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Everything posted by SouthernCouesHunter

  1. I have seen a lot of people posting mounts that they have had done, so I figured that I would post mine. 2004 November Rifle Deer (1st Arizona Deer) 2007 Archery Deer (1st Archery Deer) 2009 Archery Deer This is my wife's 1st attempt at taxidermy. I think it is actually pretty good for her first time The taxidermist does it out of his house as a way to supplement his hunting funds and has a really good turn around. I took him my 2009 deer in March and got it back this past weekend.
  2. SouthernCouesHunter

    Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport Rangefinder

    No. This model doesn't contain the ARC function. However it is still a very good rangefinder for any archer.
  3. SouthernCouesHunter

    Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport Rangefinder

    FOR SALE!!!!!!! One Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport Rangefinder $85.00 shipped
  4. SouthernCouesHunter

    Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport Rangefinder

    5-800 Yards
  5. SouthernCouesHunter

    Trail Cameras

    I have several Moultrie cameras that I would be willing to sell pretty cheap. If you are interested PM me.
  6. SouthernCouesHunter

    Need Your Honest Opinions

    I am having trouble deciding which bow to get. I have narrowed down my choices to 2 bows (1) Mathews Reezen 6.5 (2) PSE Bow Madness. Both bows shoot extremely well and are very fast. If money was not a deciding factor, which of the 2 would you buy and why? Thanks......... p.s. I currently shoot a Mathews SQ2 but I feel it is time to upgrade.
  7. SouthernCouesHunter

    New DLC Trail Camera

    Has anyone heard when DLC is going to release their new cheaper camera? I can't find anything on the DLC site that mentions a new camera coming out.
  8. SouthernCouesHunter

    Need Your Honest Opinions

    Okay.......So I went and shot both Bows that I was originally looking at. The Bow Madness was much more comfortable in my hand than the Reezen and was really a very smooth drawing/shooting bow in comparison to the Mathews Reezen. Then I decided to look at the X-Force GX and was amazed at how much faster it seemed. It had the same smooth draw, the same sweet release, but more speed. The only main difference that I see between the Bow Madness and the X-Force GX is that one is Single Cam and the Other is Dual Cam. What are your opinions on Dual Cam vs. Single Cam bows?
  9. SouthernCouesHunter

    Need Your Honest Opinions

    acharenio - NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PSE or Mathews
  10. SouthernCouesHunter

    Thieves suck!!!

    I would have to agree with Huntaholic. A few years ago I had a ladder stand ripped out of a tree. I was sitting another stand and saw the 3 people do it. I followed them out to the main road, took pictures of all three of them, and called the cops, however the two girls would not give up the guy who destroyed my stand. Turned out that they were from Australia and skipped town and the cops didn't have any records on the guy. I was pissed. My situation was a little different, but if you can find out who the guy is now it might help in retrieving your camera. If you wait, you may never know. My $.02 P.S. Post them up
  11. SouthernCouesHunter

    Need Your Honest Opinions

    I have shot both bows and like the way both shoot. My main concern is forgiveness. Several years ago (before my SQ2) I owned a Bowtech Blackhawk. I loved the way it shot and thought it was the bow for me. However when I got it out in the field and started hunting with it, I found that it was not forgiving (buck fever) at distances over 40 yards. Shooting at a target under no pressure I had 2" groups, but under pressure I missed 9 straight shots. Figured out that the 28" axle-to-axle ratio was very unforgiving for me so I traded it in on the SQ2. I have had much better results with it (2 for 2 with this years shot being 60 yards). So with all of that said...... Which bow would be more forgiving? PSE Bow Madness or Mathews Reezen 6.5
  12. SouthernCouesHunter

    WANTED: treestand

    I have a climber that I am wanting to get rid of. It is about 7 years old, but has never been in a tree. Ended up being way to heavy to pack in 2.5 miles every morning.
  13. SouthernCouesHunter

