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Everything posted by singleshot

  1. singleshot

    Lost a good friend

    Had a friend and a niece both give up on making it to the next day. Been a few years and we still can't wrap our heads around it. Sorry that happened.
  2. singleshot

    Max point number for each species?

    The guy with 29 javelina points is the guy pushing for the combining of the points
  3. singleshot

    Carrying Rifle w/Chambered Round?

    When hunting alone with a bolt gun I carry my rifle with one in the chamber. But ... I close the bolt with the trigger pulled so that the rifle is not cocked. Lift the bolt and close it and i'm good to go. My biggest peeve is making sure everyone unloads their rifle before we actually walk up to the truck, or away from the truck. Most firearms accidents happen at the vehicle. I insist the same thing around camp. Pissed a few guys off.
  4. singleshot

    Who am I?

    Snapped a picture of this written on a box of tile in Home Depot in Safford a few years back. Made my skin crawl.
  5. singleshot

    My last Youth hunt

    Nice! If It's any comfort they will still want to go with you, want you to apply them for all the hunts, buy licenses, tags. Make all the sandwiches, get the gear ready, make sure the rifles are still sighted in. Yeah they will go. It's all good though.
  6. singleshot

    WTB FJ Cruiser

    Sent you a PM on a really clean low miles FJ
  7. Elton Bingham was born on February 19, 1904 in Milton Wisconsin. The son of hard working dairy and hog farmers, he grew up with a love of the land and the soil and the bounties that it could provide. Today it would be hard to imagine but until the late 1960's very few deer could be found in that part of the state and as a boy and into his adult life he always cherished the annual trips to deer camp in northern Wisconsin. When old enough my father accompanied him and I grew up listening to the stories of deer camp. kangaroo court was held each evening and punishment was dealt out accordingly. If you missed a doe the tail of your hunting shirt was cut off, a buck and you lost a sleeve. Bad shots, forgetting your knife and a myriad of other events were also punishable offenses and it was not uncommon for some participants to be wearing only a collar by the end of the hunt. Elton Bingham carried a model 14, .30 Remington pump gun that he traded farm work for in 1920. Basically a rimless 30-30 that was Remington's answer to the lever guns so common of that time period. In Elton's hands it was the nemesis of many, many deer in the Wisconsin woods. I remember as a grade schooler getting to shoot it once at a fence post with a corn field back drop, admiring the spiral magazine and thinking it was the coolest thing in the world. Eventually it made it's way to Arizona when my father brought it back after a visit. At 9500 feet the air was thin and I stopped on the incline to catch my breath and look for awhile. I thought of my Grandpa rushing into the barn and driving out the cows and horse teams as they succumbed to silo gas. He suffered severe lung damage but men were men and to lose the farm was unacceptable, to claim bankruptcy would be worse. Looking down at his rifle and the worn bluing at it's balance point and knowing that because of him my hands were now where his had been was almost surreal. In the thick aspens I knew that this was as close as I would ever come to hunting whitetails in a Wisconsin cranberry swamp. As close to my Grandpa as I had ever felt. Elton and Constance Bingham 1930
  8. singleshot

    Elton Bingham's Rifle

    Get your money back from “23 and me”. Never was a .410 shotgun in the house.
  9. singleshot

    Heads UP!! UPDATE $30K

    That guy needs a bullet to the head in a bad way. Blindsided and executed a working family man in a robbery. Could have been any of us.
  10. singleshot

    Heads UP!! UPDATE $30K

    Found this in Home Depot in Safford a couple years ago. Taunting us?
  11. singleshot

    Popcorn thread

  12. singleshot

    New 1/2 Ton - What would you pick?

