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About SouthernCouesHunter

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/22/1975

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  • Location
    Sierra Vista, AZ

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  1. SouthernCouesHunter


    rem300ultra, Here are the images you requested. I started them and took a picture of them with the lights on while it was idleing.
  2. SouthernCouesHunter


    rem300ultra, What are you looking to spend on 2 used EU2000 with parallel connector cable?
  3. SouthernCouesHunter

    bow hunting dilema

    James, don't give up on the Sierra Vista area. There are quite a few bucks around it may just take some serious scouting to find there location. They are there and can be found, but it does take significant amounts of scouting to find them.
  4. SouthernCouesHunter

    Coues Buck Contest

    ^This. Missed the same deer two weekends in a row. Bow ended up blowing up on me and wasn't able to get back out for the closing weekend to get another shot.
  5. SouthernCouesHunter

    Guess the score contest - April 2011

    127 3/8"
  6. SouthernCouesHunter

    2011 Draw Results

    2 Rejected Apps and a NOT DRAWN for my kids
  7. SouthernCouesHunter

    Covert Trail Camera Sale

    Will you be carrying all of the new models that are coming out for 2011?
  8. SouthernCouesHunter

    XH-A1 canon campbells camera package

    Is the mic one that was purchase with the package or was it purchased separately? thanks
  9. SouthernCouesHunter

    Wildlife Conservation License Plate

    Plan on getting one of those on my new truck as soon as the plates come in. They are good looking
  10. SouthernCouesHunter

    Guess the Lion Weight Contest

  11. SouthernCouesHunter

    New Guess the Score contest

    Just missed
  12. SouthernCouesHunter

    New Guess the Score contest

    98 3/8"
  13. SouthernCouesHunter

    Guess a Double! - WINNERS POSTED

    197 3/8"
  14. SouthernCouesHunter

    chiggers in az?

    They are here in Southern Arizona also. Wife and I both got chewed up this past weekend. Counted over 100 bites on the wife and 30 or so on myself. I'm hoping it doesn't deter her from going out again.
  15. SouthernCouesHunter

    Guess the Score Contest - set of Sheds!

    Thank you for running these contests. Can't wait to get my "Grong Orange Shed Recovery Team" Shirt. Hopefully I can get out and find a good set to have as the next "Guess the Score Contest"