    New DLC Trail Camera

    I ended up getting the Covert I Double Pack from my wife for my birthday. They haven't arrived yet, but I am very excited to get them out in the field and see what I can get on them. I have, in years past, been using 4 Moultrie cameras but the battery life is usually less than two weeks. It will be nice to have a camera take pictures for an extended period of time.
  14. SouthernCouesHunter

    Easton Bowhunting TV

    It was an awesome show that shows just how hard it is to bow hunt Coues deer in Arizona. I especially like the line where he joked and said "And next week we are hunting high fence Coues with a rifle". Great show
  15. SouthernCouesHunter

    Need Help deciding on a tripod

    Hi all, I have come to the conclusion that I need to get a tripod. I have been looking at 2 tripods that are available through the CW store. I was wondering if any of you that have experience with these could provide your input as to which one is more convenient....etc... I was also wondering if someone could shed some light on what the best type of head would be. I currently have Burris Signature Series 12X50's and will be glassing with those until such a time that I can afford another set of optics. Any help would be appreciated!!!!!! Velbon Sherpa 600RA SLIK Sprint PRO Tripod
  16. SouthernCouesHunter

    Time for a new bow

    Has anyone shot the Matthews Monster or Monster XLR8? If so, how does it compare to the X-Force? They appear to be very similar in design and I have shot the X-Force but have a problem with the thin grip. Any thoughts or opinions?
  17. SouthernCouesHunter

    off road sticker

    Then why did they highlight "Upper Right Corner" if they want it on the "Upper Left Corner"
  18. SouthernCouesHunter

    Tagged a nice buck

    4:00 rolled around way to early after spending most of the night up working from home. At 5:00 made my way to the hunting spot to meet up with coocoo4coues and Coues Archer. Arriving at 5:30, we formulated our plan of attack and headed to our area. We were set and ready at 6:15 waiting for enough light to start glassing. As soon as it was light enough to glass, we spotted a nice buck to our north and another to the south. A little while later we spotted another buck about 250 yards in front of us. Coues Archer pulled out the rattlin' horns and began to rattle. Between the rattlin' and the Modern Call Coues Deer Call, the deer was on a straight path to us. He was a decent size deer, but not exactly the quality that I was looking for, so Coues Archer was the chosen archer to attempt to bag this fast approaching deer. The deer approached to 32 yards until he came to a screeching halt. Coues Archer let one fly that ended up sailing over the deer. We watched the deer move off to the south of us and head out of sight. A few minutes later we spot another buck traveling with a doe and heading slightly away from us, so Coues Archer lets out a few more rattles and grunts and the doe turns and begins to head our way quickly. When the doe got to within 20 yards, she began to be very cautious and stare at us as she made her way by us. At that point we were unable to draw on the buck (30 yards) for fear that we would be busted and both would bolt. We waited until the doe was clear, but something must have caught her attention when we attempted to draw on the buck. She blew and the buck turned. He trotted off about 50 more yards then turned and made his way back to follow the doe. As he approached, we all came to full draw. At this point the deer was 60 yards away and didn't look like he was going to come in any closer. I waited for coocoo4coues and Coues Archer to shoot, but when I realized that they hadn't shot, I didn't want to let this buck get away. I hit the release and a brief second later heard every archery hunters favorite sound. THWACK!!!!!!!!! We watched the deer move off in front of us and walk about 400 yards. He wasn't moving very fast, but he also wasn't looking as if he was hit very well. We watched him walk into a clump of tall grass then lost sight of him. We glassed for several more minutes waiting to see if he would come out the other side, but never saw him exit. At that point, we figured that we would edge our way up and see if we could find the arrow and see if it was coated in good blood or gut blood. When we found the arrow, it had sunk in about 16 inches and the blood was bright red. We looked around for more blood and marked the starting point. At that moment we picked up another buck moving across toward us and figured it might be another opertunity for a good shot. Grunting the deer into about 50 yards, coocoo4coues let one fly. May have been an awesome shot if it weren't for the grass deflecting the arrow. We watched as the deer ran away from us. Kept an eye on him for several minutes and noticed that he was circling back around our way. We made our way closer to him and began grunting again. Again this deer made his way to within range. This time coocoo4coues shoots over the deers back. All of us thought that he was 50 yards away, but turned out that he was only 35 yards or so. After watching the deer high tail it out of our sight, we glass around to see if there are any other bucks within calling distance. When we see that there isn't, we decide to go back to where we marked the blood trail and decided to follow it. We follow a wonderful blood trail all the way to where we last saw the buck go into the tall grass. With the amount of blood that was on the blood trail and the time that had passed since I shot the buck (hour and 40 minutes), we thought for sure that the buck had bedded down in the tall grass and expired. We eased our way into the tall grass, still following a pronounced blood trail. What happened next was every archers worst fear. The buck jumped up from where he was bedded and darted through the tall grass. At that moment my heart sank. Coocoo4coues sprinted to the highest point to watch for the deer coming out of the tall grass. After several minutes no deer had shown itself. At that point, we decided to leave the deer until we could get more help, which was already on its way. We waited around 40 minutes for my wife and my best friend and his wife to show up to help. After explaining where we had last seen the deer and explaining that we never saw him come out of the grass, we formulated a plan. We left one person at the highest point that we could so that person could glass anything that came out of the tall grass. Two people went around to the front of the patch and the others of us went back in to follow the blood trail. When we returned to the place that we had kicked him up, we followed the blood trail about 20 more yards and another deer bolted out of the grass. At that point I was cursing at myself and felt really really bad. Until I heard the spotter yell out that it was a doe and not the buck that I was after. We continued on the blood trail for another 30 or so yards and there he was curled up and expired. All and All he had gone about 60 more yards after we had kicked him up before he finally crashed. I was so relieved. Needless to say it was an awesome hunt. In all we saw 9 bucks that morning and took 4 shots at 3 different bucks. I would like to say thank you to Coues Archer for calling them in and to coocoo4coues and my best friend and his wife for helping me track him down and pack him out. Here are some pictures............. Coues Archer, myself, and coocoo4coues Late addition after approval to put a picture of him on here. My best friend and myself
  19. SouthernCouesHunter

