wanting to get rid of let me know. Thanks in advance.
  17. For those of you involved with the hunt date/hunt number error at Fort Huachuca, if you not been contacted by Game & Fish you need to contact Kathy Ford at the Game & Fish Department. Kathy is the person working the issue trying to get in contact with all those affected my the error. her number is Phone: 623-236-7550 or email kford@azgfd.gov Please contact her ASAP so the issue can get resolved!
  18. I'm right handed and due to the fact that i am left eye dominant i have always shot bolt rifles left handed. The problem with this is the fact that stocks on right handed guns have always felt awkward. I recently found out that out you could get thumbhole stocks for right handed rifles with the thumbhole placed for lefties. I ordered one from Boyds Gun Stocks and put it on my 300 Win Mag, and gentlemen (and Ladies) i am in heaven! I can should ambidextrous but am far more accurate shooting lefty. One thing about me (lefty) shooting a right handed bolt gun, is that it forces you to make the first shot count. I added a few pics just for the heck of it.
  19. DotShot


    Definitely a .22, wanted to preserve as much of him as we could.
  20. DotShot

    Leica Rangemaster 1600

    I Have the 1600-B and i absolutely love it. I've lased well beyond 1600 yards and the angle compensation is a great feature, not to mention it's compact size. You definitely cant go wrong with this rangefinder.