    Had a 2008 with the 5.3, traded it in at 88,000 miles. Towed a 22 foot wide beam boat everywhere. Never had any issue with anything, ever.
  13. singleshot

    For Sale Winchester 1892 Copy El Tigre

    My brother and I bought one of these from "Levers" a few years back for my father. Its everything he says it is, fun too shoot, fifty yard can killer. He's probably shot 1000 rounds through it, heck I've shot at lest 100 through it, lots of fun. Cool old gun.
  14. singleshot

    Marlin 1894 carbine, 218Bee

    My dad has one in Winchester model 43. Few whitetails in deadman fell to it in the mid 60's. He thought it was the " cats meow " for coues after several one shot kills. A center shoulder shot and an all day track job sent him back to the 6.5x55. Seems like he was shooting 45 grain Sierra round nose bullets. Not many options for handloaders at the time.
  15. singleshot

    AZ Black Rattlesnake color change

    I have seen quite a few of these on the Graham mountains between 4000 and about 6000 feet. Average of maybe 3 feet. They have all been dark, and extremely aggressive compared to blacktails or diamondbacks, even Mojaves.
  16. singleshot

    Meet Clover

    What a great looking pup. My daughter got a Drahthaar pup before Christmas and every time I see it I think of your pics with Rica.
  17. singleshot


    Wellers in Tucson......amazing
  18. singleshot

    Injured hunter willing to sell his Mexico Gould's hunt

    Thanks for clarifying that, sheds new light...
  19. singleshot

    Injured hunter willing to sell his Mexico Gould's hunt

    Just a thought but how about the outfitter refund the injured mans hunt, and offer a discount to fill his spot? It's been truly inspiring to be a member of this site for 15 plus years and see time after time hunters reaching out to help one another. People we know nothing about, but offering everything from loaning out equipment to hunters who's gear that has been stolen, pack out help, tips into great hunting areas, retrieval of broken down equipment, you name it. Flip the tables!
  20. singleshot

    We lost a good one this weekend.

    Two years ago my sister in law looked out the kitchen window and saw my niece swinging from a tree. 17 years old, beautiful, intelligent girl. Just make it through one more day, one more day....
  21. singleshot

    Too Hot

    I recently worked up some loads for a Ruger American Rifle in .270. I found that the ogive on the 130 grain SST was jammed into the lands at the COL of 3.30 Max cartridge length is listed at 3.34 for a factory .270. I expected a little more freebore than that. I checked this against an older model 54 Winchester that I have using the same bullet and the length was 3.42 Maybe Ruger Americans are a little short chambered?
  22. singleshot

    Pronghorn Hits?

    Apparently more than 25. That was my brother and I's first choice and thats what we went into the draw with.
  23. singleshot

    WTB 25-06

    Buy that CZ 6.5x55 for sale on here. Little slower with 120 grain bullets than the 25-06, but it ends there. Better all around caliber and that CZ is beautiful.
  24. singleshot

    CZ550 American 6.5x55 SE

    Latest issue of American Rifleman had an interesting article about this. The swede has been around forever and is ballistically near identical. The author couldn't buy into the whole creed moor craze when realistically it's got nothing on the 6.5x55 except newness. In this platform, not a sporterized military issue, it's a great rifle and caliber.
  25. singleshot

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    When I bought my 2014 I wanted the leveling kit added with wheels and tires. Planned on running 35's. Our local dealer talked me out of it. Told me to drive it for awhile and then decide. I bought the truck from Lawley's in NM. Freedom Ford in Thatcher talked me out of the leveling kit. I plan on keeping it stock now. It cruises down the road and handles like a dream. I had a check engine light that I diagnosed with a handheld reader. Crankshaft position sensor. I took it to the dealer and they replaced it, another light, replaced the DEF heater, sensor etc. Turbo gauge would flake out while all this was going on, loss of power when under a heavy load. The mechanic told me that he knew the turbo was bad but they have to run all the diagnostics through Ford Inc. They are instructed what to change out and they start at the cheapest possible fix and work there way up, when said vehicle is still under warranty. So basically I got a bunch of new parts and the newer designed turbo which has better bearings. I found this in my oil drain pan when I serviced the truck right before the turbo failed somewhere around 23,000 miles. It appears to be aluminum shavings rolled up into strands about like a wire brush would have. I was hot, but the dealer told me they would honor the warranty to 100,000 and documented it. For the next couple thousand I ran the heck out of it hoping something would fail but it's been great. I cut the next two filters apart and all has been good since. I have about 44,000 on the truck now.