    Tagged a nice buck

    Thanks for all the posts and great responses. I really feel blessed with the opportunties that I have had. I know that many hunters go long stretches without having a buck within bow range, but to have 3 bucks in one day is definitely a dream hunt. willhunt4coues, You can pick them up on-line at http://www.moderncallproducts.com
  20. SouthernCouesHunter

    Christmas Muley

    Should have been hunting the "Grey Ghost" with me instead of shooting that poor little Muley. What did he ever do to you? Just kidding......Great Job CooCoo!!!!! Now man up and get serious about our Coues Hunting in January!!!!!
  21. SouthernCouesHunter

    DLC Covert II

    Anyone have any complaints/concerns about any of the DLC Cameras? What are the good features? What features do you wish they had? Thanks
  22. SouthernCouesHunter

    34A Buck

    Nice Buck
  23. SouthernCouesHunter

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    I am going to guess 8150.
  24. SouthernCouesHunter

    ScoutGuard rocks!

    New topic has been started at http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...showtopic=11650
  25. SouthernCouesHunter

    ScoutGuard rocks!

    Thanks for the reply. The reason I am asking is because I am very interested in finding something to replace my huge Moultrie cameras. I have one D-40 which has turned out to be the best option I have. It is programmable to do the burst and it will run for about 60-days on 8 D size batteries. It is a 2.5 mile walk to where my cameras are and carrying a massive amount of D size batteries is insane. Also I was looking for a smaller alternative. The only fear that I have is that hanging a $250 camera on public land might not be a good idea, but if they are small I could definitely be hidden well (unlike the Moultrie). Have the security boxes come in for the Covert IIs?